

Din sökning på "*" gav 533477 sökträffar

Aggestam och Bergman Rosamond om genus och fredlig förändring i internationella relationer

Publicerad 18 februari 2021 Karin Aggestam och Annika Bergman Rosamond har författat kapitlet ”Gender and Peaceful Change” in the Oxford Handbook on Peaceful Change in International Relations, edited by T.V. Paul, et al. Bidraget studerar samspelet mellan genus och fredlig förändring i global politik. Läs hela artikeln på oxfordhandbooks.com Karin Aggestams personliga sida Annika Bergman-Rosamonds

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/aggestam-och-bergman-rosamond-om-genus-och-fredlig-forandring-i-internationella-relationer - 2025-02-01

Ny artikel om den situationella styrkan vid icke-våld

Publicerad 1 mars 2021 ”To Strike Together: Conflict Rituals and the Situational Power of Nonviolence” Isabel Bramsen har publicerat artikeln ”To Strike Together: Conflict Rituals and the Situational Power of Nonviolence” i Journal of Resistance Studies. Studien teoretiserar den mikrosociologiska dynamiken i konflikter och icke-våld och diskuterar hur icke-våldsamt motstånd kan störa dominans och

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/ny-artikel-om-den-situationella-styrkan-vid-icke-vald - 2025-02-01

Ny bok om lokal självstyrelse

Publicerad 3 mars 2021 Tomas Bergström är en av redaktörerna för en ny antologi på Palgrave Macmillan om de utmaningar som lokal självstyrelse står inför i ett antal europeiska länder:  "The Future of Local Self- Government. European Trends in Autonomy, Innovations and Central-Local Relations.” Han medverkar bl.a. med kapitlet ”The future of local democracy. A somewhat dystopian view”. Läs artikel

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/ny-bok-om-lokal-sjalvstyrelse - 2025-02-01

Bäck om timingen av åtstramningsreformer

Publicerad 8 mars 2021 Är regeringar strategiska i planeringen av nedskärningar och annan åtstramningspolitik för att hjälpa dem att vinna val? Hanna Bäck har tillsammans med Daniel Strobl, Wolfgang Müller och Mariyana Angelova försökt besvara den frågan i en jämförande analys av de västeuropeiska länderna. I artikeln ”Electoral Cycles in Government Policy Making: Strategic Timing of Austerity Ref

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/back-om-timingen-av-atstramningsreformer-0 - 2025-02-01

Ny artikel av Annika Bergman Rosamond och Catia Gregoratti

Publicerad 8 mars 2021 Annika Bergman Rosamond och Catia Gregoratti har nyligen publicerat artikeln “Neoliberal turns in global humanitarian governance: corporations, celebrities and the construction of the entrepreneurial refugee woman” i tidskriften  Journal of Humanitarian Affairs (Manchester University Press), 2: 3, 2021. Denna artikel undersöker hur flyktingorganisationer och andra humanitära

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/ny-artikel-av-annika-bergman-rosamond-och-catia-gregoratti - 2025-02-01

Bäck om ”party cues” och politiska attityder

Publicerad 17 mars 2021 Hur påverkar partisignaler stödet för ett politiskt förslag? Spelar det någon roll om information om ett politiskt förslag presenteras av en representant från väljarens in- eller utgrupp? Hanna Bäck har tillsammans med Annika Fredén och Emma Renström försökt besvara den frågan i ett storskaligt enkätexperiment. I artikeln ”Legalize cannabis? Effects of party cues on attitud

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/back-om-party-cues-och-politiska-attityder - 2025-02-01

Elgström och Chaban om externa perceptioner och politisering av EU:s utvecklingspolitik

Publicerad 18 mars 2021 "Politicization and EU Development Policy: The Role of External Perceptions. Case of Ukraine." This article highlights the role of external audiences and their perceptions in analysing the politicization of EU development policy. We analyse how EU foreign assistance is understood in two different intermediary arenas of politicization – elites in different societal sectors a

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/elgstrom-och-chaban-om-externa-perceptioner-och-politisering-av-eus-utvecklingspolitik - 2025-02-01

Bäck om polarisering och regeringskriser

Publicerad 25 mars 2021 Leder polarisering i partisystemet till fler regeringskriser? Finns det institutionella regler som kan motverka sådana destabiliserande effekter? Hanna Bäck har tillsammans med Henning Bergmann och Thomas Saalfeld försökt besvara den frågan i en jämförande analys av 28 Europeiska demokratier. I artikeln ”Party-system polarisation, legislative institutions and cabinet surviv

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/back-om-polarisering-och-regeringskriser - 2025-02-01

Titta in i en framtidsvärld bortom fossilsamhället

Publicerad 29 mars 2021 Nytt skolmaterial av Roger Hildingsson, Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson och Johannes Stripple. Våra kollegor Roger Hildingsson, Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson och Johannes Stripple har i vinter utvecklat ett nytt skolmaterial – Bortom Fossilsamhället – för högstadier och gymnasier. Med utgångspunkt i utställningen Carbon Ruins har de i samverkan med Naturskyddsföreningens skolverksamh

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/titta-i-en-framtidsvarld-bortom-fossilsamhallet - 2025-02-01

New positions: Associate senior lecturers

By Cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 21 December 2021 LUCSUS office buildings LUCSUS announces three new Associate senior lectureship (tenure track) positions in Sustainability Science Associate senior lecturer in Sustainability Science: Geographies of Sustainability  (link to the announcement at lu.varbi.com) The applicant should have an inter

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-positions-associate-senior-lecturers - 2025-02-01

New collaboration with school children focuses on children's ideas and questions on sustainable development

By Cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 24 January 2022 The first session of outdoor pedagogics, to stimulate the children’s reflections and questions around their local environment, facilitated by the artist and pedagogue Jasmine Cederqvist. A unique collaboration between school children and researchers and students at LUCSUS, focusing on childre

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-collaboration-school-children-focuses-childrens-ideas-and-questions-sustainable-development - 2025-02-01

UN Climate Report: How vulnerable are we and how can we adapt?

Published 28 February 2022 Boy cycling to school through smog in Indonesia (Photo: Aulia Erlangga) How vulnerable is humanity in the face of climate change? And how have people around the world already been impacted? These are some of the questions to be answered on 28 February by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Two researchers from Lund University participated in the final rep

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/un-climate-report-how-vulnerable-are-we-and-how-can-we-adapt - 2025-02-01

Impact story: Collaboration with local brewery to improve the sustainability of the craft beer industry

By stina [dot] lundkvist [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Lundkvist) - published 10 March 2022 Next to the Swedish craft beer brewery Brygghuset Finn, LUCSUS researchers have built a greenhouse where they test the possibility to grow all year-round hops. In a collaboration with the Swedish local brewery, Brygghuset Finn, LUCSUS researchers are working toward finding ways of improving sustainabili

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/impact-story-collaboration-local-brewery-improve-sustainability-craft-beer-industry - 2025-02-01

New book: Revolutionizing sustainability education

Published 11 March 2022 How to source inner qualities and capacities for life-long learning and transformation? In the new book, “Revolutionizing sustainability education”, LUCSUS Professor Christine Wamsler and LUMES alumni Iris Maria Hertog and Lucia Di Paola, reflect on the importance of nourishing inner qualities and capacities for supporting sustainability across individual, collective and sy

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-book-revolutionizing-sustainability-education - 2025-02-01

Achieving more sustainable value chains are crucial for preventing deforestation and biodiversity loss

Published 22 April 2022 LUCSUS researchers Barbara Schröter and Torsten Krause are studying how we can achieve more sustainable value chains for e.g. gold and cattle in Colombia. The Caquetá River in Putumayo, Colombia. Photo: Barbara Schröter The increasing demand of minerals, oil, and agricultural goods have severe negative social and environmental impacts. The extraction of resources leads to l

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/achieving-more-sustainable-value-chains-are-crucial-preventing-deforestation-and-biodiversity-loss - 2025-02-01

The most effective ways of reducing car traffic

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 26 April 2022 New study quantifies how well 12 measures reduce car use, drawing from real-world experience in cities across Europe. Researchers have identified the top 12 ways European cities have been able to curb car use. The most effective measure was applying a congestion charge, with the notable case of

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/most-effective-ways-reducing-car-traffic - 2025-02-01

PhD student Natalia Rubiano studies the social and ecological implications of negative emissions technologies

By stina [dot] lundkvist [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Lundkvist) - published 13 May 2022 With a focus on justice and transformative change, PhD candidate Natalia Rubiano wants to contribute to fill some of the knowledge gaps in the space of Carbon Removal and Negative Emissions. Read more about her research, which sustainability challenges she finds most interesting and how she as a researche

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/phd-student-natalia-rubiano-studies-social-and-ecological-implications-negative-emissions - 2025-02-01