

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

12 million SEK for project on policing, schools, and health care

Published 15 December 2016 Johannes Lindvall has received a large grant from the Swedish Research Council for the project Policing, Schooling, and Health Care in Historical and Comparative Perspective.

 Over the course of six years Johannes Lindvall will study the emergence of new types of public services in the nineteenth century, and its consequences for political developments in the twentieth

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/12-million-sek-project-policing-schools-and-health-care - 2025-03-13

On the politics of claiming rights

Published 10 January 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESERACHERS: Anders Uhlin has co-edited the book Demanding Justice in the Global South: Claiming Rights, published by Palgrave Macmillan. The politics of claiming rights and strategies of mobilisation exhibited by marginalised social groups lie at the heart of this volume.Theoretically, the authors aim to foster a holistic and multi-faceted understanding of h

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/politics-claiming-rights - 2025-03-13

Masculinity in Canada and India

Published 13 January 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Catarina Kinnvall has co-authored a chapter entitled: 'Saffron and Orange: Religion, Nation and Masculinity in Canada and India’. The chapter has been published in 'The Routledge Handbook on Narrative and Life History', edited by Ivor Goodson, Ari Antikainen, Pat Sikes and Molly Andrews (London: Routledge 2017). For more information see routledge

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/masculinity-canada-and-india - 2025-03-13

On the Right not to be a Perpetrator of Violence towards Animals

Published 19 January 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Kurtis Boyer has co-authored a chapter entitled: Beyond Complicity And Denial: Animal Advocacy And The Right To Living Justly. The chapter was co-authored with Guy Scotton and Katehryne Wayne and is published in “Intervention or Protest: Acting for Nonhuman Animals”, edited by Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade and Andrew Woodhall (Wilmington: Vernon

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/right-not-be-perpetrator-violence-towards-animals - 2025-03-13

Elgström visited Bath for thesis on EU foreign policy

Published 20 January 2017 Ole Elgström was the external examiner at the University of Bath. The thesis, written by Magdalena Nasieniak, examined the changes that have taken place in the role of the Council Presidency post-Lisbon, with an emphasis on the Presidency's role in EU foreign policy. Notably, the supervisor was Leslie Wehner, who graduated from our Master of European Affairs-programme in

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/elgstrom-visited-bath-thesis-eu-foreign-policy - 2025-03-13

Reaching higher: Women liberators and gender

Published 26 January 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Sebhatu writes about Gender-Just Peace and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. Rahel Weldeab Sebhatu has recently authored the article “Reaching Higher: Women Liberators and Gender” which was published in the Horn of Africa Bulletin of the Life & Peace Institute in Uppsala (November-December 2016 Vol. 28, Issue 6).This paper call

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/reaching-higher-women-liberators-and-gender - 2025-03-13

Is foreign policy adjusting to media logic?

Published 3 February 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Douglas Brommesson has published a new book together with Ann-Marie Ekengren at the University of Gothenburg called The Mediatization of Foreign Policy, Political Decision-making and Humanitarian Intervention and published by Palgrave Macmillan. More information about the book is available here: http://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9781137544605This b

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/foreign-policy-adjusting-media-logic - 2025-03-13

Russian images of the European Union

Published 17 February 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Ole Elgström has, together with Natalia Chaban and Olga Gulyaeva, authored the article "Russian images of the European Union: Before and after Maidan", now published by Foreign Policy Analysis. Abstract:This article probes into scope conditions for image change, investigating what changes in Russian images of the European Union (EU) have taken p

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/russian-images-european-union - 2025-03-13

Lisa Strömbom promoted to Associate Professor

Published 23 February 2017 Lisa Strömbom was promoted to Associate Professor at the board meeting of the Faculty of Social Sciences on the 2nd of February. Lisa Strömbom conducts research on topics such as identity politics and conflict transformation in intrastate conflicts and cities, with a special focus on Israel-Palestine, and teaches peace and conflict studies.Lisa Strömbom’s personal page.

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/lisa-strombom-promoted-associate-professor - 2025-03-13

Fariborz Zelli elected to ISA Governing Council

Published 1 March 2017 The globally leading academic association on international relations ISA elected our researcher Fariborz Zelli to their Governing Council last week. Fariborz Zelli with Susan Park, his predecessor as chair of the ISA environmental studies section.  ISA, the International Studies Association, has over 6,500 members grouped in thematic sections. At the ISA annual convention in

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/fariborz-zelli-elected-isa-governing-council - 2025-03-13

Ontological security, an approach to security and identity in world politics

Published 9 March 2017 Catarina Kinnvall and Jennifer Mitzen have published a Special Issue with the journal Cooperation and Conflict, entitled ’Ontological Security and World Politics’. Catarina has also an article in the same issue, entitled: ’Feeling Ontologically (In)secure: States, traumas and the governing of gendered space’. "A few years ago, as we began a conversation about ontological sec

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/ontological-security-approach-security-and-identity-world-politics - 2025-03-13

Skovgaard in special edition on the fragmentation of climate financing

Published 10 March 2017 Jakob Skovgaard is co-editor of and contributing to a special edition of the journal "International Environmental Agreements" entitled "Managing fragmentation and complexity in the emerging system of international climate finance". The special edition addresses which factors have influenced how financing for climate action in developing countries (climate financing) is gove

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/skovgaard-special-edition-fragmentation-climate-financing - 2025-03-13

Kronsell spoke in Canberra about green industrial transitions

Published 17 March 2017 OUTREACH: Professor Annica Kronsell is on a fellowship sponsored by the EU Center on Shared Complex Challenges at University of Melbourne and gave a talk to Australian Policy makers in Canberra on 'Green Industrial Transitions in line with Climate Objectives' Thursday March 16. Annica Kronsell's personal page.Visit the website of the University of Melbourne, where Annica Kr

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kronsell-spoke-canberra-about-green-industrial-transitions - 2025-03-13

Democracy, Urbanization, and Tax Revenue

Published 23 March 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Per Andersson has published an article in the journal Studies in Comparative International Development. AbstractDuring the last two centuries, taxation has not only increased dramatically in level and volume; its structure has also changed: from a heavy reliance on customs revenue in the early nineteenth century to a stronger emphasis on income tax

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/democracy-urbanization-and-tax-revenue - 2025-03-13

Watch Annika Bergman Rosamond talk about celebraty humanitarianism

Published 23 March 2017 OUTREACH: Annika Bergman Rosamond’s keynote ”Cities and Citizens for Peace - The Importance of Dialogue” at the opening of HÖFÐI Reykjavik Peace Centre, 7th October 2016 is now available online. The objective of the opening of HÖFÐI Reykjavik Peace Centre at the University of Iceland is to support Reykjavik in its mission of becoming a city of peace, and to advise on how Re

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/watch-annika-bergman-rosamond-talk-about-celebraty-humanitarianism - 2025-03-13

Kronsell with two new articles about biodiversity and climate policy-making

Published 30 March 2017 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Annica Kronsell has co-authored the following two articles, both are available via open access. Together with Anna Kaijser ”Who gets to know about nature? Biodiversity and ecosystem services through an intersectional lens” in Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien.Together with Gunnhildur Magnusdottir ”The double democratic deficit in clima

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kronsell-two-new-articles-about-biodiversity-and-climate-policy-making - 2025-03-13

Kronsell talked in Melbourne about more sustainable and climate resilient cities

Published 6 April 2017 OUTREACH: Professor Annica Kronsell gave a talk on Collaborative urban sustainability governance through experimentation, hosted by the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute at the Singapore Theatre, Basement Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne on Thursday 23rd March. From the poster:Innovations in urban governance such as Urban Living Labs (ULL) are expect

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kronsell-talked-melbourne-about-more-sustainable-and-climate-resilient-cities - 2025-03-13

Editors' pick Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy in the Making

Published 5 April 2017 The article ”Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy in the Making: Ethics, Politics, and Gender”, co-authored by Karin Aggestam and Annika Bergman Rosamond, is part of the Carnegie Council Special Collection of "Editors' Picks" from the 30th Anniversary volym of the journal "Ethics & International Affairs”. In 2014 the world’s first self-defined feminist government was formed in Sw

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/editors-pick-swedish-feminist-foreign-policy-making - 2025-03-13

Karin Aggestam first woman and political scientist appointed the Pufendorf chair

Published 28 March 2017 Peace-building, mediation and justice issues are on the agenda for Karin Aggestam who holds the prestigious Pufendorf chair, which provides the holder the opportunity to devote most of her time to research. – The chair is a research position but I have made sure to retain some teaching. Interaction with the students is very rewarding, says Karin Aggestam to the magazine LUM

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/karin-aggestam-first-woman-and-political-scientist-appointed-pufendorf-chair-0 - 2025-03-13