

Din sökning på "*" gav 533667 sökträffar

Earlier take-off could lead to fewer bumblebees and less pollination

Published 7 March 2023 A Bombus terrestris queen, one of the bumblebees that usually fly earliest in spring. Photo: Maria Blasi Romero. With the arrival of spring, bumblebee queens take their first wing beat of the season and set out to find new nesting sites. But they are flying earlier in the year, as a result of a warmer climate and a changing agricultural landscape, according to new research f

https://www.science.lu.se/article/earlier-take-could-lead-fewer-bumblebees-and-less-pollination - 2025-03-05

New climate report: "Near-term action is crucial"

Published 23 March 2023 Markku Rummukainen. Photo: Kennet Ruona. The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a synthesis report summarizing the reports of recent years. Markku Rummukainen, Sweden's contact person for the IPCC and also Professor of Climatology at the Center for Environmental and Climate Science at Lund University, answers five question about the new repor

https://www.science.lu.se/article/new-climate-report-near-term-action-crucial - 2025-03-05

Migratory birds take breaks to boost their immune system

Published 3 April 2023 A dunnock. Photo: Kathy Blücher/Pixabay. Exercising too much and not getting enough rest is bad for your health. A new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that the same is true for migratory birds. They need to rest not only to renew their energy levels but also in order to boost their immune system. After a period of physical exertion, vertebrates, including humans,

https://www.science.lu.se/article/migratory-birds-take-breaks-boost-their-immune-system - 2025-03-05

Chemist receives prestigious grant from the European Research Council

Published 3 April 2023 Sara Linse. Photo: Johan Joelsson. Sara Linse, Professor of Biochemistry and Structural Biology, has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant worth 2.5 million euro. Chemistry professor Sara Linse’s research project, CHAPLIN, is to investigate the thermodynamic basis for how a group of chaperone proteins work. This applies to chaperone proteins that increase other proteins’ solubi

https://www.science.lu.se/article/chemist-receives-prestigious-grant-european-research-council - 2025-03-05

Bird feeding helps small birds fight infection

Published 19 April 2023 Photo: Johan Nilsson. Seeds and fat balls do more than just fill small birds’ stomachs. New research from Lund University in Sweden shows that feeding during the wintertime causes birds to be healthier, since they do not have to expend as much energy fighting infections. A small change in body temperature can be fatal for humans. Small birds, meanwhile, lower their body tem

https://www.science.lu.se/article/bird-feeding-helps-small-birds-fight-infection - 2025-03-05

Algae in Swedish lakes provide insights to how complex life on Earth developed

Published 24 April 2023 Photo: Charlie Cornwallis. By studying green algae in Swedish lakes, a research team, led by Lund University in Sweden, has succeeded in identifying which environmental conditions promote multicellularity. The results give us new clues to the amazing paths of evolution. The evolution of multicellular life has played a pivotal role in shaping biological diversity. However, w

https://www.science.lu.se/article/algae-swedish-lakes-provide-insights-how-complex-life-earth-developed - 2025-03-05

Scientists discover rare element in exoplanet’s atmosphere

Published 26 April 2023 Illustration: Bibiana Prinoth. The rare metal terbium has been found in an exoplanet’s atmosphere for the first time. The researchers at Lund University in Sweden have also developed a new method for analyzing exoplanets, making it possible to study them in more detail. KELT-9 b is the galaxy’s hottest exoplanet, orbiting its distant star about 670 light years from Earth. T

https://www.science.lu.se/article/scientists-discover-rare-element-exoplanets-atmosphere - 2025-03-05

The bat's ability to convert energy into muscle power is affected by flight speed

Published 9 May 2023 Photo: Anders Hedenström. Small bats are bad at converting energy into muscle power. Surprisingly, a new study led by Lund University reveals that this ability increases the faster they fly. The researchers have studied the efficiency of migratory bats – a species that weighs about eight grams and is found in almost all of Europe. Efficiency, in this case, is the ability to co

https://www.science.lu.se/article/bats-ability-convert-energy-muscle-power-affected-flight-speed - 2025-03-05

Microorganisms' climate adaptation can slow down global warming

Published 29 May 2023 Using samples from all across Europe, the researchers were able to show that microorganisms in soil can adapt to changes in temperature. Photo: Carla Cruz Paredes. A new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that the ability of microorganisms to adapt to climate warming will slow down global warming by storing carbon in soil. In the study, researchers collected soil samp

https://www.science.lu.se/article/microorganisms-climate-adaptation-can-slow-down-global-warming - 2025-03-05

Bacteria are vital for the diversity and survival of insects

Published 29 May 2023 A Weevil. Photo: Pixabay. Insects heavily rely on bacteria for essential nutrients that are lacking in their diet. This has allowed insects to access a wide variety of food, leading to remarkable species diversification in some cases, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden. Insects are crucial for biodiversity and among the most successful species on the plan

https://www.science.lu.se/article/bacteria-are-vital-diversity-and-survival-insects - 2025-03-05

Urban great tits less stressed than their countryside cousins

Published 19 June 2023 Photo: Pixabay. Great tits in urban environments have lower levels of stress hormone than those living in woodland habitats. This according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden. Certain animals are able to adjust well to environments that have been created or altered by human activity. We live in an age in which urbanisation is proceeding at an ever-faster rate, som

https://www.science.lu.se/article/urban-great-tits-less-stressed-their-countryside-cousins - 2025-03-05

Secondary forests more sensitive to drought

Published 11 August 2023 Photo: Ulrika Ervander. The dry summer of 2018 hit Swedish forests hard - and hardest affected were the managed secondary forests. This according to a new study from Lund University. Northern boreal forest ecosystems are predicted to experience more frequent summer droughts in the future. The majority of Swedish forest are secondary forests that are managed commercial fore

https://www.science.lu.se/article/secondary-forests-more-sensitive-drought - 2025-03-05

Why killer bacteria affect some people more severely

Published 29 August 2023 Group A streptococci growing on a blood agar plate. Photo: Fredric Carlsson. Why are certain people more severely affected than others by invasive streptococcal infections? According to a new study from Lund University in Sweden, the answer lies in our genome. Carriers of a certain variant of the STING gene are at greater risk, particularly if they encounter the bacterial

https://www.science.lu.se/article/why-killer-bacteria-affect-some-people-more-severely - 2025-03-05

Researchers reveal deficiencies in “corrosion-resistant” metallic materials

Published 30 August 2023 Alfred Larsson assembles an electrochemical cell at the instrument "The Swedish Materials Science Beamline P21.2" at the PETRA III particle accelerator in Hamburg. Photo: Jinshan Pan. Corrosion-resistant metallic materials are required in applications such as rocket engines, nuclear power stations and chemical industry. An alloy of nickel, chromium and molybdenum is often

https://www.science.lu.se/article/researchers-reveal-deficiencies-corrosion-resistant-metallic-materials - 2025-03-05

Urban great tits have paler plumage than their forest-living relatives

Published 5 September 2023 Photo: Caroline Isaksson. A new study conducted by researchers in Europe shows that urban great tits have paler plumage than their countryside counterparts. Since the yellow pigment of the breast feathers of great tits comes from the food they eat, the paler yellow plumage of urban birds indicates that the urban environment affects the entire food chain. As urban areas e

https://www.science.lu.se/article/urban-great-tits-have-paler-plumage-their-forest-living-relatives - 2025-03-05

Two biology researchers receive generous starting grants from the European Research Council

Published 6 September 2023 The ERC Starting Grant is aimed at younger researchers. Milda Pucetaite and Colin Olito were two of four researchers from Lund who received the starting grant. Photo: private. Two researchers at the Department of Biology, Milda Pucetaite and Colin Olito, have been awarded starting grants from the European Research Council, ERC. The research projects aim to advance method

https://www.science.lu.se/article/two-biology-researchers-receive-generous-starting-grants-european-research-council - 2025-03-05

Migratory birds can be taught to adjust to climate change

Published 13 October 2023 Photo: Viiru Pesonen/Wikimedia Commons. One result of climate change is that spring is arriving earlier. However, migratory birds are not keeping up with these developments and arrive too late for the peak in food availability when it is time for breeding. By getting the birds to fly a little further north, researchers in Lund, Sweden, and the Netherlands have observed th

https://www.science.lu.se/article/migratory-birds-can-be-taught-adjust-climate-change - 2025-03-05

Rättssociologen har blivit institution!

Publicerad 4 oktober 2013 En dag att minnas i rättssociologins historia blir den 26 september 2013 då Rättssociologiska enheten blev Rättssociologiska institutionen efter beslut av Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsstyrelsen. Rättssociologi har funnits som självständigt akademiskt ämne sedan 1972 då regeringen inrättade en professur vid samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten på Lunds Universitet.På Rättsso

https://www.soclaw.lu.se/artikel/rattssociologen-har-blivit-institution - 2025-03-05

Masterstudent belönad för sin praktik på Auschwitz-Birkenau statsmuseum

Publicerad 22 maj 2023 Marko Antonio Naranjo Marko Antonio Naranjo, student på mastersprogrammet i rättssociologi, fick Museichefen för Auschwitz-Birkenau statsuseums pris för sina insatser under sin praktik under höstterminen 2022. Museichefen ger utmärkelsen till volontärer och praktikanter som gör särskilda insatser för att främja minnet av Auschwitz. Jag känner att det här erkännandet inte bar

https://www.soclaw.lu.se/artikel/masterstudent-belonad-sin-praktik-pa-auschwitz-birkenau-statsmuseum - 2025-03-05