

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Taking Action for Urban Nature: Innovation Pathways Directory

Published 26 September 2019 What are the enabling conditions and driving forces for nature-based solutions in the context of urban sustainability transitions? And how do innovation pathways play a role for nature-based solutions? Innovation pathways are a journey: from the initial idea and its demonstration, to its broader uptake within policy, industry and society.The Innovation Pathways Director

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/taking-action-urban-nature-innovation-pathways-directory - 2025-03-16

MSc students at the IIIEE, batch 25, set to the challenge!

Published 26 September 2019 Capstone SED/SSC projects for clients in seven countries during October 2019 In October, it is time for our final-year master students, batch 25, to do their client projects as part of the course Sustainability Solutions in Context (SSC), formerly titled Strategic Environmental Development (SED) course. This course leads student teams to projects all over the world. The

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/msc-students-iiiee-batch-25-set-challenge - 2025-03-16

Thesis Defence Week at the IIIEE!

Published 27 September 2019 Students of the the Master's programme in Environmental Management and Policy are presenting their Master's theses. From Monday 30 September to Thursday 3 October is thesis defence week at the IIIEE. Students of the the Master's programme in Environmental Management and Policy are presenting their Master's theses. The opponents are people from academia, business and ind

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/thesis-defence-week-iiiee-1 - 2025-03-16

NATURVATION project meets in Lund to discuss key findings

Published 30 September 2019 Photo: Ann Åkerman Involving 14 institutions across Europe NATURVATION involves 14 institutions across Europe working in fields as diverse as urban development, innovation studies, geography, ecology, environmental assessment and economics. Our partnership includes city governments, non-governmental organisations and business.We are assessing what nature-based solutions

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/naturvation-project-meets-lund-discuss-key-findings - 2025-03-16

Walking energy, talking energy!

Published 30 September 2019 A café discussion about energy and how to heat our homes in a sustainable way in the future. This event is part of the Future Week at Lund University, 14-20 October. During Future Week at Lund University, the IIIEE is organising Walking energy, talking energy, a café discussion, that aims to encourage the participants of the event to share experiences and visions of how

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/walking-energy-talking-energy - 2025-03-16

Sharing Cities Summit 2019

Published 9 October 2019 Join a game-changing conference and exhibition in Sweden on the emerging sharing economy in cities! Sharing Cities Sweden is organising a conference and exhibition on exploring the role of sharing cities in advancing the sustainable development goals, the Sharing Cities Summit.See more information on the emerging program (updated over time) of the event as well as the prac

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/sharing-cities-summit-2019 - 2025-03-16

New project at the IIIEE on hard-to-reach energy users

Published 14 October 2019 The institute will be part of a new International Energy Agency (IEA) Task on energy efficiency. The IEA-DSM ‘Hard-to-Reach’ (HTR) project will generate knowledge, approaches and policy recommendations aiming to identify HTR energy users and effectively engage them in energy efficiency programmes.The research will support the development of robust social science-based gui

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/new-project-iiiee-hard-reach-energy-users - 2025-03-16

IIIEE research reducing CO2 from travel

Published 21 October 2019 Peter Arnfalk interviewed by TV4 news IIIEE's research on virtual meetings has helped public agencies in Sweden reduce up to 50 % of CO2 from business travel. A project involving 80 Swedish public agencies, the REMM project, based on IIIEE research on virtual meetings, has helped the agencies to significantly reduce their CO2 emission from travel with up to 53 %.Swedish d

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-research-reducing-co2-travel - 2025-03-16

The Urban Sharing Team publishes their first City Report

Published 21 October 2019 'Urban Sharing in Amsterdam: City report No. 1' The Urban Sharing Team has published their first City Report from their research project. Urban Sharing in Amsterdam City Report is the result of a Mobile Research Lab conducted in Amsterdam in Spring 2019.The research is part of the five-year research programme Urban Sharing, funded by the European Research Council (2018-20

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/urban-sharing-team-publishes-their-first-city-report - 2025-03-16

Accelerating Sustainability Entrepreneurship in Local Spaces

Published 25 October 2019 Kes McCormick represented the IIIEE for the TRANSFORM project in Toronto, Canada on 23-25 October. The TRANSFORM project integrates innovative academic research with entrepreneurial experimentation and extensive collaboration among the academic, private and public sectors with the development of hubs in Canada, USA, Sweden, Germany and Australia. Associate Professor Kes M

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/accelerating-sustainability-entrepreneurship-local-spaces - 2025-03-16

IIIEE researchers contribute to new book on Planned Obsolescence

Published 18 November 2019 IIIEE researchers Jessika Luth Richter and Carl Dalhammar have authored a new book on planned obsolescence (PO), together with staff at the Fores think tank.The book, Planned Obsolescence – Built not to last, is published by the European Liberal Forum and explains what PO is and provides examples of PO. It furthemore outlines the links between Circular Economy and Climat

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-researchers-contribute-new-book-planned-obsolescence - 2025-03-16

Circular Business Model Design

Published 21 November 2019 A checklist for creating environmental benefits Julia Nussholz, PhD Candidate at the IIIEE, has created a checklist for environmentally sound circular business model design.It presents 10 key considerations for sustainable circular business model innovation - summarising the most recent contributions in the field and her own work on Circular Business Model (CBM) evaluati

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/circular-business-model-design - 2025-03-16

A research agenda for: Sustainable Consumption Governance

Published 22 November 2019 New book edited by Professor Oksana Mont A new book that sets a Research Agenda for Sustainable Consumption Governance has been published by Edward Elgar Publishing.The book is now available in Open Access, thanks to the Swedish research council for sustainable development, FORMAS.The book contains a wealth of topics from strong sustainable consumption and weak sustainab

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/research-agenda-sustainable-consumption-governance - 2025-03-16

Two new articles on Nature-based Solutions (NBS)

Published 22 November 2019 Co-written by IIIEE researcher Björn Wickenberg Björn Wickenberg at the IIIEE has co-written two new articles on Nature-based Solutions (NBS):1. Working on the boundaries—How do science use and interpret the nature-based solution concept?2. Environmental and climate policy integration: Targeted strategies for overcoming barriers to nature-based solutions and climate chan

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/two-new-articles-nature-based-solutions-nbs - 2025-03-16

MISTRA REES special session at the EcoDesign 2019 conference in Yokohama, Japan.

Published 26 November 2019 Carl Dalhammar presenting in Yokohama, Japan Showcasing research results of the MISTRA REES project. Associate professor Carl Dalhammar together with colleagues from Linköping University organised the special session ‘Advancing Circular Economy in the Manufacturing Industry: The Importance of Design, Business Models, and Policies’ showcasing research results of the MISTR

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/mistra-rees-special-session-ecodesign-2019-conference-yokohama-japan - 2025-03-16

Recalibrating climate prospects

Published 2 December 2019 New article released in connection to the opening of COP25 in Madrid On 2 December the article 'Recalibrating climate prospects' is released in connection to the opening of the UN Climate Change Conference COP 25, 2 – 13 December 2019, in Madrid.Professor Luis Mundaca at the IIIEE has co-written the article together with IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/recalibrating-climate-prospects - 2025-03-16

Collaborating towards a Horizon Europe mission on climate-neutral cities by and for citizens – how do we ensure smartness?

Published 4 December 2019 South Swedish collaborations towards a Horizon Europe mission on climateneutral and smart cities event in Brussels. On 4 December, Lärosäten Syd – the network of Universities in South Sweden – have teamed up with the other south Swedish Brussels offices – Skåne European Office, Småland Blekinge Halland South Sweden, Skåne Association of Local Authorities and City of Malmö

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/collaborating-towards-horizon-europe-mission-climate-neutral-cities-and-citizens-how-do-we-ensure - 2025-03-16