

Din sökning på "*" gav 531285 sökträffar

Sydasien nr1-2019 utskrift

Tuffa hållbarhetskrav i Indien Skola för ”funkisar” i Nepal Adoptioner från Sri Lanka under lupp Tuffa hållbarhetskrav i Indien Skola för ”funkisar” i Nepal Tidskrift om Indien, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan och Maldiverna #1 2019 Adoptioner från Sri Lanka under lupp Pris: 75 SEK Tidskrift och medlemsförening STÅENDE TEMA: MÄNSKLIGA RÄTTIGHETER STÅENDE TEMA: MÄNSKLIGA

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/sites/sasnet.lu.se/files/sydasien_nr1-2019_utskrift.pdf - 2025-03-20

Sydasien nr2 2018 lowres

Tidskriften åter i tryck STÅENDE TEMA: MÄNSKLIGA RÄTTIGHETER Sveriges afghanska flyktingkris Porträtt av kvinnor i Delhi Oron växer i Maldiverna Tidskrift om Indien, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan och Maldiverna #2 2018 Sydasien.se Sri Lankas ”rovdjur på pressfrihet” Pris: 75 SEK 2 3#2 2018 #2 2018 Utgivare: Tidskriftsföreningen SYDASIEN ISSN: 0282-0463 Redaktör: Johan

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/sites/sasnet.lu.se/files/sydasien_nr2_2018_lowres.pdf - 2025-03-20


workreport SASNET Work Report (Verksamhetsberättelse) 1 januari – 31 december 2015 Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) at Lund University (Nätverket för Sydasienstudier i Sverige) Box 114, 221 00 Lund http://www.sasnet.lu.se Administrativ rapport No. 16 Lund 29 Februari 2016 Sammanställd av: Anna Lindberg, föreståndare/koordinator Lars Eklund, bitr. föreståndare/forskningskommunikatör Inn

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/sites/sasnet.lu.se/files/workreport2015complete.pdf - 2025-03-20

Workshop challengessa posterv2

www.lu.se South Asia is the world’s most densely populated region and among the poorest, and the most illiterate regions of the world. In the meantime, India is seen on the rise with around 500 million registered Internet users which creates new opportunities for the media industry. During the day we will discuss various challenges to journalism and press freedom together with journalists and rese

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/sites/sasnet.lu.se/files/workshop_challengessa_posterv2.pdf - 2025-03-20

Instruction academic qualifications portfolio

Microsoft Word - mall_academic_qualifications_portfolio_180928.docx 1 Academic qualifications portfolio for Faculty of Science, Lund University For applications for teaching positions For applications for promotion For career development appraisals/planning appraisals/salary appraisals INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COMPILATION OF THE PORTFOLIO The documents are to be compiled according to the following ins

https://www.science.lu.se/sites/science.lu.se/files/instruction_academic_qualifications_portfolio.pdf - 2025-03-20

Jama prescott 2018 rv 170009

Enhancing Recovery From SepsisA Review Enhancing Recovery From Sepsis A Review Hallie C. Prescott, MD, MSc; Derek C. Angus, MD, MPH IMPORTANCE Survival from sepsis has improved in recent years, resulting in an increasing number of patients who have survived sepsis treatment. Current sepsis guidelines do not provide guidance on posthospital care or recovery. OBSERVATIONS Each year, more than 19 mil

https://www.sepsis.lu.se/sites/sepsis.lu.se/files/jama_prescott_2018_rv_170009.pdf - 2025-03-20

Thethirdinternationalconsensusdefinitions forsepsisandsepticshock singer jama2016

The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) Mervyn Singer, MD, FRCP; Clifford S. Deutschman, MD, MS; Christopher Warren Seymour, MD, MSc; Manu Shankar-Hari, MSc, MD, FFICM; Djillali Annane, MD, PhD; Michael B

https://www.sepsis.lu.se/sites/sepsis.lu.se/files/thethirdinternationalconsensusdefinitions_forsepsisandsepticshock_singer_jama2016.pdf - 2025-03-20

Andersson lisa - operationalizing dimensions of social investment policy profiles and their componen

1 Operationalizing dimensions of Social Investment: Policy profiles and their components Lisa Andersson Stockholm University Department of social work Introduction This article is essentially about social investment and how we can measure it. Part of the on- going discussion on the development of the welfare state and the direction of policies is the concept of social investment. The core of this

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/andersson_lisa_-_operationalizing_dimensions_of_social_investment_policy_profiles_and_their_components.pdf - 2025-03-20

Application for crediting and information

Department of Sociology Information concerning credit transfer from previous first and second cycle studies Background Pursuant to the Higher Education Ordinance, students registered on a study programme at Lund University (LU) with qualifications from previous studies have the possibility of applying for credit transfer from these studies. Higher Education Ordinance 1993:100 Chapter 6 Section 6 I

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/application_for_crediting_and_information.pdf - 2025-03-20

Asp sociologi 20190502

Postadress Box 114, 221 00 LUND Besöksadress Paradisgatan 5, hus G, LUND Telefon 046-222 00 00 Webbadress www.soc.lu.se Fakul te tss tyre lsen Allmän studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå i sociologi Allmän studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå i sociologi är fastställd av Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsstyrelsen 2019-05-02, dnr U 2019/64. Studier enligt denna allmänna studieplan kan leda ti

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/asp_sociologi_20190502.pdf - 2025-03-20


2013-11-28 Avtal om praktik (15/30 högskolepoäng) Uppgifter om student: Namn: Personnummer (10 siffror): E-postadress: Uppgifter om praktiken: Praktikplats: Praktikhandledare: E-postadress: Telefon: Praktikperiod och omfattning (15 alt 30 hp): Arbetsuppgifter: Undertecknad intygar att praktiken kommer att läggas upp så att kursplanens krav tillgodoses. Intyg, utredningsrapport och utvärderingsblan

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/avtal-om-praktik-handelsratt.pdf - 2025-03-20

Bilaga 1. avhandling pa gang och slutseminarium

Riktlinjer för Avhandling på gång och slutseminarium 2013-03-15 Målsättningen med seminarierna inom ramen för Avhandling på gång är att vara ett intellektuellt stimulerande forum för presentation av delar av avhandlingsarbetet under tiden som forskarstuderande. Avhandling på gång omfattar tre seminarier (idéseminarium, mittseminarium och slutseminarium). Enligt 2007 års studieplan skall doktorande

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/bilaga_1._avhandling_pa_gang_och_slutseminarium.docx - 2025-03-20

Bilaga 1. avhandling pa gang och slutseminarium

Microsoft Word - bilaga_1._avhandling_pa_gang_och_slutseminarium.docx Riktlinjer för Avhandling på gång och slutseminarium 2013-03-15 Målsättningen med seminarierna inom ramen för Avhandling på gång är att vara ett intellektuellt stimulerande forum för presentation av delar av avhandlingsarbetet under tiden som forskarstuderande. Avhandling på gång omfattar tre seminarier (idéseminarium, mittsemin

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/bilaga_1._avhandling_pa_gang_och_slutseminarium.pdf - 2025-03-20

Exploring analysis in qualitative research through monographs

Brevmall http://www.soc.lu.se D e p a r t m e n t o f S o c i o l o g y A. Reading course: Exploring Analysis in Qualitative Research through Monographs (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material, w

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/exploring_analysis_in_qualitative_research_through_monographs_.pdf - 2025-03-20

Forsman hilma et al - does poor school performance cause later psychosocial problem among children i

1 Does poor school performance cause later psychosocial problems among children in foster care? Evidence from longitudinal registry data Hilma Forsman 1 , Lars Brännström 1 , Bo Vinnerljung 1 , Anders Hjern 2 1 Department of Social Work, Stockholm University 2 Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm University/Karolinska institutet Corresponding author: Hilma Forsman Department of Soci

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/forsman_hilma_et_al_-_does_poor_school_performance_cause_later_psychosocial_problem_among_children_in_foster_care.pdf - 2025-03-20

Goffman conflict

Conflict Over Sociologist's Narrative Puts Spotlight on Ethnography - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education 2015-09-09 10:27Conflict Over Sociologist's Narrative Puts Spotlight on Ethnography - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education Sida 1 av 16http://chronicle.com/article/Conflict-Over-Sociologists/230883…paign=Issue%3A+2015-06-15+Higher+Ed+Education+Dive+Newsletter Research June 12,

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/goffman_conflict.pdf - 2025-03-20

Ikebe shannon - labor movements in sweden and britain 1969-1983

DRAFT – PLEASE DO NOT CITE OR CIRCULATE 1 Labor Movements in Sweden and Britain, 1969-1983 Shannon Ikebe “[a social revolution in advanced capitalist societies] would probably have to flow gradually, not cataclysmically, out of a long series of ‘non-reformist reforms’ accomplished by mass-based political movements struggling to democratize every major institution from the economy to the political

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/ikebe_shannon_-_labor_movements_in_sweden_and_britain_1969-1983.pdf - 2025-03-20


Microsoft Word - Interactionism[1].doc   http://www.soc.lu.se     Department  o f  Soc io logy     A. PhD Course in Interactionism (Modern theory 7,5 p) This course has been reviewed by the Director of graduate studies on DAY-MONTH-YEAR. B. Course Details, Assessment, Grades This course is offered by Carl-Göran Heidegren and/or David Wästerfors upon demand as a campus course on the readings listed

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/interactionism.pdf - 2025-03-20

Intern guide

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO BANGKOK Everything you need to know about interning in Bangkok CONTENTS The information in this guide is designed to provide helpful information to prospective interns in Bangkok. The listed recommendations are not affiliated with or endorsed by ReliefWeb and following these recommendations is left to your own discretion. Welcome to Bangkok Internships at ReliefWeb Visas Tran

https://www.soc.lu.se/sites/soc.lu.se/files/intern_guide.pdf - 2025-03-20