

Din sökning på "*" gav 535060 sökträffar

Kinnvall on postcolonial has moved into Europe

Published 28 January 2016 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Catarina Kinnvall has published the article “The Postcolonial has Moved into Europe: Bordering, Security and Ethno-Cultural Belonging” AbstractThe legacy of European colonialisms and nationalisms has conditioned immigration and citizenship policies that inform the postcolonial move into Europe. This article questions the assumptions that undergir

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kinnvall-postcolonial-has-moved-europe - 2025-03-12

New members of the Teaching Academy

Published 10 February 2016 The Teaching Academy at the Faculty of Social Sciences has appointed Karin Aggestam as Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) and Magdalena Bexell, Douglas Brommesson and Åsa Knaggård as Qualified Teaching Practitioners (QTP). Learn more about Teaching Academy on the Faculty of Social Sciences website.Karin Aggestam's personal pageMagdalena Bexell's personal pageDouglas B

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/new-members-teaching-academy - 2025-03-12

Women, War and Refugees

Published 4 March 2016 OUTREACH: Annika Bergman Rosamond is one of the speakers at the seminar Women, War and Refugees on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on the 8th of March. The seminar is organised by the Faculty of Social Science amongst others at LU. Other contributors are Gudrun Schyman, party leader of Feministiskt Initiativ and Lena Agg, General Secretary of Kvinna till Kvinna

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/women-war-and-refugees - 2025-03-12

Emil Edenborg has defended his thesis

Published 8 April 2016 Emil Edenborg defended his dissertation "Nothing more to see: Contestations of belonging and visibility in Russian media" on April 8 at 10:15 in Niagara, auditorium B0E15, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö. External reviewer: Professor Nira Yuval-Davies, University of East London, UK. Nothing more to see: Contestations of belonging and visibility in Russian mediaEmil Edenborg 

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/emil-edenborg-has-defended-his-thesis - 2025-03-12

Aggestam on diplomacy, water and conflict

Published 16 March 2016 Karin Aggestam has together with Ronny Berndtsson, Kaveh Madani and Dan-Erik Andersson co-authored the book-chapter "The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Conflict and Water Diplomacy in the Nile Basin" in the book "Water Diplomacy in Action. Contingent Approaches to Managing Complex Water Problems", edited by Shafiqul Islam and Kaveh Madani. Learn more on Anthem Press’ webs

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/aggestam-diplomacy-water-and-conflict - 2025-03-12

Brommesson on the responsibility to protect

Published 23 March 2016 Henrik Friberg Fernros at University of Gothenburg has together with Douglas Brommesson co-authored the reply ”The limits of the principle of charity: Why Haeselbrouck is wrong after all” published in International Politics. Learn more on Palgrave Macmillan’s website:The limits of the principle of charity: Why Haeselbrouck is wrong after all (2016)The responsibility to prot

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/brommesson-responsibility-protect - 2025-03-12

Our researchers visit Colorado State University

Published 24 March 2016 Our researchers Roger Hildingsson, Åsa Knaggård, Annica Kronsell, Ina Möller, Jasmine Livingston and Vasna Ramasavisit visit Colorado State University, Fort Collins to initiate collaborations on teaching environmental politics.  Roger Hildingsson’s personal pageÅsa Knaggård’s personal pageAnnica Kronsell’s personal pageIna Möller’s personal page 

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/our-researchers-visit-colorado-state-university - 2025-03-12

Bäck with new book on debates in European parliaments

Published 5 April 2016 Hanna Bäck and Marc Debus have published a book about speeches and debates in European parliaments (published by Palgrave Macmillan). In this book, the authors study which members participate more, and which members deviate more from the party line in parliamentary debates.Learn more on palgrave.comHanna Bäck’s personal page 

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/back-new-book-debates-european-parliaments - 2025-03-12

Björkdahl with book on peacebuilding

Published 12 April 2016 Annika Björkdahl is one of the editors of the book ”Peacebuilding and Friction: Global and Local Encounters in Post-Conflict Societies” published with Routledge, 2016. This book aims to understand the processes of and the outcomes that arise from frictional encounters in peacebuilding, when global and local forces meet.Annika Björkdahl's personal page 

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/bjorkdahl-book-peacebuilding - 2025-03-12

Whither Israel?

Published 13 April 2016 Karin Aggestam is moderating a talk with author Göran Rosenberg and professor Avi Shlaim, Oxford University, Thursday 14 April, 19.00, AF-borgen, Café Athen. Learn more on lu.seKarin Aggestam’s personal page 

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/whither-israel - 2025-03-12

Tobias Nielsen has defended his thesis

Published 4 May 2016 Tobias Nielsen defended his dissertation "Words Matter in the Woods. Discourses on Deforestation in Global Climate Politics" on May 4 at 10:00 in Edens Hörsal, Paradisgatan 5h, Lund. External reviewer: Professor Peter Feindt, Wageningen University and Research Centre.Words Matter in the Woods. Discourses on Deforestation in Global Climate PoliticsTobias Nielsen’s personal page

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/tobias-nielsen-has-defended-his-thesis - 2025-03-12

Tony Ingesson has defended his thesis

Published 13 May 2016 Tony Ingesson defended his dissertation "The Politics of Combat: The Political and Strategic Impact of Tactical-Level Subcultures, 1939-1995" on May 13 at 10:15 in Edens Hörsal, Paradisgatan 5h, Lund. External reviewer: Professor Jan Ångström, Försvarshögskolan.The Politics of Combat: The Political and Strategic Impact of Tactical-Level Subcultures, 1939-1995Tony Ingesson’s p

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/tony-ingesson-has-defended-his-thesis - 2025-03-12