Din sökning på "*" gav 534601 sökträffar
The Pedagogical Academy – Assessment of Scholarship in Teaching and Learning
I väntan på asyl. Retorik och praktik i svensk flyktingpolitik.
Popular Abstract in Swedish I min forskning undersöker jag hur lagar och regler om asyl översätts till praktik i handläggningen av asylärenden i Sverige. Mina utgångspunkter är samhällets organisation av asylprövningen och strukturerna i denna organisation. I avhandlingen finns en redogörelse för ett enskilt fall. I detta fall finns en mängd av de olika problem som uppstår i asylärenden representeThe purpose of my research is to examine the translation of logos into praxis in the handling of asylum-cases in Sweden. My point of departure has been the manner in which society has organised the handling of asylum-cases and the structure of this organisation. My thesis contains an account of an individual case which is representative of a multitude of problems in the asylum case handling. Casew
Utmanad av ondskan : den svenska lärararkåren och nazismen 1933-1945
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Temperature measurements during impulse drying of paper
CSA och åldringsvårdsprojektet.
WPPSI-III. Manual, del 1. Svensk version.
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Ett märkesår i stadens historia
Historieskrivningen om Malmö 1914-2014
On the basis of historical representations in astrological as well as non-astrological sources, the article discusses the position and function of astrologers within Hinduism and in Indian society generally, with particular consideration of the changes arising from the introduction of Greek astrology during the former half of the first millennium, increasing Muslim dominance from late medieval tim
SLFs exkursion till Skåne 9-10 maj 2009
Unika bilder av Billie
Colonization processes of soil fauna and mycorrhizal fungi
Colonization consists of two parts, a dispersal phase followed by establishment and reproduction at a new site. Dispersal behaviour influences survival and the access to resources and mates of individuals and is thus closely linked to an organism's fitness. The dispersal ability of two collembolan species, Protaphorura armata and Folsomia fimentaria, was determined in a laboratory experiment. The
Synthesis Towards Biologically Active Natural Products
Popular Abstract in Swedish Moder natur har i tusentals år varit en fantastisk källa till biologiskt aktiva substanser mänskligheten utnyttjat för att bota och förebygga sjukdomar. Från början användes olika beredningar och avkok från växter funna i närområdet som erfarenheten visat hade effekt mot åkomman man ville behandla. Detta har i modern tid utvecklats till att vi idag på ett systematiskt sIn 2005 two research groups independently reported the isolation of a series of structurally intriguing C-19 terpenolides from the plants Thapsia transtagana and Thapsia garganica. The compounds were shown to be potent inhibitors of the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases. The interesting biological properties and the unique structural characteristics of the transtaganolides/basiliolides (the
Conveying the 'Right' Knowledge: Rhetorical Work with Families of the Deaf
Dilemmas in practice and professionalisation : a few pages to welcome a young colleague
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The coming water shortage in the Jordan River Basin - Finding objectivity in a subjective problem
Water distribution and availability in the Jordan region were studied. Self-sufficiency in water availability within the region is determined by the minimum amount of water used per person that is renewable. The objectives of the study were to identify the causes of water shortages and alternative use of water to prolong future supplies. According to our analysis, Israel and Jordan will overutilis