

Din sökning på "*" gav 534834 sökträffar

ABO blood group and the risk of aortic disease: a nationwide cohort study

Published 11 January 2021 A total of 20 684 aortic events occurred during the study period. Non-O donors and patients had similar incidence of aortic events when compared with blood group O donors and patients with an IRR of 0.98 (95% CI, 0.93–1.04) and 1.00 (95% CI, 0.97–1.03), respectively. There were no differences between non-O and blood group O individuals when aortic dissections and aortic a

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/abo-blood-group-and-risk-aortic-disease-nationwide-cohort-study - 2025-03-05

FORMAS skärper krav på vetenskaplig publicering

Published 26 December 2020 Formas skärper kraven på öppen vetenskaplig publicering för de utlysningar som öppnar efter 1 januari 2021. Kraven innebär att all vetenskaplig publicering som är resultat av projekt som finansierats av Formas ska publiceras öppet tillgängligt, utan fördröjning. De skärpta kraven beskriver också på vilka sätt publiceringen ska ske. Läs mer på https://formas.se/arkiv/nyhe

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/formas-skarper-krav-pa-vetenskaplig-publicering - 2025-03-05

Forskning, frihet, framtid – kunskap och innovation för Sverige

Published 27 December 2020 I propositionen presenterar regeringen forskningspolitiken för åren 2021– 2024. Den omfattar frågor om såväl forskning och innovation som högre utbildning. Politiken utgår från målet att Sverige ska vara ett av världens främsta forsknings-och innovationsländer och en framstående kunskapsnation. Läs mer på https://www.regeringen.se/rattsliga-dokument/proposition/2020/12/f

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/forskning-frihet-framtid-kunskap-och-innovation-sverige - 2025-03-05

Fortes årliga utlysning 2021

Published 29 December 2020 Den årliga öppna utlysningen är öppen för ansökningar inom Fortes övergripande ansvarsområden: hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd. Syftet är att möjliggöra analys av och bidra till en fördjupad kunskap inom avgränsade forskningsområden eller frågeställningar. Läs mer på https://forte.se/utlysning/arliga-oppna-utlysningen-2021.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/fortes-arliga-utlysning-2021 - 2025-03-05

Digital sommarskola kring longitudinella studier om åldrande

Published 2 January 2021 I den här utlysningen kan du ansöka om deltagande i sommarskolan ”Summer Program in Aging 2021” (SPA 2021) på temat longitudinella studier om åldrande. Denna utlysning är ett samarbete mellan the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Institute of Aging och Forte. Forte finansierar anmälningsavgiften. Läs mer på https://forte.se/utlysning/spa-2021/.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/digital-sommarskola-kring-longitudinella-studier-om-aldrande - 2025-03-05

ABO blood group and the risk of aortic disease: a nationwide cohort study

Published 12 January 2021 A total of 20 684 aortic events occurred duringthe study period. Non-O donors and patients had similar incidence of aortic events when compared with blood group O donors and patients with an IRR of 0.98 (95% CI, 0.93–1.04) and 1.00 (95% CI, 0.97–1.03), respectively. There were no differences between non-O and blood group O individuals when aortic dissections and aortic an

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/abo-blood-group-and-risk-aortic-disease-nationwide-cohort-study-0 - 2025-03-05

High body mass index is associated with increased risk for osteoarthritis of the first carpometacarpal joint during more than 30 years of follow-up

Published 12 January 2021 Osteoarthritis (OA) of the first carpometacarpal (CMC-1) joint is a common hand disorder with symptoms including pain and weakness of the thumb. Previous studies have associated high BMI with OA of weight-bearing joints, whereas studies regarding non-weight-bearing joints have shown conflicting results. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of overw

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/high-body-mass-index-associated-increased-risk-osteoarthritis-first-carpometacarpal-joint-during - 2025-03-05

High Burden among Older Family Caregivers is Associated with High Prevalence of Symptoms: Data from the Swedish Study “Good Aging in Skåne (GÅS)”

Published 13 January 2021 Certain groups of informal caregivers have been shown to have worse health compared to noncaregivers. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to explore the health and gender aspects of caregiving in an older Swedish population. Methods. Our study included 5457 participants from the longitudinal, general population study “Good Aging in Skåne.” A total of 33 self-reporte

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/high-burden-among-older-family-caregivers-associated-high-prevalence-symptoms-data-swedish-study - 2025-03-05

The Sources of Parent-Child Transmission of Risk for Suicide Attempt and Deaths by Suicide in Swedish National Samples

Published 13 January 2021 Three sources of parent-child resemblance (genes plus rearing, genes only, and rearing only) were examined in parents and offspring from four family types from Swedish national samples: intact nuclear families, families with a not-lived-with biological father, families with a stepfather, and adoptees and their biological and adoptive parents. Parent-child resemblance was

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/sources-parent-child-transmission-risk-suicide-attempt-and-deaths-suicide-swedish-national-samples - 2025-03-05

Health care utilisation among older people with Down syndrome compared to specific medical guidelines for health surveillance: a Swedish national register study

Published 14 January 2021 Specific medical guidelines for health surveillance exist for people with Down syndrome (DS) since 25 years but knowledge of adherence to the guidelines is lacking. The guidelines were developed to avoid unnecessary suffering from preventable conditions. The aims of the study were to investigate 1) planned health care visits in relation to the co-morbidities described in

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/health-care-utilisation-among-older-people-down-syndrome-compared-specific-medical-guidelines-health - 2025-03-05

The absolute risk of gout by clusters of gout-associated comorbidities and lifestyle factors—30 years follow-up of the Malmö Preventive Project

Published 14 January 2021 Cluster analyses were performed to group variables with close proximity and to obtain homogenous clusters of individuals (n = 22,057) in the Malmö Preventive Project (MPP) cohort. Variables clustered included obesity, kidney dysfunction, diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD), dyslipidemia, pulmonary dysfunction (PD), smoking, and the use of di

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/absolute-risk-gout-clusters-gout-associated-comorbidities-and-lifestyle-factors-30-years-follow - 2025-03-05

Exposure to polychlorinated compounds and cryptorchidism; A nested case-control study

Published 15 January 2021 Maldescended testes or cryptorchidism is a genital birth defect that affects 2–9% of all male new-borns. Over the last 40 years there have been reports of increased prevalence in countries like the US, the UK and the Scandinavian countries. This possible increase has in some studies been linked to a foetal exposure to chemical pollutants. In this matched casecontrol study

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/exposure-polychlorinated-compounds-and-cryptorchidism-nested-case-control-study - 2025-03-05

Psychological Distress and Problem Gambling in Elite Athletes during COVID-19 Restrictions—A Web Survey in Top Leagues of Three Sports during the Pandemic

Published 15 January 2021 COVID-19 and lockdown strategies may affect mental health and addictive behavior differently in the population, and elite athletes are among the professions clearly affected by the pandemic. This study in top elite athletes aimed to study current perceived psychological influence from COVID-19 and symptoms of depression, anxiety and changes in alcohol drinking, gambling b

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/psychological-distress-and-problem-gambling-elite-athletes-during-covid-19-restrictions-web-survey - 2025-03-05

Exposure to polychlorinated compounds and cryptorchidism; A nested case-control study

Published 16 January 2021 Maldescended testes or cryptorchidism is a genital birth defect that affects 2–9% of all male new-borns. Over the last 40 years there have been reports of increased prevalence in countries like the US, the UK and the Scandinavian countries. This possible increase has in some studies been linked to a foetal exposure to chemical pollutants. In this matched casecontrol study

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/exposure-polychlorinated-compounds-and-cryptorchidism-nested-case-control-study-0 - 2025-03-05

Facing obesity in pain rehabilitation clinics: Profiles of physical activity in patients with chronic pain and obesity—A study from the Swedish Quality Registry for Pain Rehabilitation (SQRP)

Published 16 January 2021 The obesity epidemic has influenced pain rehabilitation clinics. To date, little is known about baseline level of physical activity (PA) in patients referred to pain rehabilitation clinics. We aimed to investigate the PA levels of patients referred to pain rehabilitation clinics and to evaluate the effect of excess weight on PA level. Read more at Facing obesity in pain r

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/facing-obesity-pain-rehabilitation-clinics-profiles-physical-activity-patients-chronic-pain-and - 2025-03-05

Familial associations between autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis and other autoimmune diseases

Published 17 January 2021 Autoimmune hepatitis (AH) and primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) are autoimmune diseases (AIDs) targeting cellular components of the liver. Being rare diseases, limited data are available about familial risks among these AIDs (concordant) or between them and other AIDs (discordant). We aimed to carry out an unbiased study on these AIDs based on medically diagnosed patients.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/familial-associations-between-autoimmune-hepatitis-and-primary-biliary-cholangitis-and-other - 2025-03-05

The Life Satisfaction Index-A (LSI-A): Normative Data for a General Swedish Population Aged 60 to 93 Years.

Published 17 January 2021 The study population included a random sample of 2656 men (45.7%) and 3159 (54.3%) women from the longitudinal national studies' "Good Aging in Skåne" (GÅS) and SNAC-B, both part of the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care (SNAC). Data on Neugartens Life Satisfaction Index-A (LSI-A), medical history, activities of daily life (ADL) and socio-demographics were collected

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/life-satisfaction-index-lsi-normative-data-general-swedish-population-aged-60-93-years - 2025-03-05

VR:s utlysningsår 2021 är nu igång!

Published 15 January 2021 Öppna utlysningar: Bidrag till kliniska studier inom behandlingsforskning - skissansökan / Bidrag till investering i befintlig forskningsinfrastruktur / Internationell postdok inom medicin och hälsa (vårens utlysning) / Internationell postdok inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap (vårens utlysning) / Internationell postdok inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap inklusive

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/vrs-utlysningsar-2021-ar-nu-igang - 2025-03-05

Problem i forskarvärlden - många forskningsresultat kan inte upprepas

Published 18 January 2021 Att forskningsresultat ska kunna upprepas är en av vetenskapens grundläggande principer. Ändå visar flera genomgångar av vetenskapliga studier att det inte ser ut så. Kritiker pekar på flera orsaker och nu vill forskare minska fokus på publiceringshetsen för att minska felaktigheter. Hör mer på https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/7647634.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/problem-i-forskarvarlden-manga-forskningsresultat-kan-inte-upprepas - 2025-03-05