

Din sökning på "*" gav 537832 sökträffar

Graduation Project Concerts and Documentary Screening

17 May 2024 18:00 to 18 May 2024 18:00 | Concert We are thrilled to invite you to a special event celebrating the culmination of the journey of three of our students through the Folk and World Music Bachelor programme at Malmö Musikhögskolan, Sweden. Live Music PerformancesExperience the enchanting sounds of Arabic music and oriental favorites from Palestine and the Middle East performed on the ou

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/graduation-project-concerts-and-documentary-screening-folk-and-world-music - 2025-03-11

OPEN STUDIO: Prins Emanuel & Cucina Povera & Maja Li Härdelin / INTONAL 2024

25 April 2024 18:00 | Concert, Other In advance of their world premiere of a new SHAPE+ Platform-supported collaboration, the Swedish and Karelian-Luxembourgish musicians and the Swedish visual artist host an open studio. Visitors are welcome to drop-in on their informal rehearsal to preview the work in its final stages of completion, as well as stay for a chat directly with the artists about thei

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/open-studio-prins-emanuel-cucina-povera-maja-li-hardelin-intonal-2024 - 2025-03-11

Open lecture on game design / 1, 2, 3, Playtime workshop series

17 April 2024 09:00 to 10:30 | Lecture/talk, Seminar Photo: Pål Schakonat, Thom Kiraly The open lecture is all about diving into the heart of game design. The following workshop will explore the inner workings of game production and why it matters. Through a series of non-digital exercises, participants will get hands-on experience testing and understanding the fundamentals of game design. These a

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/open-lecture-game-design-1-2-3-playtime-workshop-series - 2025-03-11

In Flight – Jazzfestival

10 May 2024 19:00 to 12 May 2024 18:00 | Concert Graduation concerts with jazz students from the Malmö Academy of Music The jazz students graduating from the Malmö Academy of Music invite you to their graduation concerts – a festival full of music that runs throughout the weekend!Concert programme:Friday, 10 May 2024:at 19.00 - Gustav Sundquistat 20.30 - Eskil RoosSaturday, 11 May 2024:at 19.00 -

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/flight-jazzfestival - 2025-03-11

Suggest a purchase

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS If you are studying, researching or working at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, you are welcome to suggest a purchase if there is something you feel is missing at the library.First make sure that we do not have what you suggest by searching in our systems LUBcat and LUBsearch. More information on where to search can be found in our Libra

https://www.arts.lu.se/library/suggest-a-purchase - 2025-03-11

Research support

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS As a researcher at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, you can receive support and service from the library in your work in various ways, for example with registration in LUCRIS, how to make your publications available in Open Access and management of research data. Read more about registering in LUCRISRead more about Open AccessRead more a

https://www.arts.lu.se/library/research-support - 2025-03-11

Research Data Management

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Here you will find information on requirements, guidelines, data management plans, storage and accessibility of research data. What is research data? Research data is the collected material that form the basis for analysis in a project, regardless of the research area, and can consist of analogue or digital information. There is currently a disc

https://www.arts.lu.se/library/research-support/research-data-management - 2025-03-11

Open Access

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Open access (OA) is a way of publishing research in which authors provide free access to their publications online. The idea is that research should not disappear behind a paywall but be openly available to everyone. Open Access also increases the visibility and dissemination of research. Open Access at Lund UniversityLund University has an Open

https://www.arts.lu.se/library/research-support/open-access - 2025-03-11

Registering in LUCRIS

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS In LUCRIS (Lund University Current Reasearch Information System) you enter information about yourself as a researcher as well as your projects, publications and research activities. Information entered in LUCRIS becomes searchable in the Research Portal, which presents the entire university's research. It is also visible on your personal web pag

https://www.arts.lu.se/library/research-support/registering-in-lucris - 2025-03-11

Plastic Extension of Music – Workshop 23-24

2 May 2024 19:00 to 5 May 2024 16:00 | Concert, Exhibition Le geste et son double. Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete. Exhibition and Performance In November 2023, an open workshop for musicians conceived by Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete started with the aim of creating a Plastic Extension of Music. The workshop included two conferences about Plastic Extension of Music and Sound Art, an Object-Based-Learning

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/plastic-extension-music-workshop-23-24 - 2025-03-11

Take 3! Workshop on Streamed Classical Concerts

4 June 2024 10:00 to 15:00 | Other What can a concert experience become in the streaming era? How do we interact with virtual concerts, and in what space do we meet each other? Event Overview Join us for a very first try-out test within the Kalaudioscope/LUDICH (Lund University Digital Interactive Concert Hall) project, a collaborative effort between Lund University, Malmö Live Concert Hall/MSO, A

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/take-3-workshop-streamed-classical-concerts - 2025-03-11

Monika Czyżyk / ALMANACH presentation

7 May 2024 12:00 | Lecture/talk, Exhibition Mycelium Orgasm Report. Monika Czyżyk, Gabriel de la Cruz, Neil Luck, 2023. IASPIS residency Monika Czyżyk is a Polish visual artist based in Helsinki, Finland. Currently she is IASPIS artist in residence in Malmö. She works primarily with dirty media: moving images, VR within the context of experimental documentaries and socially engaged projects.In the

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/monika-czyzyk-almanach-presentation - 2025-03-11

Re-Presenting Complexity Through Critical Historical Play: undoing the past for sustainable futures with games, interactors, and ‘other’ art-full cultural expressions. Lissa Holloway-Attaway.

22 May 2024 10:00 | Lecture/talk Welcome to join us at IAC for this final lecture within the 1, 2, 3 Playtime project. Lissa Holloway-Attaway is Professor in Media Arts, Aesthetics, and Narration in the Division of Game Development within the School of Informatics at the University of Skövde. Duration: 10:00–10:45 (30min talk, 15min q/a)Games and other forms of  playful engagement with visitors ca

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/re-presenting-complexity-through-critical-historical-play-undoing-past-sustainable-futures-games - 2025-03-11

Shifting Spaces - Kandidatprogrammets examensutställning

3 May 2024 16:00 to 18 May 2024 16:00 | Exhibition Vi är stolta över att presentera våra framträdande kandidatstudenter i deras examensutställning SHIFTING SPACES. Utställningen presenterar verk av: Boda Zsófia, Hauge Í Gongini Djernis, Andrea Sitara Gran, Siri Hammarén, Solvej Heise Jakobsen, Fredrika Lindeberg, Isis Lindskog, Sturla Magnússon, Alma Nord, Chiara Salmini, och Friedel Weiser. Årets

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/shifting-spaces-kandidatprogrammets-examensutstallning - 2025-03-11

Årsutställningen 2024

3 May 2024 16:00 to 12 May 2024 16:00 | Exhibition Årsutställningen är en tradition där studenterna använder sina ateljéer som utställningsrum för mindre solopresentationer samtidigt som alla skolans projektrum och gemensamma ytor blir en stor grupputställning. Skolans studenter arbetar i en mängd olika tekniker och en lika stor mångfald finns att finna i tematik. Årsutställningen erbjuder en möjl

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/arsutstallningen-2024-annual-exhibition-2024 - 2025-03-11

History of the Present - screening and Q/A

29 April 2024 15:30 to 17:00 | Seminar Images; Courtesy of the artists, Maria Fusco and Margaret Salmon. Monday, 29 April. 3.30pm–5pm Public screening in the Mazetti lecture room. Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö. Film screening with introduction by Maria, followed by Q/A. History of the Present is an experimental opera-film made collaboratively by Maria Fusco and Margaret Salmon, featuring new composi

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/history-present-screening-and-qa - 2025-03-11

Master of Fine Arts in Artistic Research. Exam Exhibition 2024.

21 May 2024 17:00 to 28 May 2024 18:00 | Exhibition Line Kallmayer (left) / Tjelle Esrom Raunkjær (right) / Ida Brottmann Sørensen (below) Contributions by Ida Brottmann, Line Kallmayer, and Tjelle Esrom Raunkjær. We are pleased to announce this year’s exam exhibition by a group of graduating students from the Master of Fine Arts in Artistic Research (MFAAR) programme at Malmö Art Academy. The exa

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/master-fine-arts-artistic-research-exam-exhibition-2024 - 2025-03-11

Pedagogies of symbiosis

16 May 2024 09:30 to 16:30 | Seminar Image: Film still from Aktivering Samtal (2020), by Mats Eriksson Dunér. (The urban action group Aktion Samtal (Action Dialogue) during the self organized urban actions during fall 1968, at the Playground at Nytorget in Stockholm) A day-event that is exploring practices and histories of alternative pedagogies in relation to art, education and ecology. Tracing i

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/pedagogies-symbiosis-0 - 2025-03-11

Mini-Inter Feral Arts Festival

14 May 2024 19:00 to 29 May 2024 12:00 | Other Welcome to a mini version of the yearly Inter Feral Arts Festival. Come and enjoy thought provoking discussions and inspiring lectures. May 14 | Liljeforssalen19.00 - Jack Adler-MckeanJack is our first Postdoctoral Fellow in Artistic Research who is doing work on historical and contemporary brass instruments and performance practice. In this presentat

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/mini-inter-feral-arts-festival-malmo-academy-music - 2025-03-11

Hungry Eyes: The Aesthetics of Bilingualism

12 June 2024 14:00 | Seminar, Other Photo: Emmalisa Pauly "Hungry Eyes" is a newly formed Danish/Swedish performing arts collective, based in Stockholm, Malmö and Copenhagen that create bilingual and cross-disciplinary theatre."The Aesthetics of Bilingualism" is their current artistic research project that explores the potentials of stage art that blends the Danish and Swedish languages. Through t

https://www.arts.lu.se/calendar/hungry-eyes-aesthetics-bilingualism - 2025-03-11