

Din sökning på "*" gav 122673 sökträffar

Report and certify results in Ladok at the Department of Informatics

FOR TEACHERS AT THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS This page contains instructions on how to report and certify results in Ladok. ContentsReporting resultsCertifying resultsRemoval and change of resultsInspera examsPlease view the information under the heading "Inspera exams" for all reporting and certifying related to digital Inspera examinations, as this differs from all other reporting.Reporting res

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/department-informatics/working-department-informatics/teaching-department-informatics/report-and-certify-results-ladok-department-informatics - 2025-03-15

Research ethics at the Department of Informatics

FOR RESEARCHERS AT THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS On this page you can find ethical guidelines for research staff at the Department of Informatics. Before any research data collection, please inform the head of department to assess the need for ethical review. This site aims to guide in the process of establishing and using ethical principles of research at the Department of Informatics, Lund Unive

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/department-informatics/working-department-informatics/research-department-informatics/research-ethics-department-informatics - 2025-03-15

Funding and grants at the Department of Informatics

FOR EMPLOYEES AT THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS On this page you can find information about funding and grants for research, teaching, and travel. All researchers at the department are encouraged to apply for research funding through the University or through external calls. How to applyThere are different ways to apply for different types of funding and grants: Grants part of the Faculty travel an

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/department-informatics/working-department-informatics/research-department-informatics/funding-and-grants-department-informatics - 2025-03-15

Economic History

If you are an employee at the Department of Economic History, this is the site for you! Here you can find materials and information related to the decision making at the department as well as information and materials for administrative, teaching and research planning. Administration Department board Documents Functions and assignments Phd programme Research Teaching Venues Work environment and he

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/economic-history - 2025-03-15

Department of Informatics

STAFF PAGES This is a site for employees at the Department of Informatics. Here you can find information and links specific to the Department of Informatics. External website of the Department of Informatics.  Staff Calendar Link to RSS 17 March 2025 10:15 to 12:00 | Meeting The research and PhD education committee (FoKom) meeting 18 March 2025 09:00 to 12:00 | Workshop NVivo Introductory Course f

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/department-informatics - 2025-03-15


Staff Calendar Link to RSS 18 March 2025 09:00 to 12:00 | Workshop NVivo Introductory Course first session 24 March 2025 12:15 to 14:00 | Seminar The power of gratitude to facilitate a relationship-centred approach to research supervision 2 April 2025 15:00 to 19:00 | Performance FEK Table Tennis Tournament 2025 More events Latest Statistics external News 24 May 2024 Predicting the redshifts of di

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/statistics - 2025-03-15

Economics Works

Here you will find information specific for the Department of Economics. For more general information please visit the LUSEM Staff pages: LUSEM Staff pages  Department board and leadership The board of the Department of Economics is responsible for outlining the guiding principles of the department, for seeing to that these guidelines are followed and for deciding on any other questions delegated

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/economics/economics-works - 2025-03-15

Economics Research

Welcome to the department of Economics research support site. Here researchers and research teams can find support and help on issues concerning funding, communicating publishing, reference management, research evaluation, searching for information and LUCRIS specific for the Department of Economics. Funding - Apply SupportOutreach Journal List 2023-2025.pdf For more general information please vis

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/economics/economics-research - 2025-03-15

Economics Teaching

Education and supervision All information regarding education and supervision at the Department of Economics are gathered at our Canvas page:Economics TeachingHere you will find useful information for teachers at the Department of Economics, for instance: General information on teaching (teaching hours, schedules, evaluations)ExaminationEssaysPlease contact Karin Bergman or Marie Pihl if you need

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/economics/economics-teaching - 2025-03-15

Login shortcuts and staff forms

IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AdatoAddress to LUSEMAdministrative systems – log in shortcut at lu.seCanvas login at Lund UniversityCompetence portal (LUVIT)DFS/W3D3DiscriminationFile storage at Lund UniversityFlextime forms – LU Staff Pagesforms and templatesImage and media bankIncident reportInternal training coursesKubenLadok log inLU BoxLucatLUCRIS loginLupin/ProceedoLupin – ekonomiwebben.lu.seOpening

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/workplace/employment/login-shortcuts-and-staff-forms - 2025-03-15

Employee at LUSEM

On this and underlaying pages you will find useful information concerning your employment at LUSEM. Salary Vacation and leaveSick leaveCareer developmentBenefitsSecondary employmentPensionIntroducing new employeesNext of kin – staff contact informationBased on frequently asked questions relevant information is listed beneath.Introduction days / Welcome daysThe University organises welcome days twi

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/employee-lusem - 2025-03-15


What factors can affect my salary? What benefits do I have being an employee? These are only two of the common questions among the LUSEM Staff. Through this page, you can get the answers. Since the rules are the same for the whole university, you can get all the information you need at the LU Staff Pages about salary payment, salary appraisals, salary-setting factors and benefits.HR-webbenAtt the

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/employee-lusem/salary - 2025-03-15

Vacation and leave

The official academic year at Lund University is divided into two semesters (autumn and spring), each lasting 20 weeks. Check out the public holidays and moreLearn more about your working hours"Squeeze days" between a public holiday and a weekendSubmit your vacation preferences in Primula web and await the approval by your unit responsibleLength of annual leaveNormally, you have the right to four

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/employee-lusem/vacation-and-leave - 2025-03-15

Sick leave

If you turn ill, you should report your absence immediately. If you are on sick leave for an extended period of time, you must submit a doctor’s certificate. This page provides more information about notification of illness.Notify your line manager or the contact person appointed by your manager immediately when you are ill.Register your sick leave in primulaDon't forget to register your first day

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/employee-lusem/sick-leave - 2025-03-15

Career development

DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AND YOUR CAREERAs an employee at LUSEM you have an opportunity to elaborate your skills and develop your career. We should always consider our own development, our strengths, skills, goals, networks in relation to our work situation. This is important to both the University’s activities and our own personal development in our work. You and your manager will together decide on t

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/employee-lusem/career-development - 2025-03-15

Funding - Economics Research

Information about funders, how to apply for research funding and what parts you can receive help from the department of Economics. Research ServicesFunding & Tender portalPrismaResearch professionalApply for research fundingProject budgetResearch ServicesLund University Research Services offer researchers and research teams support and help on issues concerning external research funding. Lists of

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/economics/economics-research/funding-economics-research - 2025-03-15


LUSEM information regarding benefits. As an employee at LUSEM you are entitled to certain benefits like gym membership reimbursement, health promotion hour, debit cards and partial reimbursement of healthcare and medication costs. At LUSEM we follow the same rules as Lund University. Find out more about the benefits to which you are entitled as an employee at LUSEM via the LU Staff Pages.Salary an

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/employee-lusem/benefits - 2025-03-15

Economics Outreach

Research outputWorking Papers RoutinesHow-to linksLUCRISResearch outputOn our external web page we will publish popular science articles covering research findings from researchers at the Department of Economics.Outreach at the Department of EconomicsThe initiative aims to be a public outreach channel which includes research output. In particular, one of the highlights will be popular science arti

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/economics/economics-research/economics-outreach - 2025-03-15

Support - Economics Research

Here researchers and research teams can find support and help on issues concerning proofreading, travel grants, data storage, library recourses etc. Economics Research HelpProofreadingSeed timeMentorship or panelsTravel and research grantsData storageLibrary resourcesResearch EthicsEconomics Research HelpThe following support measures are available for an internal principal investigator (PI) apply

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/department-staff-pages/economics/economics-research/support-economics-research - 2025-03-15

Secondary employment

Secondary employment is any occupation that you may undertake either temporarily or permanently alongside your employment and which does not concern your private life. At this page, you can find out what rules apply and how to report secondary employment. Basically, employees dispose of their leisure time as they wish and secondary employment is permitted. Pursuant to legislation and collective ag

https://www.lusem.lu.se/internal/employment/employee-lusem/secondary-employment - 2025-03-15