

Din sökning på "*" gav 122948 sökträffar

Compulsory e-invoicing in the public sector

Since 1 April 2019, all purchases in the public sector are required by law to be invoiced electronically. This requirement is part of efforts to make public administration more efficient throughout the EU. The legislation covers suppliers both within and outside Europe. How is Lund University affected?Lund University has previously managed both to send and receive e-invoices, and in the case of ce

https://www.staff.lu.se/support-and-tools/purchases-invoices-finances/invoice-management/compulsory-e-invoicing-public-sector - 2025-03-17

Swedish funding bodies with special requirements for central management

The Swedish funding bodies which have special requirements for central management of applications and accounting are administered by Research Services. The Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW) and the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (MAW)Read more about the foundations on their respective websites:Read more about the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation Read more about the

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/swedish-funding-bodies-special-requirements-central-management - 2025-03-17

American federal funding bodies

Are you interested to learn more about American federal research funding? Contact Research Services who manages the submission of proposals and project reports.Central management is required by the American funding agencies as well as American research collaborating organisations. This applies both if you are a principal investigator or a partner. Hence, as a sole researcher you will not be able t

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/american-federal-funding-bodies - 2025-03-17

Internal Newsletters

From the university administration See a list of university-wide internal newsletters including contact details for each newsletter. LU InnovationResearch, Collaboration and Innovation: News, tips and what not to miss if you are interested in innovation.Target group: All interested employees, students and external actors.For subscription: Sign up at LU Innovation websiteInternational Desk Newslett

https://www.staff.lu.se/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/press-and-news/internal-newsletters - 2025-03-17

Alumni Relations

Alumni are important ambassadors for education at Lund University as well as a source of valuable information that is an asset for the University’s quality assurance system. What does it mean to be Lund University alumni? Alumni can be active in ways such as participating in alumni surveys and alumni events, holding guest lectures or giving students guidance via mentorship programmes. Alumni activ

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/education-support/quality-assurance-and-enhancement/alumni-relations - 2025-03-17

Prisma – application and case management system

A system for researchers to apply for grants and manage their approved grants. Prisma is the joint application and case management system for the following funding bodies: Fortes, Formas, the Swedish Research Council, the Karolinska Institute, the Swedish Institute for Educational Research, the Swedish National Space Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.This is where all the info

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/prisma-application-and-case-management-system - 2025-03-17

Finding research funding

Pivot-RPUsing Pivot-RP you can search for research funding opportunities in all scientific fields, from both national and international sources. You can also search for funding to participate in research conferences, and for post-doc funding. In addition, Pivot-RP lets you:receive emails on current calls; save your application profiles; save interesting calls; share information with your colleague

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/finding-research-funding - 2025-03-17

International research funders

In the EUHorizon EuropeThe EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe.Learn more about Horizon EuropeCOST is one of the longest-running instruments supporting co-operation among scientists and researchers across Europe. COST invites proposals for new COST Actions contributing to the scientific, economic, cultural or societal development of EuropeLearn more and apply on Cost's webpageErasm

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/finding-research-funding/international-research-funders - 2025-03-17

Funding for post-docs and academic conferences

Funding opportunities for academic conferencesSwedish Research Council's webpageForma's webpageForte's webpageRiksbankens jubileumsfond's webpageWenner-Gren Foundation's webpageMarcus Wallenberg Foundation's webpage for International Scientific Collaboration The Letterstedt Association's webpage (conferences of Nordic interest) (in Swedish)Funding for post-docsWenner-Gren Foundation's webpageSwedi

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/finding-research-funding/funding-post-docs-and-academic-conferences - 2025-03-17

För forskare

Information for researchers Rutiner - tillgång till data på både grupp- och individnivå På vår resultatsida hittar du historiska kartor och prediktioner för symtomatisk covid-19 på gruppnivå. På fliken Arkiv kan du ladda ned .csv-filer med historiska data för både den tidigare och nuvarande prediktionsmodellen. Här finns även en länk till covidsymptom R package. Rutiner för att ansöka om tillgång

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/forskare - 2025-03-18

COVID Symptom Study Sverige

Följ oss på Facebook Avslutad datainsamling Studien COVID Symptom Study Sverige lanserades i april 2020 och totalt deltog drygt 208 000 personer i Sverige i studien. Studiens datainsamlingsfas avslutades i juli 2022. Vi har tagit emot fler än 20 miljoner dagsrapporter från studiedeltagare vilka nu ligger till grund för vårt fortsatta arbete med att analysera och publicera resultat från studien. Du

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/covid-symptom-study-sverige - 2025-03-18

Diabetes och covid-19

Detta är en historisk sida. Ingen rekrytering av studiedeltagare pågår idag. Studiens datainsamling är avslutad och forskarna fokuserar på att analysera och publicera resultaten från studien. COVID Symptom Study Sverige kommer framöver att fokusera på om typ 1 diabetes och typ 2 diabetes medför ökad risk att bli svårare sjuk i covid-19, och om eventuella samband påverkas av t.ex. hur länge man haf

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/diabetes-och-covid-19 - 2025-03-18

Pågående studier och artiklar

The current studies and articles in writing, lead by COVID Symptom Study Sweden group, are listed below White Paper Aims: 1. Describe the cohort and compare with Sweden in general. 2. Describe the prediction model. 3. Compare model output with hospital and test data. 4. Use NOVUS data to provide an epi-curve for the entire epidemic. Diabetes as a risk factor for COVID-19 severity and disease durat

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/pagaende-studier-och-artiklar - 2025-03-18