

Din sökning på "*" gav 528096 sökträffar

När pigorna blev kontorister – ny forskning om inkomstojämlikhet i Stockholm under 100 år

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 6 mars 2024 Olympiska spelens biljettkontor vid Norrmalmstorg år 1912. Under 1900-talet skedde en strukturell omvandling där låglöneyrken som städerska och piga minskade. I stället tillkom tjänster som t.ex. kontorist. Strukturella förändringar, som att den kvinnligt dominerande tjänstesektorn gick från lågavlönat hus

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/nar-pigorna-blev-kontorister-ny-forskning-om-inkomstojamlikhet-i-stockholm-under-100-ar - 2025-01-01

Konstantinos Mertzianis – alumn från magisterprogrammet i Information Systems 2009

Av carla [dot] bohme [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (Carla Böhme) - publicerad 8 april 2024 Konstantinos Mertzianis År 2009 erhöll Konstantinos en magisterexamen i informationssystem från Institutionen för informatik vid Lunds universitet. Vi intervjuade honom om hans framgångar på arbetsmarknaden. (Intervjun nedan har översatts från engelska)Berätta om vad du arbetar med idag!– Jag arbetar på Qlik, s

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/konstantinos-mertzianis-alumn-fran-magisterprogrammet-i-information-systems-2009 - 2025-01-01

Forskning för excellens och samverkan, inte antingen eller

Av peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - publicerad 12 mars 2024 Foto: Sebastian Borg Fel att se på samhällsvetenskaplig forskning som antingen en jakt på publiceringar i smala vetenskapliga tidskrifter, eller samhällsnyttig. De problem som representanterna för Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi (ESO) lyfter fram är relevanta, men samtidigt väl kända och

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/forskning-excellens-och-samverkan-inte-antingen-eller - 2025-01-01

Ny kunskap om nationalekonomiska metoder prisas som 2020 års bästa avhandling

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 9 mars 2021 Hör mer om Yana Petrovas forskning i den här fyra minuter långa videon Hur kan vetenskapliga metoder som använder paneldata förbättras? Det tar nationalekonomen Yana Petrova upp i sin avhandling som nu prisas som Ekonomihögskolans bästa avhandling 2020. ”För en anmärkningsvärd stark avhandling som förbättr

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/ny-kunskap-om-nationalekonomiska-metoder-prisas-som-2020-ars-basta-avhandling - 2025-01-01

Han blir ny Wallenberg Scholar

Publicerad 26 mars 2024 Martin Dribe. Arkivfoto. Martin Dribe, professor i ekonomisk historia vid Ekonomihögskolan, blir en av tolv forskare vid Lunds universitets som nu utses till ”Wallenberg Scholars”. Martin Dribe är professor i ekonomisk historia vid Ekonomihögskolan och föreståndare för Centrum för ekonomisk demografi vid Lunds universitet. Som Wallenberg Scholar ska han ägna sig åt den lång

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/han-blir-ny-wallenberg-scholar - 2025-01-01

Forest research beyond disciplines – Navigating the forest landscape

Published 31 January 2023 During the last days of January, around 50 PhD students from four countries met to discuss the forest's past, present and future. A key insight was that ongoing research is far broader than how it’s often portrayed in the general forest debate. Participants from 10 universities in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Poland went from large-scale to microscopic in discussions from

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/forest-research-beyond-disciplines-navigating-forest-landscape - 2025-01-01

Hedling on emotional labour in digital diplomacy

Published 2 February 2023 Elsa Hedling has authored the article ‘Emotional labour in digital diplomacy: perceptions and challenges for European diplomats’ recently published in Emotions and Society. The article analyses how diplomats perceive the demands of digital diplomacy and how emotions are engaged in their efforts to perform competently both online and offline. The findings suggest that the

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/hedling-emotional-labour-digital-diplomacy - 2025-01-01

Hello there...

By webbredaktor [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Frostner) - published 9 February 2023 Markus Holdo in front of the town Anghiari in Tuscany during fieldwork. Photo: Markus Holdo. ...Markus Holdo! You just came back from Italy where you've done fieldwork, tell me, what have you done and how did it go? –  Yes, it was very exciting! I'm gathering material for a study on how people in rural areas t

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/hello-there - 2025-01-01

Uhlin on civil society activism and ASEAN

Published 21 February 2023 Anders Uhlin has authored the chapter “Civil Society Activism beyond the Nation-State: Legitimating ASEAN?” in Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia, edited by Eva Hansson and Meredith L. Weiss. The study analyses civil society activism targeting ASEAN within a framework of the politics of legitimation and delegitimation of international organ

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/uhlin-civil-society-activism-and-asean - 2025-01-01

The democratic potential of civil society organizations in North Macedonia

By webbredaktor [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Frostner) - published 22 February 2023 Milka Ivanovska Hadjievska just published a chapter in Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States about the democratic potential of politically and socially oriented civil society organizations in North Macedonia. Let us find out more – here are some questions to Milka: For someone who is

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/democratic-potential-civil-society-organizations-north-macedonia - 2025-01-01

Hello there Ian Manners! Let’s hear a little about the new course Political Cinéma…

By webbredaktor [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Frostner) - published 16 March 2023 Professor Ian Manners, who is also due to be inaugurated as a professor tomorrow, teaches alongside Joel Abdelmoez on the course Political Cinéma. – Why Cinéma and not Cinema? –  The course is called political cinéma to remind us that ‘cinéma’ is both the production and projection of films. In 1895 the Lumière b

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/hello-there-ian-manners-lets-hear-little-about-new-course-political-cinema - 2025-01-01

Ian Manners on 'Achieving European Communion in the Planetary Organic Crisis'

Published 22 March 2023 The report published by EU3D: EU Differentiation, Dominance, and Democracy, argues that European Union challenges and crises of the past decade, including the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis, refugees, ethno-nationalist/Brexit movements, COVID-19, and Russian invasion of Ukraine are part of a planetary organic crisis (POC) of economy, society, ecology, conflict, and polity.

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/ian-manners-achieving-european-communion-planetary-organic-crisis - 2025-01-01

Sara Kalm and Anna Meeuwisse explore transnational anti-gender networking promoting “the natural family”

Published 24 March 2023 This article explores conservative Christian transnational advocacy, which defends what its leaders and supporters understand as the “natural family” against the perceived dangers of “gender ideology,” with a view to save Western civilization from imminent demise. Sara Kalm, associate professor in political science. We focus on the World Congress of Families (WCF) and inves

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/sara-kalm-and-anna-meeuwisse-explore-transnational-anti-gender-networking-promoting-natural-family - 2025-01-01

Jonathan Polk and co-authors examine the positions of European interest groups and political parties in two dimensions of political competition

Published 28 March 2023 Interest groups and political parties are the primary organizational carriers of citizens’ preferences into executive and legislative political institutions. Their combined effect for citizen representation has only recently come into focus. We address this gap via an original cross-national survey of interest groups, which includes the self-placement of groups on the Left-

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/jonathan-polk-and-co-authors-examine-positions-european-interest-groups-and-political-parties-two - 2025-01-01

Professor Ian Manners presents on ‘The External Dimensions of the European Union’s Autocracy Crisis’ to the Swedish EU Presidency Conference

Published 14 April 2023 Professor Ian Manners presents on ‘The External Dimensions of the European Union’s Autocracy Crisis’ to the Swedish EU Presidency Conference on 'The Rule of Law in the EU: Crisis and Solutions', Stockholm, 17 April. The conference is co-organized by the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies; the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies; the Centre for European Res

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/professor-ian-manners-presents-external-dimensions-european-unions-autocracy-crisis-swedish-eu - 2025-01-01

Skovgaard and co-authors explore the financing of petrochemical production

Published 20 April 2023 Plastics and other petrochemicals are rapidly expanding. Academic and political attention has focused on the consumption of plastics, but in a new Open Access article with the journal Global Environmental Change, Jakob Skovgaard and his co-authors explore the financing of petrochemical production. Associate Professor Jakob Skovgaard A key finding is that public finance play

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/skovgaard-and-co-authors-explore-financing-petrochemical-production - 2025-01-01

Klüver, Bäck & Krauss new book on ‘Coalition Agreements as Control Devices’

Published 21 April 2023 In their just published book, ‘Coalition Agreements as Control Devices - Coalition Governance in Western and Eastern Europe’, Heike Klüver, Hanna Bäck, and Svenja Krauss provide the first comprehensive content analysis of coalition agreements across a range of parliamentary democracies in Western and Eastern Europe. They show that coalition parties systematically use coalit

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kluver-back-krauss-new-book-coalition-agreements-control-devices - 2025-01-01

Hyeyoon Park explores China's norm-making role in global extractives governance

Published 27 April 2023 In the article “Global Norm-Maker as China’s New Brand? An Analysis of the Responsible Cobalt Initiative”, Hyeyoon Park explores China’s normative role in global governance for sustainable mineral extractions. Hyeyoon Park, Postdoctoral Fellow. China became a key actor in the global supply chain of extractive resources (e.g., cobalt and lithium) - crucial part of green tran

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/hyeyoon-park-explores-chinas-norm-making-role-global-extractives-governance - 2025-01-01

Aggestam and True on feminist governance in foreign policy

Published 28 April 2023 Professor Karin Aggestam. Karin Aggestam and Jacqui True have co-authored the chapter ”The rise of feminist governance in foreign policy” in the ”Handbook of feminist governance”, edited by Sawer, M., Bananszak, A., True, J., Kantola, J.     Read more about Handbook of Feminist Governance here on Edward Elgar Publishing's site. To Karin Aggestam's personal page.

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/aggestam-and-true-feminist-governance-foreign-policy - 2025-01-01

Kinnvall and Kisić-Merino on ‘Deglobalization and the Political Psychology of White Supremacy’

Published 5 May 2023 Catarina Kinnvall and co-author Pasko Kisić-Merino have recently published their article ‘Deglobalization and the Political Psychology of White Supremacy’ in Theory & Psychology, vol. 33, issue 2. Professor Catarina Kinnvall. Photo: Björn Frostner. Pasko Kisić-Merino, PhD Candidate, Karlstad University. Abstract This article is concerned with the psychological dimensions of de

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kinnvall-and-kisic-merino-deglobalization-and-political-psychology-white-supremacy - 2025-01-01