

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

06032016 679 12 sterner jperinatology 2011

Country-specific birth weight and length in type 1 diabetes high-risk HLA genotypes in combination with prenatal characteristics ORIGINAL ARTICLE Country-specific birth weight and length in type 1 diabetes high-risk HLA genotypes in combination with prenatal characteristics Y Sterner1,10, C Törn1,10, H-S Lee2, H Larsson1, C Winkler3, W McLeod2, K Lynch1, O Simell4, A Ziegler3, D Schatz5, W Hagopi

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06032016 679 13 hagopian ped diab 2011

pedi_774.dvi Pediatric Diabetes 2011 doi: 10.1111/j.1399-5448.2011.00774.x All rights reserved © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S Pediatric Diabetes Original Article The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY): genetic criteria and international diabetes risk screening of 421 000 infants Hagopian WA, Erlich H, Lernmark Å, Rewers M, Ziegler AG, Simell O, Akolkar B, Vogt Jr R, Blair A

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06032016 679 15 norris cdr 2010

Infant and Childhood Diet and Type 1 Diabetes Risk: Recent Advances and Prospects Jill M. Norris Published online: 20 July 2010 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010 Abstract Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by a preclinical period of autoimmunity. It is well accepted that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to disease risk. Given that type 1 diabet

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06032016 679 21 lernmarkb jclintrials 2012

Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000114J Clin Trials ISSN: 2167-0870 JCTR, an open access journal Clinical Trials Lernmark et al., J Clin Trials 2012, 2:2 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2167-0870.1000114 Open AccessResearch Article Reasons for Staying as a Participant in the Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Longitudinal Study Barbro Lernmark1*, Kristian Lynch2, Lori Ballard2, Judith Bax

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06032016 679 22 salami ijpp 2012

International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics Vol. 7, No. 3/4, pp. 135-144, 2012 ISSN 1555-1431 print, Copyright © 2012 by New Century Health Publishers, LLC www.newcenturyhealthpublishers.com All rights of reproduction in any form reserved ABSTRACT: The feasibility to detect lactobacilli in mail-in infant stools collected monthly from 3-18 months old children was investigated. The aim was to

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06032016 679 39 torn diabetes 2014

Carina Törn,1 David Hadley,2,3 Hye-Seung Lee,2 William Hagopian,4 Åke Lernmark,1 Olli Simell,5 Marian Rewers,6 Anette Ziegler,7 Desmond Schatz,8 Beena Akolkar,9 Suna Onengut-Gumuscu,10 Wei-Min Chen,10 Jorma Toppari,5 Juha Mykkänen,5 Jorma Ilonen,11,12 Stephen S. Rich,10 Jin-Xiong She,13 Andrea K. Steck,6 Jeffrey Krischer,2 and the TEDDY Study Group* Role of Type 1 Diabetes–Associated SNPs on Risk

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06032016 679 40 kemppainen diab care 2014

Early Childhood Gut Microbiomes Show Strong Geographic Differences Among Subjects at High Risk for Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Care 2015;38:329–332 | DOI: 10.2337/dc14-0850 OBJECTIVE Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with numerous diseases, including type 1 diabetes. This pilot study determines how geographical location affects themicro- biome of infants at high risk for type 1 diabetes in a pop

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06032016 679 41 aronsson pediatrics 2014

PEDS20141787 239..245 Age at Gluten Introduction and Risk of Celiac Disease Carin Andrén Aronsson, MSca, Hye-Seung Lee, PhDb, Edwin Liu, MD, PhDc, Ulla Uusitalo, PhDb, Sandra Hummel, PhDd, Jimin Yang, PhD, RDb, Michael Hummel, MD, PhDd, Marian Rewers, MD, PhDe, Jin-Xiong She, PhDf, Olli Simell, MD, PhDg, Jorma Toppari, MD, PhDh, Anette-G. Ziegler, MD, PhDd, Jeffrey Krischer, PhDb, Suvi M. Virtanen

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/06032016_679_41_aronsson_pediatrics_2014.pdf - 2025-03-17

06032016 679 44 agardh pediatrics 2015

PEDS20143675 627..634 Clinical Features of Celiac Disease: A Prospective Birth Cohort Daniel Agardh, MD, PhDa,b, Hye-Seung Lee, PhDb, Kalle Kurppa, MD, PhDc, Ville Simelld, Carin Andrén Aronsson, MSca, Ola Jörneus, MDa, Michael Hummel, MD, PhDe, Edwin Liu, MDf, Sibylle Koletzko, MD, PhDg, for the TEDDY Study Group* abstractOBJECTIVES: To investigate clinical features of celiac disease (CD) and the

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06032016 679 48 beyerlein ajcn 2015

ajcn108159 345..352 Dietary intake of soluble fiber and risk of islet autoimmunity by 5 y of age: results from the TEDDY study1,2 Andreas Beyerlein,3* Xiang Liu,4 Ulla M Uusitalo,4 Minna Harsunen,3 Jill M Norris,5 Kristina Foterek,6 Suvi M Virtanen,7–10 Marian J Rewers,5 Jin-Xiong She,11 Olli Simell,12 Ake Lernmark,13 William Hagopian,14 Beena Akolkar,15 Anette-G Ziegler,3 Jeffrey P Krischer,4 San

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06032016 679 50 uusitalo ajcn 2015

ajcn119370 1216..1221 Gluten consumption during late pregnancy and risk of celiac disease in the offspring: the TEDDY birth cohort1,2 Ulla Uusitalo,3 Hye-Seung Lee,3 Carin Andrén Aronsson,4 Jimin Yang,3 Suvi M Virtanen,5–7 Jill Norris,8 and Daniel Agardh4* for The Environmental Determinants of the Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study group 3Health Informatics Institute, Department of Pediatrics, Mo

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06042018 679 86 jdrf2 smith peddiab 2018

Family adjustment to diabetes diagnosis in children: Can participation in a study on type 1 diabetes genetic risk be helpful?: Family adjustment to type 1 diabetes diagnosis OR I G I N A L A R T I C L E Family adjustment to diabetes diagnosis in children: Can participation in a study on type 1 diabetes genetic risk be helpful? Laura B Smith1,2 | Xiang Liu2 | Suzanne Bennett Johnson3 | Roy Tamura2

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06172016 679 57 torn scirep 2016

1Scientific RepoRts | 6:27887 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27887 www.nature.com/scientificreports Complement gene variants in relation to autoantibodies to beta cell specific antigens and type 1 diabetes in the TEDDY Study Carina Törn1, Xiang Liu2, William Hagopian3, Åke Lernmark1, Olli Simell4, Marian Rewers5, Anette-G Ziegler6, Desmond Schatz7, Beena Akolkar8, Suna Onengut-Gumuscu9, Wei-Min Chen9, Jorma T

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07182017 679 54 mp24 larsson diabetes 2016

Growth and Risk for Islet Autoimmunity and Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in Early Childhood: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young Study Helena Elding Larsson,1 Kendra Vehik,2 Michael J. Haller,3 Xiang Liu,2 Beena Akolkar,4 William Hagopian,5 Jeffrey Krischer,2 Åke Lernmark,1 Jin-Xiong She,6 Olli Simell,7 Jorma Toppari,7,8 Anette-G. Ziegler,9 and Marian Rewers,10 for the TEDDY S

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07312014 1972 swedish book 3 will emma

07312014_1972_Swedish_Book #3_Will & Emma.pdf TEDDYWILLIE OCH EMMA TRÄFFAR TEDDY-FORSKARNA W IL L E O C H W IL M A TRÄFFAR TEDDY-FORSKARNA Författare/berättelse: U lrica Sw artling, M ed. Dr. Illustrationer: Jens G rönberg, Breakfast Design, Sw eden (w w w .breakfastdesign.nu) Bidrag till slutliga texten: Rachel Karban, M ichael Killian, Laura Sm ith, Fil. Dr., Kim berly Bautista, Barbara Sim ell

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/07312014_1972_swedish_book_3_will_emma.pdf - 2025-03-17

09092016 679 56 mp67 swartling jerhre 2016

Parental Estimation of Their Child’s Increased Type 1 Diabetes Risk During the First 2 Years of Participation in an International Observational Study Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 2016, Vol. 11(2) 106 –114 © The Author(s) 2016 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1556264616648589 jre.sagepub.com Research Concerning Young People Type 1

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