

Din sökning på "*" gav 530330 sökträffar

Glossary for public health surveillance in the age of data science

Published 14 August 2020 With the rapid development of data science, encompassing big data and artificial intelligence, and with the exponential growth of accessible and highly heterogeneous health-related data, from healthcare providers to user-generated online content, the field of surveillance and health monitoring is changing rapidly. Read more at https://jech.bmj.com/content/74/7/612?rss=1. 

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/glossary-public-health-surveillance-age-data-science - 2025-03-17

Prediction meets causal inference: the role of treatment in clinical prediction models

Published 17 August 2020 In this paper we study approaches for dealing with treatment when developing a clinical prediction model. Analogous to the estimand framework recently proposed by the European Medicines Agency for clinical trials, we propose a ‘predictimand’ framework of different questions that may be of interest when predicting risk in relation to treatment started after baseline. Read m

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/prediction-meets-causal-inference-role-treatment-clinical-prediction-models - 2025-03-17

Adjacent Primary Care May Reduce Less Urgent Pediatric Emergency Department Visits

Published 18 August 2020 By enabling adjacent management of less urgent pediatric patients at adequate lower levels of medical care, implementation of a HPCU outside office hours may contribute to fewer and more appropriate pediatric ED visits. Read more at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2150132720926276.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/adjacent-primary-care-may-reduce-less-urgent-pediatric-emergency-department-visits - 2025-03-17

The illusion of universality: The use of Nordic population registers in studies of migration, employment and health

Published 18 August 2020 The Nordic registers are an extraordinary resource for public health researchers, but continuous quality control and assessment of validity and completeness will be crucial to maintain relevance in a transitioning society. Read more at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1403494820945919.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/illusion-universality-use-nordic-population-registers-studies-migration-employment-and-health - 2025-03-17

Increased pulmonary blood volume variation in patients with heart failure compared to healthy controls: a noninvasive, quantitative measure of heart failure

Published 19 August 2020 This study shows that the pulmonary blood volume variation indexed to the stroke volume is higher in patients with heart failure compared with controls. The mechanisms behind this are lack of systolic suction from the left ventricular atrioventricular plane descent and increased phase shift between the in- and outflow to the pulmonary circulation (~40%), where the phase sh

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/increased-pulmonary-blood-volume-variation-patients-heart-failure-compared-healthy-controls - 2025-03-17

Open Call: A simple one-step application process

Published 20 August 2020 Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged. The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/open-call-simple-one-step-application-process - 2025-03-17

Suicide mortality after discharge from inpatient care for bipolar disorder: A 14-year Swedish national registry study

Published 21 August 2020 Bipolar disorder has long been associated with increased risks for suicidality; though factors associated with dying by suicide remain obscure. Here, we retrospectively examine the associations between the different phases of bipolar illness and other common comorbidities with death by suicide in the 120 days following each discharge for Swedes first admitted as inpatients

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/suicide-mortality-after-discharge-inpatient-care-bipolar-disorder-14-year-swedish-national-registry - 2025-03-17

Risk of knee osteoarthritis after different types of knee injuries in young adults: a population-based cohort study

Published 21 August 2020 In a longitudinal cohort study based on population-based healthcare data from Skåne, Sweden, we included all persons aged 25–34 years in 1998–2007 (n=149 288) with and without diagnoses of knee injuries according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10. We estimated the HR of future diagnosed knee OA in injured and uninjured persons using Cox regression, adjus

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/risk-knee-osteoarthritis-after-different-types-knee-injuries-young-adults-population-based-cohort - 2025-03-17

Evaluation of Very Integrated Program: Health Promotion for Patients With Alcohol and Drug Addiction—A Randomized Trial

Published 22 August 2020 Compared to the general population, patients with alcohol and drug addiction have an increased risk of additional hazardous lifestyles and suffer from more chronic diseases, adding to their already significantly higher morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to test the efficacy of the Very Integrated Program (VIP) on treatment and health outcomes for pati

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/evaluation-very-integrated-program-health-promotion-patients-alcohol-and-drug-addiction-randomized - 2025-03-17

Quality-of-life after bile duct injury repaired by hepaticojejunostomy: a national cohort study

Published 22 August 2020 QoL assessment using the SF-36 (36-item short form health survey) questionnaire. Patients with post-cholecystectomy BDI needing hepaticojejunostomy (HJ) were compared to all other treatments (BDI repair) and to patients without BDI at cholecystectomy (controls). Read more athttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00365521.2020.1800076

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/quality-life-after-bile-duct-injury-repaired-hepaticojejunostomy-national-cohort-study - 2025-03-17

Parkinson’s Disease Among Immigrant Groups and Swedish-Born Individuals: A Cohort Study of All Adults 50 Years of Age and Older in Sweden

Published 23 August 2020 Study population included all adults aged 50 years and older in Sweden (n = 2775736). PD was defined as having at least one registered diagnosis of PD in the National Patient Register. The incidence of PD in different first-generation immigrant groups versus Swedish-born individuals was assessed by Cox regression, expressed as hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence interva

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/parkinsons-disease-among-immigrant-groups-and-swedish-born-individuals-cohort-study-all-adults-50 - 2025-03-17

Through Internet and Friends: Translation of Air Pollution Research in Malmö Municipality, Sweden

Published 23 August 2020 Air pollution is estimated to cause more than 7000 deaths annually in Sweden alone. To reduce the impact of air pollution and to plan and build sustainable cities, it is vital that research is translated into efficient decisions and practice. However, how do civil servants in a municipality access research results? How do they normally find relevant information, and what o

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/through-internet-and-friends-translation-air-pollution-research-malmo-municipality-sweden - 2025-03-17

Which clinical and sociodemographic determinants are associated with self-perceived manual ability at one year after stroke?

Published 24 August 2020 A cross-sectional sample of 68 participants (mean age 66) with UE impairments were followed up at 12 months post stroke. Stroke severity at onset was moderate for the majority. Manual ability was assessed by the patient-reported outcome measure ABILHAND Questionnaire. Read more athttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09638288.2018.1557265

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/which-clinical-and-sociodemographic-determinants-are-associated-self-perceived-manual-ability-one - 2025-03-17

How will GDPR affect me?

Published 8 March 2018 Save the date: Meeting on GDPR and how it will affect people doing research. Update: More information available at https://www.lupop.lu.se/event/forskning-och-den-nya-dataskyddsforordningen Den 5 april kl. 13-16 bjuder vi in till en träff för att diskutera vad GDPR innebär för forskningen och för dig som forskar.Representanter för Region Skåne och för Lunds universitet komme

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/how-will-gdpr-affect-me - 2025-03-17