

Din sökning på "*" gav 535618 sökträffar

Mulinari on Understanding Offspring’s Birthweight

Published 4 June 2015 Shai Mulinari has published a co-authored article on “Does Maternal Country of Birth Matter for Understanding Offspring’s Birthweight?  A Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity in Sweden” in PLOS ONE.More information at journals.plos.org AbstractBackgroundMany public health and epidemiological studies have found differences between populations (e.g. maternal countrie

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/mulinari-understanding-offsprings-birthweight - 2025-03-17

Brante's cross-disciplinary research receives royal prize

Published 5 June 2015 The Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala has awarded Thomas Brante this year's prize for the best cross-disciplinary contribution of distinguished quality. The prize is awarded every second year and is worth up to 100,000 SEK. In his research, the Prize Committee states, Thomas Brante shows "how science and practice are unified in the modern knowledge society. In a f

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/brantes-cross-disciplinary-research-receives-royal-prize - 2025-03-17

Goran Basic has published two book chapters about the Bosnian war

Published 25 June 2015 Victimhood, Forgiveness and Reconciliation: in Stories of Bosnian War Survivors and Stories of Sexualized War Violence after the Bosnian war Basic, Goran (2015) ”Victimhood, Forgiveness and Reconciliation: in Stories of Bosnian War Survivors”. In Eugene L. Olsen (Ed.). Forgiveness: Social Significance, Health Impact and Psychological Effects (Chapter 6). Hauppauge: Nova Scie

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/goran-basic-has-published-two-book-chapters-about-bosnian-war - 2025-03-17

Shai Mulinari has published three journal articles on drugs and public health

Published 3 July 2015 The articles concern first the Zelmid case, the first SSRI antidepressant in the journal Social Science & Medicine, second the use of broad migrant categories and third the question if maternal country of birth can be used to understand birthweight. Divergence and convergence of commercial and scientific priorities in drug development: the case of Zelmid, the first SSRI antid

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/shai-mulinari-has-published-three-journal-articles-drugs-and-public-health - 2025-03-17

Victimhood analysed in Basic’s article on survivors of the Bosnian war

Published 5 August 2015 Goran Basic has just published ”Constructing 'Ideal Victim' Stories of Bosnian War Survivors” in the peer-reviewed open access journal Social Inclusion. Abstract:Previous research on victimhood during and after the Bosnian war has emphasized the importance of narratives but has not focused on narratives about victimhood or analyzed post-war interviews as a competition for v

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/victimhood-analysed-basics-article-survivors-bosnian-war - 2025-03-17

The arts add to workplace learning

Published 5 August 2015 One of the department’s master students, Matilda Mettälä, has published an article with her thesis results on how emotional and aesthetical elements can be applied in a learning context. The article A Case Study Illustrating the Importance of Educating the Whole Person by Using the Arts as a Supplementary Training Tool in Workplace Learning is published in the on-line multi

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/arts-add-workplace-learning - 2025-03-17

How does governance affect higher education?

Published 31 August 2015 Carola Aili has published a co-authored article on "Dual learning – a challenge for higher education in the new landscape of governance” in the journal Tertiary Education and Management (online publication August 18, 2015, together with Lars-Erik Nilsson). The article is aimed at those who are interested in how higher education can deal with the radical changes in professi

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/how-does-governance-affect-higher-education - 2025-03-17

Post-qualitative research encourages new concepts and methods

Published 4 September 2015 Lotta Johansson has published her article “Post-qualitative line of flight and the confabulative conversation: a methodological ethnography“ in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (online first, 2015). The article can be downloaded at tandonline.com Abstract:This paper is a methodological ethnography aiming to highlight the difficulties in using

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/post-qualitative-research-encourages-new-concepts-and-methods - 2025-03-17

Visiting researcher looks at vulnerable young people’s risk-taking

Published 4 September 2015 Tea Torbenfeldt Bengtsson, PhD in Sociology at the University of Copenhagen, will be working as a visiting researcher at the Department of Sociology for three months this autumn. Her main research areas are qualitative methods, crime, social work, risk-taking, and youth studies. – In my research I focus on youth, crime and social work. I’m currently working on my postdoc

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/visiting-researcher-looks-vulnerable-young-peoples-risk-taking - 2025-03-17

Study on domestic violence against men

Published 4 September 2015 Veronika Burcar has published a co-authored article (together with Louise Hellgren and Hanna Andersson) in the journal Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 1 (2015): '"Du kan ju inte bli slagen av en tjej liksom" - en studie av män som utsatts för våld i nära relationer’. Veronika Burcar“You can’t be beaten by a girl, you know” – a study of men who have been subjected to domesti

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/study-domestic-violence-against-men - 2025-03-17

Persson on the playing of online chess

Published 10 September 2015 Anders Persson has published an article in Vetenskapssocietetens årsbok 2015 titled: "Online chess and chat interaction – game and gaming conditions in face to face and online chess”. The article aims to answer if, how and why the game of chess changes when played online on the Internet.The author distinguishes between chess played face to face (f2f) and the role assume

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/persson-playing-online-chess - 2025-03-17

Mulinari on stem cell research and the marketization of science

Published 11 September 2015 Shai Mulinari has together with Malin Ideland (Malmö) and Tora Holmberg (Uppsala) published an article in Science and Technology Studies: "Money, Money, Money? Politico-Moral Discourses of Stem Cell Research in a Grant Allocation Process". Read the whole article on lup.lub.lu.seShai Mulinari AbstractConcerns have been raised about the marketization of science through th

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/mulinari-stem-cell-research-and-marketization-science - 2025-03-17

Survivor's conditions for reconciliation

Published 15 September 2015 Goran Basic has published an article analyzing the retold experiences of 27 survivors from the 1990s war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article ”Conditions for Reconciliation: Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina” is published in Journal of Criminal Justice and Security.Read the article on lu.se/lup Goran Basic's personal page here on the depar

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/survivors-conditions-reconciliation - 2025-03-17

News created by citizen journalism and secret recordings

Published 16 September 2015 Agneta Mallén has been interviewed for an article on citizen journalism and sousveillance in The Journalist. “Rachel Broady on how secret recording is fast becoming a news form, with worrying consequences for the victims and journalism."“Trial by sousveillance” in The Journalist, pages 18-19 (September/October 2015)Agneta Mallén's personal page on the department's websi

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/news-created-citizen-journalism-and-secret-recordings - 2025-03-17

The competition for victimhood

Published 18 September 2015 Goran Basic has published an article on the ideal victim and competition for victimhood in the stories after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article is in Serbian. ”Idealna žrtva i nadmetanje za dobijanje statusa žrtve u pričama preživjelih rata u Bosni i Hercegovini”. Temida, 18(2), 2015: 7-30.See article on lup.lub.lu.seGoran Basic's personal page here on the d

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/competition-victimhood - 2025-03-17

New book explores creative forms of resistance in Bahrain

Published 8 October 2015 Abdulhadi Khalaf has written the preface to a recently published book called "Bahrain’s Uprising - Resistance and Repression in the Gulf". The book explores the contentious politics of Bahrain, and charts the way in which a dynamic culture of street protest, a strong moral belief in legitimate democratic demands and creative forms of resistance continue to hamper the effor

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/new-book-explores-creative-forms-resistance-bahrain - 2025-03-17

Lund University closed on Monday 12 October!

Published 12 October 2015 Due to an anonymous threat made toward the university and its students via the app Jodel, which the police regards very seriously, the university will be closed on Monday for all students and staff at all campuses. More information will be posted on the university websites www.lu.se and www.lunduniversity.lu.se during the day. If you have any questions you can call +46 46

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/lund-university-closed-monday-12-october - 2025-03-17

Lund University reopens on Tuesday

Published 12 October 2015 A decision to reopen Lund University was taken in the afternoon of Monday 12 October following the closure that has been in force since Sunday night. Activities are expected to be running as usual from Tuesday morning. The decision is based on new information from the Region Syd police. Investigations have revealed that the threat directed at Lund University posted on the

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/lund-university-reopens-tuesday - 2025-03-17

Daniel Görtz has defended his thesis

Published 14 October 2015 Daniel Görtz defended his dissertation in sociology " Ethnified police practices. How ethnicity is done in police work" on 29th of September at 10:00 in Edens hörsal, Paradisgatan 5, Lund University, Lund. External reviewer: Professor Liv Finstad, UiOSupervisors: David Wästerfors and Malin Åkerström, the Department of Sociology, Lund University.Examining committee:Vesa Le

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/daniel-gortz-has-defended-his-thesis - 2025-03-17

Susanne Boethius has defended her thesis

Published 16 October 2015 Susanne Boethius defended her dissertation in sociology "Men, violence and moral work. Reports from help-seeking men at treatment centrers working with violence in close relationships" on 2nd October at 14:00 in the auditorium of Kulturen, Lund. External reviewer: Tove Pettersson, Kriminologiska institutionen, Stockholm University.Supervisors: Malin Åkerström and Christof

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/susanne-boethius-has-defended-her-thesis - 2025-03-17