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Written exams
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/start-st - 2025-03-19
Learn more about QPS A digital tool for systematic assessment and feedback, examination and quality assurance of education at the Faculty of Medicine. Sign in to QPS Enter your university account (ab1234cd-s@lu.se) in the Microsoft window. To new students Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine! Here, we have gathered everything you need to know to get started with QPS, Quality and Progress System - a
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/start - 2025-03-19
For students
QPS information for students As a student, you use QPS mainly as a tool for learning, as well as a place to collect all of your assessments. Different forms of feedback are compiled and visualised in QPS, to help your long-term learning and professional development. As a student, the system allows you to get a systematic overview of all your feedback throughout your education. Shortcuts Guides for
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/students - 2025-03-19
In Analytics, all the data you gather throughout your education is collected and summarized. In QPS, you can find the Analytics tab in the left menu. Click on the box below to access guides on how to navigate, sort, and interpret your data. Analytics is a feature that is under development. Some functionality is already built into the current version of the tab, more will come during 2024.The goal
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/students/guides-students/analytics - 2025-03-19
The app Orzone Forms
Digital assessment forms can be filled in on your computer or phone in QPS, or via the app Orzone Forms. Please note that Orzone Forms has replaced the earlier app Ortrac Scholar. Orzone Forms is more stable and offers a better interface for assessments.Download the appThe app is available from Apple Store and Google Play. Log inClick on "Login". In the next window, click on the plus sign to add y
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/students/app-orzone-forms - 2025-03-19
To new students
Welcome to the Medical Faculty! Here, we have gathered everything you need to know to get started with QPS, Quality and Progress System - a digital tool that you will use continuously throughout your study period. As a student, you will use QPS as a tool for your learning. In QPS, all your assessment activities will be gathered. Various forms of feedback are compiled and visualized in QPS to contr
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/to-new-students - 2025-03-19
About Quality and Progress System
Why and how has QPS been developed? QPS is a development initiative based on cross-faculty needs and national requirements. QPS is the result of several years of workshops, surveys, and meetings with faculty teachers to align local needs with the current international knowledge and development landscape.For the UKÄ quality review, systematicity is needed to quality-assure and develop the programs.
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/about-quality-and-progress-system - 2025-03-19
Find your assignments
If there are many assignments in your course, and if they have different deadlines, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right one, and it's important not to miss any. Click on 'Assignments' in the left menu to find all assignments in your course. You can view them in the 'My assignments' tab.The list You will see the title, deadline, and status of the assignment in the list. The Pie Chart In
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/students/guides-students/assignments/find-your-assignments - 2025-03-19
For staff
Here we have gathered useful information for you as a staff member.As an employee, QPS is a tool for systematic feedback, examination and quality assurance. The system enables follow-up and analyses of student achievement, which helps us ensure that we measure what we actually want to measure. The system is based on current research in medical pedagogy and higher education pedagogy.The development
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/staff - 2025-03-19
View deadlines
It is important to keep track of deadlines for various tasks. Even though it is usually possible to upload to an assignment after the deadline, it is not guaranteed that late submissions will be included in, for example, a grading assessment. Therefore, you must always stay updated on the specific rules for your course and assignments. If you are unsure, the course examiner is the one who can prov
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/students/guides-students/assignments/view-deadlines - 2025-03-19
Log in to QPS and email notifications
Login address and account information Log in at: https://lu.ortrac.com. Click on "Sign in." You will now encounter a Microsoft window. Enter your university account [at] lu [dot] se here. For example, ab1234cd-s [at] lu [dot] se. You will be redirected to the university's login window, where you enter the password for your university account/student account. Note: the username is your university
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/students/guides-students/log-qps-and-email-notifications - 2025-03-19
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/calendar-0 - 2025-03-19
Login & Accounts
Login address and account information Log in at: https://lu.ortrac.com. Click on "Sign in." You will now encounter a Microsoft window. Enter your university account [at] lu [dot] se here. For example, ab1234cd [at] lu [dot] se. NOTE! If you are a student, enter ab1234cd-s [at] lu [dot] se. You will be redirected to the university's login window, where you enter the password for your university ac
https://www.qps.education.lu.se/en/login-accounts - 2025-03-19
Ringar i resonans
Årskurs: 7-9, Gymnasiet Ämnesområde: Ljus och ljud, Våglära och optik Det här experimentet visar hur olika föremål reagerar, beroende på storlek och styvhet, när de utsätts för skakningar med skilda frekvenser. Resultatet ger bland annat en förklaring till varför inte alla hus rasar vid en jordbävning. Material En bit kartong cirka 10 x 30 centimeter. Ett papper i A3-format. Helst något styvare ä
https://www.nrcf.lu.se/lararresurser/lararresurser-fran-o/p-r/ringar-i-resonans - 2025-03-19
ESERO Sverige kurser
ESERO Sverige vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan (KTH) i Stockholm erbjuder en rad olika lärarafortbildningar såväl digitalt som på plats. Till exempel lanserade hösten 2022 två nya kurser i rymdteknik anpassade för lärare i grundskola och gymnasium. Den ena handlar om att förstå satellitbilder och tolka dem ur miljö- och hållbarhetsperspektiv. Den andra om att bygga egna satelliter, programmera och
https://www.nrcf.lu.se/fortbildning/fortbildningskurser-i-fysik/esero-sverige-kurser - 2025-03-19
Fysikdagarna är Svenska Fysikersamfundets stora möte som äger rum vartannat år. Vanligtvis består det av två dagar med populärvetenskapliga föreläsningar om fysik, studiebesök, laborationer och företagsbesök. De flesta sektioner håller möten i samband med Fysikdagarna, ofta med egna programpunkter. Gymnasielärare kan medverka på konferensen till ett rabatterat pris och som regel har ett särskilt p
https://www.nrcf.lu.se/fortbildning/konferenser/fysikdagarna - 2025-03-19
CanSat är en tävling inom rymdteknik, rymdfysik och astronomi som den europeiska rymdorganisationen, ESA, står bakom. Syftet är att öka mängden rymdrelaterade ämnen i klassrummen på högstadie- och gymnasienivå. För att ge lärare och elever bättre förutsättningar för att kunna delta i tävlingen har Astronomisk Ungdom med stöd av Rymdstyrelsen tagit fram ett lärarmaterialet efter en modell framtage
https://www.nrcf.lu.se/lararresurser/elever/fysiktavlingar/cansat - 2025-03-19
Delta i EU-olympiaden i naturvetenskap! Varje vår anordnas European Olympiad of Experimental Science (EOES) i ett europeiskt land. EOES är en lagtävling där tre elever samarbetar för att lösa praktiska uppgifter som kombinerar biologi, fysik och kemi. EOES riktar sig till elever som börjat i årskurs 9 i grundskolan eller årskurs 1 på gymnasiet under hösten året innan olympiaden ges. I Lettland 202
https://www.nrcf.lu.se/lararresurser/elever/fysiktavlingar/eoes - 2025-03-19