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Work environment and health

Just as for Lund University, it is an important task for LUSEM to create a good and safe work environment. Every faculty has their own health and safety representative representing you as an employee and will participate in preventive measures taken concerning the work environment at your workplace. The health and safety representatives and other relevant contact persons at LUSEM are listed to the

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/work-environment-and-health - 2025-03-15

Work environment

Incident reportsIf something happens to you at work, this should always be reported. Information about reporting occupational injuries and workplace incidents is available at the LU Staff Pages.Equipment and needsIf you are in need of, for example, glasses for computer work, an office chair or any ergonomic equipment, you can get help from the physiotherapists/ ergonomists at the Occupational Heal

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/work-environment-and-health/work-environment - 2025-03-15

Internationalisation at LUSEM

Why internationalisation?There are several reasons for higher education institutions to increase international cooperation and the international elements of education and research. The most important of these is to enhance the quality of activities. There are also political, economic and social/cultural reasons that benefit society as a whole when universities and colleges become more internationa

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/internationalisation-lusem - 2025-03-15

Health and wellness

Health promotion Lund University employees are entitled to reimbursement of expenses for health promotion and a health promotion hour (friskvårdstimme). All employees at Lund University are also entitled to reimbursement of health promotion activities. Through its health promotion benefits, Lund University wants to encourage health awareness among its employees, offering them an opportunity to par

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/work-environment-and-health/health-and-wellness - 2025-03-15

Equality at work

TO PREVENT AND ELIMINATE UNFAIR TREATMENT AND HARASSMENTLund University does not accept any type of unfair treatment, harassment or victimisation within the organisation and there is zero tolerance of discrimination at the university. As an employee, if you are subjected to unwelcome behaviour, or if you witness what you perceive to be unwelcome behaviour, this page can help you with some advice a

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/work-environment-and-health/equality-work - 2025-03-15

LUSEM Staff Pages

Emergency info What about AI? IT system status Education Research Workplace LUSEM Staff calendar Link to RSS 18 March 2025 09:00 to 12:00 | Workshop NVivo Introductory Course first session 24 March 2025 12:15 to 14:00 | Seminar The power of gratitude to facilitate a relationship-centred approach to research supervision 25 March 2025 09:00 to 12:00 | Workshop NVivo Introductory Course second sessio

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/lusem-staff-pages - 2025-03-15

Academic appointments

Promotion to professorAppointment to docent / associate professorDoctoral studentships (doktorandanställningar)Promotion to professorASSESSMENT CRITERIAS AND PREPARATION OF DECISIONSSenior lecturers at LUSEM may hand in notice of interest for being appointed to professor. Notices of interest are to be sent to the Head of department – at the latest on 31 January.After an internal process, eligible

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/workplace/employment/academic-appointments - 2025-03-15

Insurance for doctoral students with stipends

HEALTH AND PARENTAL INSURANCE FOR DOCTORAL STUDENTS WITH STIPENDS This insurance from Kammarkollegiet provides compensation for doctoral students who have their stipends reduced during times of absence from studies due to illness or parental leave.In the event of planned sick leave or parental leave, the scholarship should be suspended in order for the insurance to be paid out. Both the department

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/academic-appointments/insurance-doctoral-students-stipends - 2025-03-15

LUSEM Staff News

Staff News 2025:3, 27 FebruaryStaff News 2025:2, 13 FebruaryStaff News 2025:1, 31 JanuaryStaff News 2024:17, 19 DecemberStaff News 2024:16, 5 DecemberStaff News 2024:15, 21 NovemberStaff News 2024:14, 7 NovemberStaff News 2024:13, 25 OctoberStaff News 2024:12, 10 OctoberStaff News 2024:11, 26 SeptemberStaff News 2024:10, 12 SeptemberStaff News 2024:9, 29 AugustStaff News 2024:8, 13 JuneStaff News

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/news/lusem-staff-news - 2025-03-15

LUSEM in the news

Selected recent Swedish media mentions of LUSEM 14 Mar 2025 Matpriserna stiger kraftigt - och det kommer bli värre 14 Mar 2025 Körde könsroller elbilarna i diket? 13 Mar 2025 Från ord till verkstad i Skåne 10 Mar 2025 Svenskarna väljer bort barn - även i goda tider Födelsetalen i hela Västvärlden sjunker kraftigt och i Sverige föds det numera bara 1,43 barn per kvinna - vilket är den... 10 Mar 202

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/news/lusem-news - 2025-03-15

Facilities, equipment and service

As an employee at LUSEM it is important to know about the services offered. This will help you in your work and make your day easier and your results more professional. At this page, you can get information about techincal support, maps, facilities, services like cleaning, how to handle waste and error notifications. Buildings and venues, cleaning and wasteThe staff offices at the school are locat

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/workplace/support-and-resources/facilities-equipment-and-service - 2025-03-15

Faculty Board

Fakultetsstyrelsen LUSEM is led by a board responsible for the entire operation. The board acts as a decision-making and preparatory body for undergraduate education, research, and doctoral education within the scope of LUSEM. Additionally, it is responsible for the administrative tasks related to finance, organization, employment, personnel, and outreach activities in the field.Members are appoin

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/organisation/boards-and-committees/faculty-board - 2025-03-15

Our caretakers

The caretakers at LUSEM take care of our buildings, the post and the recycling. And a lot more! If you need any help, see something broken in the building or have related questions, get in contact with Magnus or Ludvig. The caretaker's office is situated in EC1 behind the former reception desk.Welcome to contact the caretakers! Come by the office, give them a call or send an email. Opening hours 0

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/support-and-resources/facilities-equipment-and-service/our-caretakers - 2025-03-15

Education Council

Utbildningskollegiet The task of the Research Education Council (Utbildningskollegiet) is to promote and monitor Bachelor and Master studies and prepare matters concerning these studies for the Faculty board of LUSEM.  Members ChairUlrika Wennersten, Senior lecturer, Vice dean education, LUSEMBoard membersDirectors of StudiesCaroline Hellström, Department of Business AdministrationAnneli Carlsson,

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/organisation/boards-and-committees/education-council - 2025-03-15

Appointments Board

Lärarförslagsnämnden The Appointments Board (Lärarförslagsnämnden) prepares and submits proposals regarding appointments to permanent positions as professors, associate professors (docents), senior lecturers, associate senior lecturers and lecturers.The Board consists of a chair, three teacher representatives and two student representatives, plus two teacher and two student reserves. With the exce

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/organisation/boards-and-committees/appointments-board - 2025-03-15

Research Committee

Forskningskommittén The Research Committee (Forskningskommittén) at LUSEM is an advisory body which deals with issues relating to research and research infrastructure. It is meant to support the faculty management and the faculty board in making decisions regarding research of relevance for the faculty as a whole.The committee is made up of representatives from departments and research centres at

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/organisation/boards-and-committees/research-committee - 2025-03-15

Research Education Council

Forskarutbildningskollegiet The task of the Research Education Council (Forskarutbildningskollegiet, FUK) is to promote and monitor PhD studies and prepare matters concerning research studies for the Faculty board of LUSEM.The members of the council are the directors of studies for the PhD programmes at LUSEM, and three PhD student representatives. Members ChairJerker Holm, Deputy DeanMembersPelle

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/organisation/boards-and-committees/research-education-council - 2025-03-15

Senior Management Council

Prefektrådet The Senior Management Council gathers all heads of department and the management team for regular deliberations on matters central to the School. Members Professor Joakim Gullstrand, Dean, ChairAssociate professor Andreas Inghammar, Deputy DeanProfessor Fredrik Andersson, Department of EconomicsAssociate Professor Jörgen Hettne, Department of Business LawSenior Lecturer Nicklas Holmbe

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/organisation/boards-and-committees/senior-management-council - 2025-03-15

Senior Corporate Advisory Board

Rådgivande kommittén The Senior Corporate Advisory Board (Rådgivande kommittén) provides LUSEM with input from society and from the business sector at large. Most of the members are CEO’s or former CEO’s with vast international experience. Many of the members also represent companies that are involved in the Corporate Partnership Foundation.The Senior Corporate Advisory Board meets twice a year an

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/about/organisation/boards-and-committees/senior-corporate-advisory-board - 2025-03-15

Facility management and maintenance at LUSEM

The School of Economics and Management has premises with various property owners. At different times, the properties undergo maintenance and renovation work. Check this page for updates about completed, ongoing and future work. You can also find general information in he first part on this page. Information Cables for computers, screens and electricityIn many offices, cables for computers, screens

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/support-and-resources/facilities-equipment-and-service/facility-management-and-maintenance-lusem - 2025-03-15