

Din sökning på "*" gav 533534 sökträffar

Dissertation & Halftime 2022

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 18 February 2022   DISSERTATIONS AND HALFTIME 2022 Halftime 2022-09-30 Veronica Fransson Spectral imaging by Detector-based Computed Tomography in Neuroradiology Disseration 2022-03-25: Emma Einarsson Imaging of tissue degeneration in knee osteoarthritis using magnetic resonance and synchrotron radiation Half

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/dissertation-halftime-2022 - 2025-03-09

Kurt Lidéns pris för 2021

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 29 October 2021 Svensk förening för radiofysik har tilldelat Emilia Persson och Christian Jamtheim Gustafsson, Lund, Kurt Lidéns pris för 2021 för deras insatser att tekniskt utveckla och införa MRI-only RT. Emilia och Christian har disputerat vid Medicinsk strålningsfysik, ITM, Malmö. The Swedish Asso

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/kurt-lidens-pris-2021 - 2025-03-09

In Swedish: Ledigförklarar stipendium

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 28 September 2021 Stiftelsen för cancerforskning vid Onkologiska kliniken vid Universitetssjukhuset MAS Ledigförklarar Stiftelsens stora stipendium på 75 000 SEK för 2021 Stipendiet kan t ex användas som forskningsanslag, egen lön, utrustning, studieresa. Stipendiet kan inte användas för konferensresor

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/swedish-ledigforklarar-stipendium - 2025-03-09

SK-kurs: Teknik, fysik inom bild- och funktionsmedicin

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 10 January 2025 PÅ SVENSKANÄSTA KURSTILLFÄLLE I SOCIALSTYRELSENS REGI: HT 2025 OBS! Ansökan och antagning till detta kurstillfälle sker endast via Socialstyrelsens antagningssystem: socialstyrelsen.se. Socialstyrelsen svarar på ALLA frågor för denna kurs avseende ansökan och antagning.PRELIMINÄRT: EXTR

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/sk-kurs-teknik-fysik-inom-bild-och-funktionsmedicin - 2025-03-09

Dissertation Emma Einarsson March 25, 2022

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 4 March 2022   DISSERTATION Emma Einarsson Date: March 25, 2022, at 09.00 Place: To be defended at Agardhsalen, CRC, Skånes Universitetssjukhus Malmö, Jan Waldenströms gata 35 Title: Imaging of tissue degeneration in knee osteoarthritis using magnetic resonance and synchrotron radiation Subject area: Clinical

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/dissertation-emma-einarsson-march-25-2022 - 2025-03-09

AI Seminarium - Forskningens dag (Research Day), Lund University

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 18 February 2022 Better radiation therapy using AI Lars E Olsson: Lecture · 8 min Recorded at Sjukhusaulan in Lund on November 10, 2021.  Moderator: Lisa Kirsebom. Organizer: Lund University. A large proportion of those who suffer from cancer receive radiation treatment.  It is then important that the radiati

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/ai-seminarium-forskningens-dag-research-day-lund-university - 2025-03-09

The radiation effects of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy accidents in comparison

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 9 March 2022 Invitation to extra joint seminar at Medical Radiation Physics Malmö and Lund  Title: The radiation effects of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy accidents in comparison  Speaker: Robert Finck, Senior researcher, Medical Radiation Physics Malmö  Date: The 11 March, at 14.00-15.00 Note: The digita

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/radiation-effects-nuclear-weapons-and-nuclear-energy-accidents-comparison - 2025-03-09

Vacany: Postdoctoral researcher in Medical Radiation Physics, MRI

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 15 March 2022 Postdoctoral researcher in Medical Radiation Physics, MRI Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Translational Medicine Vacancies (English) Postdoktor inom medicinsk strålningsfysik Lunds universitet, Institutionen för translationell medicin Ledig anställning (Svenska)

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/vacany-postdoctoral-researcher-medical-radiation-physics-mri - 2025-03-09

Radioactive accidents: radiation doses, money and fears

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 20 June 2022 "Christopher Rääf's emergency preparedness laboratory, at Lund University, is commissioned by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority to assist with his knowledge in the event of a radiological or nuclear disaster, so-called RN disaster, in Sweden. In an interdisciplinary research project, Christo

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/radioactive-accidents-radiation-doses-money-and-fears - 2025-03-09

Invitation to Seminar MSF Malmö / Lund, September 23, 2022

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 21 September 2022 Sören Mattson, professor, Medical Radiation Physics Malmö: Variations of radionuclides and metals in the marine environment of the Swedish west-coast during a 50 year period Date: 23-Sep at 14.00 to around 15.00 Zoom link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/69419778883  Everyone interested is welcome!

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/invitation-seminar-msf-malmo-lund-september-23-2022 - 2025-03-09

Invitation to Seminar MSF Malmö / Lund, September 30, 2022

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 26 September 2022 Half time Seminar: Spectral Computed Tomography with detector-based technology in Neuroradiology. Veronica Fransson, PhD Student. Please note that the seminar will be in Swedish. - presentation only. Full abstract can be found at:  Half Time Reviews - the Department of Translational Medicine

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/invitation-seminar-msf-malmo-lund-september-30-2022 - 2025-03-09

ALF research funds

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 28 September 2022 CONGRATULATIONS TO Christian Jamtheim Gustafsson, who has received the ALF Research Space for Younger Clinical Researchers ALF | Medical Faculty, Lund University ALF Forskningsutrymme för Yngre kliniska forskare utlyses varje år (på våren) och är från och med utlysningen 2022 ett fyra-årigt

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/alf-research-funds - 2025-03-09

MCC Seminar Wednesday Oct 5, 2022: Magnus Dustler

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 30 September 2022     Title: "Mechanical imaging of the breast" Speaker: Magnus Dustler Associate Researcher, Medical Radiation Physics and Radiology Diagnostics, Malmö, Lund University Host: Anders Tingberg Malmö Cancer Seminars | Malmö Cancer Center (lu.se)  Zoom: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/68321363249 Please

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/mcc-seminar-wednesday-oct-5-2022-magnus-dustler - 2025-03-09

Biomedical imaging for drug discovery/ development – opportunities for MAX IV

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 12 October 2022 19 oktober: LINXS Workshop Today, synchrotron techniques are rarely used in the later stages of biomedical drug development. An upcoming workshop, organized within the framework of a new theme at LINXS, Integrative Pharmacology and Drug Discovery, highlights the possibilities of developing new

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/biomedical-imaging-drug-discovery-development-opportunities-max-iv - 2025-03-09

Lund Luminescence Laboratory for Dosimetry (LLLDo Lab)

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 27 September 2022 The LLLDo lab in Malmö is part of “Lund University optically stimulated luminescence center for dating and dosimetry” (Lu2D2) together with Lund Luminescence Laboratory (LLL) at the Department of Geology. LLLDo is actively participating in the European Radiation Dosimetry group (EURADOS) WG1

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/lund-luminescence-laboratory-dosimetry-llldo-lab - 2025-03-09

Ledigförklarar stiftelsens stora stipendium

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 24 October 2022 Stiftelsen för cancerforskning vid Onkologiska kliniken vid Universitetssjukhuset MAS ledigförklarar ledigförklarar för ansökan till Stiftelsens stora stipendium på 100 000 SEK för 2022 In English below Ansökningsblankett finns här: ansökan word ansökan pdf Senast den 11 November 2022 kl 18.00

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/ledigforklarar-stiftelsens-stora-stipendium - 2025-03-09

Sören Mattsson: News from Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and Interview from Vetenskapsradion

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 25 October 2022 Photo: Mattias Jönsson   Over 50 years of collecting algae on the West Coast provides answers to what radioactive substances are in the sea (in Swedish) News from Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Oct 25, 2022 (Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, SSM) Interview with professor Sören Mattsson (in Swedis

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/soren-mattsson-news-swedish-radiation-safety-authority-and-interview-vetenskapsradion - 2025-03-09

Forskningens dag Nov 8-9, 2022 (in Swedish)

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 20 October 2022 From: Picture from www.medicin.lu.se/forskningensdag När världen blir viral – om virus och pandemier Hur kan något som inte ens syns vända upp och ner på en hel värld? Forskningens dag 2022 kommer handla om hur virus sprider sig och orsakar sjukdom. Vad kan vi göra för att behandla och stoppa

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/forskningens-dag-nov-8-9-2022-swedish - 2025-03-09

Invitation to Seminar MSF Malmö / Lund

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 21 October 2022 Memorial seminar for Christer Samuelsson: Radiation protection physicist at Lund University and successful researcher. Moderator: Professor Em Sören Mattsson, MSF, ITM. We honor the memory of our late research colleague Doc. Christer Samuelsson and his career as a researcher and radiation prot

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/invitation-seminar-msf-malmo-lund - 2025-03-09

New center on luminescence welcome meeting place for researchers

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 8 November 2022 Photo: Christian Bernhardsson, director of the radiation physicists' luminescence lab in Malmö, and Helena Alexanderson, director of the geologists' luminescence lab in Lund. LUM 2022;5:10.      CROSS SCIENCE. Natural sciences and the Faculty of Medicine has contributed money to an internation

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/new-center-luminescence-welcome-meeting-place-researchers - 2025-03-09