

Din sökning på "*" gav 533259 sökträffar

Avdelningen Inbetalningar och redovisnings servicetelefon är stängd 16 maj

Publicerad 14 maj 2019 Den 16 maj är avdelningen för inbetalningar och redovisnings servicetelefon (24600-2 och 3) stängd hela dagen.Det går givetvis att skicka mail till oss men svaren kan dröja till fredag.Fakturahantering och utbetalningars servicetelefon (24600-1) är öppen som vanligt.

https://www.ekonomiwebben.lu.se/artikel/avdelningen-inbetalningar-och-redovisnings-servicetelefon-ar-stangd-16-maj - 2025-03-05

Sektionen Ekonomis kontaktvägar påverkas av vår evakuering

Publicerad 22 maj 2019 Sektionen Ekonomi och övriga verksamheter som är evakuerade till Kemicentrum, KC4, har nu fått evakueras härifrån på grund av ett antal incidenter i byggnaden.Under tiden tills vi blir anvisade ersättningslokaler så kommer många att arbeta hemifrån eller i tillfälliga lokaler. Det kommer alltså påverka våra kontaktvägar. Vi kommer finnas tillgängliga via mail, men räkna med

https://www.ekonomiwebben.lu.se/artikel/sektionen-ekonomis-kontaktvagar-paverkas-av-var-evakuering - 2025-03-05

Sektionen Ekonomi har begränsad service under sommaren

Publicerad 27 maj 2019 Som vi tidigare meddelat så är sektionen Ekonomi och övriga verksamheter som är evakuerade till Kemicentrum, KC4, evakuerade igen på grund av ett antal incidenter i byggnaden.Vi har blivit anvisade tillfälliga lokaler och flera arbetar hemifrån i avvaktan på besked om lösning. Vi kommer finnas tillgängliga via mail, men räkna med att det kan ta längre tid att få svar, bland

https://www.ekonomiwebben.lu.se/artikel/sektionen-ekonomi-har-begransad-service-under-sommaren - 2025-03-05

Studying abroad - experiences and stories

Published 30 October 2023 A week at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Christoph Turatus, who is a student on the second year of the Master Programme in Strategic Communication is doing an exchange semester at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, in Australia. Are you curious about what a typical week looks like at an Australian university? Read more HERE where he shares his exper

https://www.isk.lu.se/en/article/studying-abroad-experiences-and-stories - 2025-03-05

How video games are being used by malign foreign actors and extremists

By lotte [dot] billing [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - published 22 December 2023 Photo: Fredrick Tendong | Unsplash Video games are easy to exploit, and are being used by actors ranging from IS and Hizbollah for recruitment, to Russia, who use it to spread propaganda during the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. This states a report from the Psychological Defence Research Institu

https://www.isk.lu.se/en/article/how-video-games-are-being-used-malign-foreign-actors-and-extremists - 2025-03-05

Significant increase of "polarisation" in Swedish newspapers

Published 8 February 2024 The frequency of the word "polarisation" in Swedish news media increased by 300% between 2010 and 2021. In the same period, the term's definition evolved, and its contextual meaning would differ depending on whether the context was Swedish or American. Nils Gustafsson and Anamaria Dutceac Segesten contributed to an article studying the use of the word "polarisation" in Sw

https://www.isk.lu.se/en/article/significant-increase-polarisation-swedish-newspapers - 2025-03-05

Alicia Fjällhed successfully defends her doctoral thesis

Published 6 March 2024 Alicia Fjällhed listening to the remarks of the external reviewer during her thesis defence. On Friday, February 15, Alicia Fjällhed defended her thesis, "Strategic moral communication: A metatheoretical and methodological response to the normative perspective on strategic communication," which challenges the assumption that strategic communication is immoral. The basis for

https://www.isk.lu.se/en/article/alicia-fjallhed-successfully-defends-her-doctoral-thesis - 2025-03-05

The Psychological Defence Research Institute: "We could be ten times the size we are"

Published 4 June 2024 James Pamment and Jesper Falkheimer. Photo: Alessandra Sossini In an ideal world, perhaps the Psychological Defence Research Institute in Helsingborg would not even exist. But the global situation has brought attention, increased research funding and significant interest in collaboration from wider society. Read the article in Lund University Magazine at staff.lu.se.

https://www.isk.lu.se/en/article/psychological-defence-research-institute-we-could-be-ten-times-size-we-are - 2025-03-05

Newsletter from the Academic Support Center

Published 5 May 2022 Here's a note from the Academic Support Center: The writing sessions for the Spring 2022 semester have now started! You can find more information about the writing sessions, current dates and how to register on this link: Writing sessions. Do you have any short, specific questions about academic writing or study strategies? Or do you just want to know what help is available fr

https://www.keg.lu.se/en/article/newsletter-academic-support-center - 2025-03-05

Mats Urde wins prestigious teaching excellence award

Published 5 February 2021 Mats Urde is Outstanding Case Teacher 2021. Photo: Kennet Ruona. Mats Urde, brand researcher at Lund University School of Economics and Management, has been named Outstanding Case Teacher 2021. He has been a committed advocate of the case methodology throughout his professional life. Now, he is rewarded for his efforts. On “World Case Teaching Day” 5 February, he is named

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/mats-urde-wins-prestigious-teaching-excellence-award - 2025-03-06

The researchers who look into the tiniest part of a cell

Published 8 February 2021 It is a cold, grey November day in 2018 when we meet the researchers from Lund University at MAX IV, a research facility with the world's brightest and most focused X-rays. Researchers from all over the world travel here to investigate things at the atomic level and see how molecules bind to one other; knowledge that is valuable when developing new drugs, for example. Mon

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/researchers-who-look-tiniest-part-cell - 2025-03-06

Why overfishing leads to smaller cod

Published 10 February 2021 The Newfoundland coast (Photo: Creative Commons) Overfishing, hunting and intensive agriculture and forestry can sometimes contribute to plants and animals becoming endangered. New research from Lund University in Sweden and University of Toronto can now show why this leads to entire populations becoming smaller in size, as well as reproducing earlier. The study is publi

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/why-overfishing-leads-smaller-cod - 2025-03-06

Lifestyle changes in pregnant women affected babies’ genes

Published 11 February 2021 Photo: Mostphotos A study led by researchers at Lund University in Sweden showed a connection between lifestyle intervention in pregnant women with obesity and epigenetic alterations in the baby. The study is published in the journal Diabetes. An international collaboration between researchers in Sweden, Denmark and Spain investigated whether children’s genes were progra

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lifestyle-changes-pregnant-women-affected-babies-genes - 2025-03-06

Breakthrough in the fight against spruce bark beetles

Published 16 February 2021 A spruce bark beetle (Photo: Erling Jirle) For the first time, a research team led by Lund University in Sweden has mapped out exactly what happens when spruce bark beetles use their sense of smell to find trees and partners to reproduce with. The hope is that the results will lead to better pest control and protection of the forest in the future. The Eurasian spruce bar

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/breakthrough-fight-against-spruce-bark-beetles - 2025-03-06

Psychotherapy for panic disorder shows positive long-term effects

Published 16 February 2021 Photo: Mostphotos Psychotherapy for panic disorder produces good results, and the effects are lasting. That is the result from a large long-term study from Lund University in Sweden. Two years after treatment were 70 per cent of the patients clearly improved and 45 per cent were remitted. Panic disorder is one of the most common causes of mental illness in Sweden and wor

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/psychotherapy-panic-disorder-shows-positive-long-term-effects - 2025-03-06

WATCH: Recycled cotton becomes new fabric

Published 1 March 2021 Edvin Ruuth A lot of us recycle our old textiles, but few of us know that they are very difficult to re-use, and often end up in landfills anyway. Now, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a method that converts cotton into sugar, that in turn can be turned into spandex, nylon or ethanol. WATCH: New method transforms old cotton into glucose Every year, an

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-recycled-cotton-becomes-new-fabric - 2025-03-06

Lund University joins top global business schools awarded “Triple Crown”

Published 3 March 2021 Through its third accreditation, LUSEM achieves "Triple Crown" status and can be counted among the business schools in the world that maintain absolute top quality. Lund University School of Economics and Management has received its third accreditation through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and thereby joins the ranks of top business schoo

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-joins-top-global-business-schools-awarded-triple-crown - 2025-03-06