

Din sökning på "*" gav 530798 sökträffar

Doing more of less: what registry data tell us about death in PICU

Published 21 November 2019 The development of paediatric critical care registries, a term we take to include national audits and research databases, has been instrumental in helping us understand the state of children’s critical care and thereby provide a platform for future improvement. Comprehensive datasets enable monitoring of activity and outcomes for audit, safety and service planning. New p

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/doing-more-less-what-registry-data-tell-us-about-death-picu - 2025-03-28

Professor with specific responsibilities in epidemiology and demography

Published 9 April 2019 A position as professor with specific responsibilities in epidemiology and demography is vacant for a period of 5 years with possibility of extension for another 3 years at the Research Unit of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Biodemography, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/professor-specific-responsibilities-epidemiology-and-demography - 2025-03-28

The long and winding road to causality

Published 11 April 2019 Epidemiologists face two fundamental and interrelated problems when judging causality: knowledge is fallible, and studies are imperfect. In medicine, this will always leave a degree of uncertainty in scientific judgements. From an epistemological point of view, even randomized trials cannot be regarded as the ultimate proof to establish a causal relation. Given this inheren

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/long-and-winding-road-causality - 2025-03-28

Panel debate: Plan S and Open Access – the way to go for Swedish researchers?

Published 12 April 2019 Traditional publishing versus sharing results without restrictions has become a fundamental question that involves many different stakeholders, including scientists, librarians, publishers, and research funding organizations. See a panel of international experts discuss the matter. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/panel-debate-plan-s-and-open-access-way-go-swedish-researchers - 2025-03-28

VR ställer krav på datahanteringsplan

Published 13 April 2019 Från och med 2019 behöver du som beviljas bidrag från Vetenskapsrådet ha en datahanteringsplan om din forskning genererar forskningsdata. Planen ska beskriva hur data som samlas in och/eller skapas kommer att hanteras under forskningens gång och hur den ska tas om hand efteråt. Läs mer här. Vill du veta mer om datahanteringsplaner, kan du anmäla dig till seminarium i Lund (

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/vr-staller-krav-pa-datahanteringsplan - 2025-03-28

First results from the Swedish National Pancreatic and Periampullary Cancer Registry.

Published 12 April 2019 Results from the Swedish National Registry are satisfactory and comparable to international standards. Trends over time show increasing resection rates and some improved results. Better collaboration and openness within pancreatic surgeons is an important side effect. New publication in the official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary AssociationRead more

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/first-results-swedish-national-pancreatic-and-periampullary-cancer-registry-0 - 2025-03-28

Learning what works: a framwork for causal inference from observational data

Published 15 April 2019 This is an open seminar with professor Miguel Hernán A 3 half-day seminar on Causal Inference with Miguel Hernán, professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health.The scheduel is as follow:Monday May 6 at 1-5PMTuesday May 7 at 1-5PMWednesday May 8 at 9-12AMLocation: Arvid Carlsson, Acadmicum, GothenburgRead more here 

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/learning-what-works-framwork-causal-inference-observational-data - 2025-03-28

Quality indicators and their regular use in clinical practice: results from a survey among users of two cardiovascular National Registries in Sweden

Published 16 April 2019 Most respondents used quality indicators from the two cardiovascular NQRs infrequently (<3 times/year). The results indicate that linking registration of quality indicators to using them for QI activities increases their routine use and makes them meaningful tools for professionals. New publication in International Journal for Quality in Health CareRead more here

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/quality-indicators-and-their-regular-use-clinical-practice-results-survey-among-users-two - 2025-03-28

Patient-reported outcome and experience measures for diabetes: development of scale models, differences between patient groups and relationships with cardiovascular and diabetes complication risk factors, in a combined registry and survey study in Sweden.

Published 17 April 2019 The questionnaire measures and detects differences in patient well-being, abilities and judgements of diabetes care, and identifies areas for improvement. To further improve diabetes care, we conclude that patient-reported measures are important supplements to cardiovascular and diabetes complication risk factors, reflecting patient experiences of living with diabetes and d

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/patient-reported-outcome-and-experience-measures-diabetes-development-scale-models-differences - 2025-03-28

Causal models adjusting for time-varying confounding—a systematic review of the literature

Published 18 April 2019 There has been marked growth in reports addressing exposure-affected time-varying confounding. This was driven by work in a small number of topic areas, with other areas showing relatively little uptake. In addition, despite developments in more advanced methods such doubly robust techniques and estimation via machine learning, implementation has been largely concentrated o

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/causal-models-adjusting-time-varying-confounding-systematic-review-literature - 2025-03-28

Dental Implant Quality Register-A possible tool to further improve implant treatment and outcome.

Published 23 April 2019 The Board of EAO (European Association for Osseointegration) has discussed an initiative to explore the conditions to establish a Dental Implant Register. It was suggested to bring this issue to the EAO Consensus Conference 2018 for a discussion and to possibly propose relevant and manageable parameters. This article presents some select examples from quality registers in t

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/dental-implant-quality-register-possible-tool-further-improve-implant-treatment-and-outcome - 2025-03-28

Comparison of agreement between internet-based registration of patient-reported outcomes and clinic-based paper forms within the Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register.

Published 24 April 2019 Internet-based reporting for patient-reported outcomes in a clinical setting resulted in similar data for VASs and corresponding disease activity scores to clinic-based reporting on paper forms. New publication in Scandinavian Journal of RheumatologyRead more here

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/comparison-agreement-between-internet-based-registration-patient-reported-outcomes-and-clinic-based - 2025-03-28