

Din sökning på "*" gav 536996 sökträffar

Could virtual nature make elderly people healthier?

Published 4 June 2018 With VR goggles and a manual control, Elisabeth Dalholm Hornyánszky is wandering on a summer beach and in a flowering garden. She takes a boat trip on a calming expanse of water and meets butterflies on a rolling field. “Goodness, how close that butterfly is! Can I open the gate?” Her spontaneous outbursts and observations make us share her experiences even though we are not

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/could-virtual-nature-make-elderly-people-healthier - 2025-03-07

Vague career paths to be made clear

Published 4 June 2018 Career paths and career-development opportunities for junior researchers vary a great deal between the University’s different faculties. This is what Mia Rönnmar has observed, just over halfway through an investigation which is to result in proposals for how to ensure sound and clear career paths within Lund University. Mia Rönnmar. Photo: Kennet Ruona This ambition is an imp

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/vague-career-paths-be-made-clear - 2025-03-07

Kings of the night take over Hovdala castle

Published 4 June 2018 Swarming bats at mine entrance Photo:Jens Rydell During the day they are not visible. But at dusk, brown long-eared bats, pond bats and greater mouse-eared bats spread their wings and start hunting. LUM accompanied researcher and bat expert Jens Rydell to Hovdala castle for a bat inventory. The bat detector crackles and emits a rhythmic, clicking sound. “That was a soprano pi

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/kings-night-take-over-hovdala-castle - 2025-03-07

Reorganisation – springboard or sinker for employees

Published 4 June 2018 Many reorganisations don’t work and fail to lead to the desired outcomes. But when Malin Espersson followed the reorganisation at the Swedish Enforcement Authority for her doctoral thesis, she found the outcome to be a better work environment, higher efficiency levels and greater impartiality in the exercise of public authority. There are studies indicating that two thirds of

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/reorganisation-springboard-or-sinker-employees - 2025-03-07

LU moves activities to Science Village Scandinavia – financing still unclear

Published 4 June 2018 The University has decided to be an important player at Science Village Scandinavia (SVS) in Brunnshög. The move will, probably, commence in five years. Up to 575 LU employees will work at SVS. The Department of Physics and parts of the Department of Chemistry are now considering moving. Sven Lidin Photo:Mats Nygren The type of presence LU will have at SVS in the long term –

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/lu-moves-activities-science-village-scandinavia-financing-still-unclear - 2025-03-07

Expected parliamentary chaos never materialised – but the storm clouds are looming

Published 4 June 2018 Photo: INGEMAR EDFALK/SVERIGES RIKSDAG The Sweden Democrats’ pivotal position in the Riksdag has not led to chaos and inefficiency, as many predicted after the last election. On the contrary, the parties have adapted and decisions are made through new coalitions and cross-party cooperation. However, there are other causes for concern, according to political scientist Johannes

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/expected-parliamentary-chaos-never-materialised-storm-clouds-are-looming - 2025-03-07

Biologists feasting on spring in Abusa Valley

Published 4 June 2018 Swedish nature is teeming with wild edible plants. Some taste good, others don’t. A group of biologists from 11 different countries got to learn which plants are edible, and what they taste like, when the department’s SACT (Scientific Activities) group organised a herbal excursion to Abusa Valley outside Södra Sandby in Skåne. The goal was to learn more about the herbs of nat

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/biologists-feasting-spring-abusa-valley - 2025-03-07

Initiatives aimed at children to widen participation

Published 4 June 2018 New Lund students are generally younger and have better educated parents than the average Swedish student. This emerges from the figures in a new LU report. Despite a series of initiatives to attract more students from non-academic backgrounds in recent decades, there is little progress. Now a major regional approach and initiatives aimed at younger children are being tested.

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/initiatives-aimed-children-widen-participation - 2025-03-07

When “Challenges” become “Missions” – what will be LU’s share of the pie?

Published 4 June 2018 The next EU framework programme focuses on “missions” rather than the previous “societal challenges”. This in itself will be a challenge for a university focused on basic research such as LU and will require new working methods among funding bodies and researchers applying for grants, according to research liaison officer Sophie Hydén Picasso. Sophie Hydén Picasso Photo:Jenny

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/when-challenges-become-missions-what-will-be-lus-share-pie - 2025-03-07

A first aid approach to poor mental health

Published 20 September 2018 Poor mental health among students at the Faculty of Medicine has increased. The faculty wants to change that. Linnea Sandström, former president of the medical students’ union, lists five methods used to improve mental health among young people. Five measures to increase awareness of, and preparedness for, poor mental health “First aid for poor mental health” is introdu

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/first-aid-approach-poor-mental-health - 2025-03-07

She wants to teach artists to overcome stage fright

Published 24 September 2018 Francisca Skoogh dreams of establishing an interdisciplinary centre for “performance science” at Lund University. She is both a pianist and a psychologist, and conducts research on her own relationship with the stage and stage performance anxiety. She is also a new member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. The concept on which Francisca Skoogh’s upcoming thesis is p

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/she-wants-teach-artists-overcome-stage-fright - 2025-03-07

Contract education refreshed teaching methods

Published 24 September 2018 High demands from industry for an online contract education course resulted in better education also on campus. This is a good example of when contract education promotes development in several different ways, according to lecturer Veronika Tarnovskaya.   Veronika Tarnovskaya and Jessica Hansson. The contracted course led to new insights about teaching and practical kno

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/contract-education-refreshed-teaching-methods - 2025-03-07

Contract education will require more teaching staff

Published 24 September 2018 The University’s central initiative on contract education is now getting underway. New business developers are on their way into the strengthened organisation that is to administrate the education. “If we succeed, we will need to employ more teaching staff”, says Bo Ahrén, pro vice-chancellor responsible for external engagement. Photo: Kennet Ruona LUCE, the division in

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/contract-education-will-require-more-teaching-staff - 2025-03-07

Biologists found new insect species just around the corner

Published 24 September 2018 In mid-June, the University’s biologists fine-combed grass, bushes, trees, asphalt and waterways around the department’s buildings. Their aim was to find out what species of plants and animals lived there. Now their mapping project is complete, and their findings include 21 endangered species and six species never previously encountered in Sweden. “All six of them are h

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/biologists-found-new-insect-species-just-around-corner - 2025-03-07

Secret Donald Duck translator supports the Humanities

Published 24 September 2018 Instead of leaving a will, she prefers to participate and contribute now. Maibrit Westrin, a 94-year-old former senior lecturer in French and Spanish, supports students and researchers in the Humanities – and finds that she gets a lot out of it. With determined steps, aided by walking sticks and wearing a cap on her head, Maibrit Westrin enters the main University build

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/secret-donald-duck-translator-supports-humanities - 2025-03-07

Less noise for more efficient brain work

Published 24 September 2018 We know that noise affects our ability to learn as well as generating irritation and stress. This, in turn, reduces efficiency and well-being in the workplace. Some research findings indicate that workplace efficiency could increase by as much as 50% with the right sound environment.     Memory researchers and cognitive scientists have conducted a lot of research into h

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/less-noise-more-efficient-brain-work - 2025-03-07

Better project management is to get MAX IV back on track

Published 24 September 2018 A lack of professional project management, unclear decision-making processes and shortcomings in communication underpin delays in the beamline programme at MAX IV. A new plan of measures will prioritise tackling these problems. Ian McNulty is the acting director at MAX IV. “We must get more beamlines ready faster, and that requires increased efficiency in the organisati

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/better-project-management-get-max-iv-back-track - 2025-03-07

Top research gathers high-level climate data

Published 25 September 2018 Data gathering for European climate research goes on around the clock at the University’s Hyltemossa research station. The tallest of its two masts reaches as high as 150 metres straight up into the sky. Every other week, the station’s staff must climb to the top of the mast to clean two sensors. Recently, intensive work has been conducted on the lower mast to install e

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/top-research-gathers-high-level-climate-data - 2025-03-07

Rescue Operation

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 13 December 2018 Firas Jumaah and Charlotta Turner. Photo:Kennet Ruona During a unique rescue operation, Lund University sent armed security forces into an Islamic State (IS) warzone to rescue a doctoral student and his family. For several years, Firas Jumaah, his supervisor Charlotta Turner and former chief se

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/rescue-operation - 2025-03-07

The role of relatives needs to be highlighted in cancer care

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 13 December 2018 Marlene Malmström. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter Although patient influence in healthcare has gradually started to increase, the role of the patient's next of kin is still very limited. Despite the fact that the disease affects the whole family, public healthcare often does not utilise the patient's relatives

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/role-relatives-needs-be-highlighted-cancer-care - 2025-03-07