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Romska rådets årliga minnesstund går i musikens tecken

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 11 januari 2024 Romska rådets minnesstund anordnas varje januari med anledning av Förintelsens minnesdag. I år har rådet valt att samarbeta med Musikhögskolan i Malmö för att sätta fokus på romsk musik som fristad. Den 27 januari samlas människor över hela världen för en årlig manifestation. Det är den internationel

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/artikel/romska-radets-arliga-minnesstund-gar-i-musikens-tecken - 2025-02-09

VBE Law. Publication from a workshop in Lund

Published 5 December 2016 The second workshop arranged by VBE researchers covered different aspects of VBE in law. Legal scholars as well as practitioners of law talked on topics such as the individual judge's approach to VBE, VBE as a critical legal threshold, the legal requirements concerning untested methods in medicine, and more. The talks are collected in this short publication.

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/vbe-law-publication-workshop-lund - 2025-02-09

VBE i miljövård

Published 24 February 2017 22 mars är det återigen dags för ett halvdagsseminarium i Lund om VBE inom ett specifikt verksamhetsområde. Denna gång är det miljövård som står i fokus. Vari består den evidens som policybeslut om miljön vilar på, och som ligger till grund för praktisk miljövård i våra regioner och kommuner? Hur skaffar man den nödvändiga evidensen? Hur bedömer en rättsinstans om tillrä

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/vbe-i-miljovard - 2025-02-09

VBEforskare intervjuade i "Aktuellt om vetenskap & hälsa"

Published 3 March 2017 Nils-Eric och Annika är intervjuade i var sin artikel om risker och beslut. Aktuellt om vetenskap & hälsa produceras som ett samarbete mellan Medicinska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet, Malmö högskola och sjukvårdsförvaltningarna inom Region Skåne. En fysisk publikation utkommer två gånger om året och artiklar publiceras fortlöpande på webbplatsen. Två av de senaste artikla

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/vbeforskare-intervjuade-i-aktuellt-om-vetenskap-halsa - 2025-02-09

Recently published VBE articles

Published 4 April 2017 Three new articles from VBE researchers will soon be accessible from the VBE website: Nils-Eric Sahlin and Lena Wahlberg in Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift, Wändi Bruine de Bruin and Baruch Fischhoff in PNAS and Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Annika Wallin et al. in Medical Decision Making. In "Om icke vedertagna behandlingsmetoder och kravet på vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet.", p

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/recently-published-vbe-articles - 2025-02-09

Nils-Eric Sahlin appointed member of EGE

Published 5 April 2017 European Comission President Jean-Claude Juncker has renewed the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, EGE, and has appointed 15 distuinguished scholars as members. One of these is our own Nils-Eric Sahlin. In a short interview (in Swedish) with the Lund University communicator Johanna Sandahl, Nils-Eric describes the role of EGE and his own role within t

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/nils-eric-sahlin-appointed-member-ege - 2025-02-09

Baruc Fischhoff new member of National Academy of Sciences

Published 5 May 2017 Baruch Fischhoff from CMU in Pittsburgh, the Howard Heinz University Professor, and member of the VBE program, has been elected to National Academy of Sciences. It is a great honor and we all at the VBE program heartily congratulate him! You can read more about Baruch's achievements and about the National Academy of Sciences here.

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/baruc-fischhoff-new-member-national-academy-sciences - 2025-02-09

Annika Wallin i Vetandets Värld

Published 9 May 2017 Den 26 april medverkade Annika i Vetandets Värld i Sveriges Radio, i ett program om intuition. Annika, som alla följare av VBE-programmet vet, är kognitionsvetare och hon forskar bland annat om vardagsbeslut. I Vetandets Värld diskuterar hon och Paul Hemeren - kongnitionsvetare från högskolan i Skövde - intuition och beslutsfattande med Ylva Carlqvist Warnborg. Programmet kan

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/annika-wallin-i-vetandets-varld - 2025-02-09

VBE politik

Published 13 July 2017 Workshop i Lund 25 september 2017 Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet är ett begrepp som förekommer i många sammanhang, bland annat i olika lagtexter och regleringar. I hälso- och sjukvården har begreppet spelat roll sedan slutet av 1800-talet och vi hittar det numera både i patientlagen och patientsäkerhetslagen. Men idag har samma termer smugit sig in i andra lagar och regle

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/vbe-politik - 2025-02-09

Congratulations to Barry Dewitt, PhD!

Published 30 October 2017 Recently Barry successfully defended his thesis "Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life: Preference Aggregation, Exclusion, and Public Policy" at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US. Barry's own description of the thesis follows: The dissertation provides a normative, descriptive, and prescriptive analysis of the design of societal-preference based health-re

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/congratulations-barry-dewitt-phd - 2025-02-09

Celebrating Johannes

Published 12 February 2018 We congratulate Johannes today, February 12, on his fiftieth birthday! Bild: Sten Anttila Johannes was celebrated by VBE colleagues and other friends last Friday. He was then presented with a festschrift to his honour with contributions from the VBE collaborators.The theme of the book is quite naturally VBE, from different angles. A flipbook version can be found here, an

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/celebrating-johannes - 2025-02-09

New member of the VBE programme

Published 5 April 2018 We welcome Dr. Astrid Kause, from Leeds University, as a new member of the VBE programme! Dr. Kause holds a joint research position at the Centre for Decision Research and the Sustainability Research Institute at the University of Leeds and at the University of Lund. Her research focuses on individuals' perceptions of uncertain scientific knowledge, in particular related to

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/new-member-vbe-programme - 2025-02-09

Sten Anttila på Almedalsveckan 2018 (in English below)

Published 23 August 2018 Under Almedalsveckan anordnade FAMNA - Riskorganisationen för idéburen välfärd - en serie seminarier om ämnen såsom upphandling respektive evidens. Vid seminariet "Vad är evidens - egentligen?" som hölls 4 juli talade Sten om SBUs arbete med evidensutvärdering och satt med i  efterföljande paneldiskussion.De frågor som diskuterades var följande: Hur väl stämmer den evidens

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/sten-anttila-pa-almedalsveckan-2018-english-below - 2025-02-09

Petra Björne, new VBE collaborator!

Published 7 September 2018 The VBE program welcomes new collaborator Petra Björne! Petra Björne Dr. Björne has a PhD in Cognitive Science and occupies a position as research and development coordinator at the City of Malmö Department for Disability Support. She has been granted a three year research grant by Forte (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare) for the project "Ada

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/petra-bjorne-new-vbe-collaborator - 2025-02-09

Of general interest

Published 5 June 2015 Johannes Persson co-author of article in Science Advances. Focus of this article, "Why resilience is unappealing to social science: Theoretical and empirical investigations of the scientific use of resilience", might not be Science and Proven Experience, but is co-authored by Johannes Persson and has a cool context. Follow the link!http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/1/4/e

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/general-interest - 2025-02-09

Alex Davis gets position as Assistant Professor at CMU

Published 2 December 2015 Collaborator Alexander Davis recently joined the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy. Congratulations! Doctoral student Barry Dewitt, affiliated to the VBE group, was nominated as a Lusted finalist at the Society of Medical Decision-Making's 37th Annual Conference for his paper "Preference Aggr

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/alex-davis-gets-position-assistant-professor-cmu - 2025-02-09

Mini conference on VBE in medicine

Published 16 March 2016 On January 28 the VBE research group organized a half-day conference on the subject of science and proven experience in medicine. Speakers were: Anders Castor, pediatric onchology, Lund University, Karel Marsal, obsthetrics and gynechology, Lund university, Nils Ståhl, neurosurgery, Lund university hospital, Susanna Axelsson, head of the Swedish Agency for Health Technology

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/mini-conference-vbe-medicine - 2025-02-09

Half day conference in Lund, June 17, on VBE and law.

Published 17 March 2016 The series of half day conferences continues. This time talks center around questions related to how science and proven experience is used in legal settings. The conference will be held at the Faculty of Law at Lund university, 13.15 to 16.15 on June 17. Invited speakers are legal practioners and scholars together with collaborators in the VBE research program. The conferen

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/half-day-conference-lund-june-17-vbe-and-law - 2025-02-09

Nils-Eric Sahlin elected to the Academia Europaea

Published 16 June 2016 The goal of Academia Europaea is to, through its members, work for the advancement of research and academic education in all areas, for the public benefit. The Academia Europaea writes in its homepage, http://www.ae-info.org: "The object of Academia Europaea is the advancement and propagation of excellence in scholarship in the humanities, law, the economic, social, and poli

https://www.vbe.lu.se/article/nils-eric-sahlin-elected-academia-europaea - 2025-02-09