

Din sökning på "*" gav 533147 sökträffar

Experter samlas i nätverket Pollinera Sverige

Publicerad 12 december 2017 I december startades nätverket Pollinera Sverige. Forskare från svenska universitet, miljöorganisationer, biodlare, koloniträdgårdsföreningar samt bönder och andra odlare deltar i nätverket, som ska sprida kunskap om pollinering och pollinerande insekter. – I den här gruppen ska vi samla alla resurser som finns, från avancerad forskning till skolmaterial för barn och hj

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/artikel/experter-samlas-i-natverket-pollinera-sverige - 2025-01-30

KSLA-Wallenberg professur vid CEC

Publicerad 19 december 2017 Professor Tobias Kuemmerle, från Humboldtuniversitetet i Berlin, kommer att inneha Kungliga Lantbruks- och skogsbruksakademins, KSLA:s, Wallenbergprofessur 2018. Centrum för miljö- och klimatforskning är professor Kuemmerles värdinstitution under hans vistelse i Sverige. – Vi är glada över att kunna välkomna professor Kuemmerle till CEC och övertygade om att han kommer

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/artikel/ksla-wallenberg-professur-vid-cec - 2025-01-30

Julklapp som gör det lätt att gissa rätt

Publicerad 22 december 2017 Att gissa rätt, det kan bli lätt. Med detta spel, du minskar dina fel. Att säga vad du tror och inte vet, är nyckeln till din säkerhet. Koppla av under jullovet med datorspel om osäkerhetKlimat-KIC Ideator-projektet "Gaming for better decisions under uncertainty" leds av Ullrika Sahlin på CEC. Projektet syftar till att utveckla spel för att väcka nyfikenhet och en önska

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/artikel/julklapp-som-gor-det-latt-att-gissa-ratt - 2025-01-30

Intensifierad bevattning kan långsiktigt hota jordbrukets produktivitet

Publicerad 10 januari 2018 Bevattning gör det möjligt att bedriva jordbruk i områden med liten eller oregelbunden nederbörd. Det vatten som används för bevattning av fält lämnar dock upplösta salter som över tid ackumuleras i marken och kan försämra förutsättningarna för fortsatt jordbruk. Med en globalt växande befolkning måste också livsmedelsproduktionen öka. En stor andel av den prognostiserad

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/artikel/intensifierad-bevattning-kan-langsiktigt-hota-jordbrukets-produktivitet - 2025-01-30

Pollinerande insekter hotas av matbrist

Publicerad 30 januari 2018 Sveriges Radio uppmärksammar CEC:s forskning om pollinatörer och hur de hotas av matbrist. Pollinerande insekter behöver mat och skydd under hela säsongen. För att komplettera ett jordbrukslandskap som domineras av enstaka grödor kan man så blommande remsor längs åkerkanter och vägrenar.– Som sämst har det funnits något som kallats för sorgkanter i jordbruket, det vill s

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/artikel/pollinerande-insekter-hotas-av-matbrist - 2025-01-30

New study: Lost brain function restored after stroke

Published 30 November 2023 Images of brain scans Researchers have succeeded in restoring lost brain function in mouse models of stroke using small molecules that in the future could potentially be developed into a stroke recovery therapy. “Communication between nerve cells in large parts of the brain changes after a stroke and we show that it can be partially restored with the treatment”, says Tad

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-study-lost-brain-function-restored-after-stroke - 2025-01-30

Commonly used pesticides are still harming bees

Published 30 November 2023 Photo: Maj Rundlöf  A new study from Lund confirms that pesticides commonly used in farmland significantly harm bumblebees. Data from 106 sites across 8 European countries show that despite tightened pesticide regulations, more needs to be done.Despite claims of the world's most rigorous risk assessment process, the use of approved pesticides in European agricultural lan

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/commonly-used-pesticides-are-still-harming-bees - 2025-01-30

Lund University ranks in top 10 in global sustainability ranking

Published 5 December 2023 Lund University has been rated number 8 in the world out of 1,403 universities assessed in the QS World University Rankings: Sustainability, which ranks sustainable development at higher education institutions around the globe. This places the University third-best in Europe and highest in Sweden. The QS World University Rankings: Sustainability is a framework for showing

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-ranks-top-10-global-sustainability-ranking - 2025-01-30

Astronomers determine the age of three mysterious baby stars at the heart of the Milky Way

Published 5 December 2023 The image, taken with ESO's Very Large Telescope in Chile, shows a high-resolution view of the innermost parts of the Milky Way. In the new study, the researchers examined the dense nuclear star cluster shown in detail here. (Photo: ESO) Through analysis of high-resolution data from a ten-metre telescope in Hawaii, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have succeeded i

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/astronomers-determine-age-three-mysterious-baby-stars-heart-milky-way - 2025-01-30

Plant waste to be transformed into food at new lab in Lund

Published 11 December 2023 "We can expect our food to be made in a completely different way than we are used to in the future," says professor of biotechnology Eva Nordberg Karlsson, here in the lab at Kemicentrum in Lund. Lund University and Tetra Pak Processing are joining forces to build one of the largest precision fermentation research facilities in the Nordics. Microorganisms will be selecte

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/plant-waste-be-transformed-food-new-lab-lund - 2025-01-30

Epigenetic changes can cause type 2 diabetes

Published 13 December 2023 Researchers Tina Rönn, Charlotte Ling and Karl Bacos have led the work on a study that examines whether epigenetic changes contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Photo: Petra Olsson. Do epigenetic changes cause type 2 diabetes, or do the changes occur only after a person has become ill? A new study by researchers at Lund University provides increased support f

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/epigenetic-changes-can-cause-type-2-diabetes - 2025-01-30

Lund University welcomes 800 new international students

Published 9 January 2024 Tuesday 9 January is Arrival Day, when international students arrive at Lund University from around the world. The University receives students from over 130 countries. During the spring semester, approximately 800 new international students are expected to start their studies at Lund University. On Arrival Day, some 450 students are expected to arrive.These students inclu

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-welcomes-800-new-international-students - 2025-01-30

A step closer to treatment for severe bacterial infections and sepsis

Published 10 January 2024 Ganna Petruk and Artur Schmidtchen, two of the reserchers behind the study of a new treatment strategy for severe bacterial infections. Photo: Tove Smeds. The development of a new treatment strategy for bacterial infections and sepsis is being led by researchers at Lund University. In a study the researchers demonstrate how they, by mimicking a substance naturally present

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/step-closer-treatment-severe-bacterial-infections-and-sepsis - 2025-01-30

Donations help highlight Ravensbrück art

Published 15 January 2024 A selection of Jadwiga Simon-Pietkiewicz's art, created during her time in the Ravensbrück camp. An upcoming book featuring reproductions of artworks from the Ravensbrück concentration camp tells the story of the horrific reality its female inmates had to endure. The book has been published entirely thanks to private donations.  In spring 1945, around seven thousand women

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/donations-help-highlight-ravensbruck-art - 2025-01-30

French President Emmanuel Macron visits Lund University

Published 31 January 2024 Photo: Kennet Ruona During a French state visit to Sweden, President Emmanuel Macron visited Lund University on Wednesday, where he spoke directly with students at Studentafton. The President addressed challenges, possibilities and the future of the European cooperation. It was a long wait for vice-Chancellor Erik Renström and the audience inside the main University build

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/french-president-emmanuel-macron-visits-lund-university - 2025-01-30

Scandinavia’s first farmers slaughtered the hunter-gatherer population

Published 8 February 2024 The Porsmose man from the Neolithic period, killed by two arrows with bone tips (Photo: National Museum of Denmark) Following the arrival of the first farmers in Scandinavia 5,900 years ago, the hunter-gatherer population was wiped out within a few generations, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden, among others. The results, which are contrary to prevai

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/scandinavias-first-farmers-slaughtered-hunter-gatherer-population - 2025-01-30

The brain is 'programmed' for learning from people we like

Published 15 February 2024 Illustration: DALL-E Our brains are "programmed" to learn more from people we like – and less from those we dislike. This has been shown by researchers in cognitive neuroscience in a series of experiments. Memory serves a vital function, enabling us to learn from new experiences and update existing knowledge. We learn both from individual experiences and from connecting

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/brain-programmed-learning-people-we - 2025-01-30

Unique manufacturing method produces more appealing vegan meat

Published 16 February 2024 "What we've made in our lab is much better than what can be found in stores today", Karolina Östbring and Jeanette Purhagen say (Photo: Hilde Skar-Olsen) Vegan food is often sidestepped due to its rubbery consistency. Food technology researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now developed a way to make vegan food more appetising by using new combinations of raw mater

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/unique-manufacturing-method-produces-more-appealing-vegan-meat - 2025-01-30

Destruction of Gaza monitored from space

Published 23 February 2024 Lina Eklund is one of the researchers in the international team working to analyse satellite images of the destruction of Gaza. Physical geographer Lina Eklund is tracking the destruction of Gaza week by week using satellite images. Her analyses could be significant if, once the fighting between Israel and Hamas is over, questions of possible war crimes are raised at the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/destruction-gaza-monitored-space - 2025-01-30

Recommendations for young children’s screen time do more harm than good

Published 26 February 2024 Photo: Mostphotos Recommendations from the WHO on limiting screen time for children under the age of five are almost impossible to follow, and risk causing unnecessary anxiety and stigmatisation of parents of young children. This according to a study from Lund University in Sweden on the digital media habits of young children. Instead, the researchers recommend that pare

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/recommendations-young-childrens-screen-time-do-more-harm-good - 2025-01-30