

Din sökning på "*" gav 533658 sökträffar

More detailed findings confirm that coffee protects against breast cancer recurrence

Published 21 April 2015 Photo: Helena Wahlman/imagebank.sweden.se A number of research studies have shown that coffee helps to protect against breast cancer. A new study led by Lund University, has confirmed that coffee inhibits the growth of tumours and reduces the risk of recurrence in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and treated with the drug tamoxifen. The study, which is a fol

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/more-detailed-findings-confirm-coffee-protects-against-breast-cancer-recurrence - 2025-01-31

MOOC on Global Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights starts 27th of April!

Published 22 April 2015 Global Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) - a Lund University MOOC Sexuality and reproduction are core aspects of human existence that are intimately linked to our health and well-being. Sexual and Reproductive Health extends beyond disease and fertility control, and also encompasses the rights of everyone to have a safe and satisfying sexual a

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/mooc-global-perspectives-sexual-and-reproductive-health-and-rights-starts-27th-april - 2025-01-31

WATCH: Unique field study shows that pesticide harms wild bees

Published 22 April 2015 For the first time, a research project has investigated how a neonicotinoid pesticide, clothianidin, affects both honeybees and wild bees in an agricultural landscape. The study shows that honeybees can cope with exposure to the pesticide, but that it has a strong negative impact on wild bees. WATCH VIDEO STORYNeonicotinoids are used for seed dressing of rapeseed, to protec

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-unique-field-study-shows-pesticide-harms-wild-bees - 2025-01-31

Lund University reinforces its top 100 position in QS Subject Ranking

Published 28 April 2015 Lund University’s position as a top 100 University has once again been reinforced with the release of the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015. Lund University is ranked 20th in the world for geography and 50th for both environmental sciences and development studies. In addition, Lund University was ranked in the top 100 for eleven other subject areas, and in the to

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-reinforces-its-top-100-position-qs-subject-ranking - 2025-01-31

WATCH: New method detects more breast cancer in screening

Published 6 May 2015 Tomosynthesis detects 40% more breast cancers than traditional mammography does, according to a major screening study from Lund University, Sweden. This is the first large-scale study to compare the screening method with regular mammograms. The 3D X-ray technique is also more comfortable for women, as breast compression is halved. WATCH VIDEO STORYA total of 7 500 women aged 4

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-new-method-detects-more-breast-cancer-screening - 2025-01-31

WATCH: Six times more expensive to travel by car than by bicycle

Published 12 May 2015 (Photo: Lasse Strandberg) It is six times more expensive for society – and for you individually - if you travel by car instead of cycling. This has been shown in a Lund University study of Copenhagen, a city of cyclists. It is the first time a price has been put on car use as compared to cycling. Watch: Bikes cheaper alternative to carsIn the comparative study, Stefan Gösslin

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-six-times-more-expensive-travel-car-bicycle - 2025-01-31

LU student selected ’Global Swede’ 2015

Published 12 May 2015 Jiang Qian (Photo: Simon Helmersson) Jiang Qian is currently designing vacuum cleaners for Electrolux, but it wasn’t too long ago that he studied Industrial Design at Lund University. Today, in a ceremony at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, he will be named a ‘Global Swede’ by the Swedish Minister for Trade. The Global Swede diploma ceremony honours foreign students who have

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lu-student-selected-global-swede-2015 - 2025-01-31

Experts: how do we solve the Mediterranean migrant crisis?

Published 13 May 2015 Gregor Noll (Photo: Kennet Ruona) Lund University experts on international law and human rights give their views Gregor Noll is a professor of International Law at Lund University. He has conducted research on European migration and asylum law for more than two decades and has been consulted inter alia by the UNHCR, the European Commission and the Swedish government.”The EU h

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/experts-how-do-we-solve-mediterranean-migrant-crisis - 2025-01-31

A blood test for early detection of breast cancer metastasis

Published 18 May 2015 Photo: Kennet Ruona The chances of being cured of breast cancer have increased in recent decades, however if the tumour has metastasised, the disease remains essentially incurable. One reason for this could be that the metastases are detected late, after they have grown enough to cause symptoms or be seen on a radiological scan. If they could be found sooner, it might be poss

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/blood-test-early-detection-breast-cancer-metastasis - 2025-01-31

Lund University establishes an institute for children’s rights

Published 19 May 2015 2015 Ivory Coast school visit during the Child Rights programme After 12 years of conducting work for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Child Rights, Classroom and School Management programme has resulted in the establishment of an institute for children’s rights. Based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the institute wil

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-establishes-institute-childrens-rights - 2025-01-31

Savannahs slow climate change

Published 21 May 2015 Photo: Luciana Porfirio Tropical rainforests have long been considered the Earth’s lungs, sequestering large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thereby slowing down the increasing greenhouse effect and associated human-made climate change. Scientists in a global research project now show that the vast extensions of semi-arid landscapes occupying the transition

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/savannahs-slow-climate-change - 2025-01-31

Ancient temple rediscovered in Egypt

Published 25 May 2015 Dr Maria Nilsson, research team leader, and her partner John Ward, who discovered the temple. The couple hopes to be able to continue their research in Gebel el Silsila for many years to come. Photo: Huibert van Verseveld Gebel el Silsila is the sandstone quarry which delivered the sandstone for many of the major temples in Egypt, including Luxor and Karnak. But the foundatio

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/ancient-temple-rediscovered-egypt - 2025-01-31

Apply now for spring 2016 studies

Published 5 June 2015 The application period is open for a selection of study programmes at Lund University, which start in spring (January) 2016. The deadline to apply is 17 August 2015. Apply now to the following study programmes: Bachelor's in Physics Master's in Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis Master's in Physics – General Master's in Physics – Particle Physics Master's in Geographic

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/apply-now-spring-2016-studies - 2025-01-31

MAX IV facility handed over to Lund University

Published 5 June 2015 Photo: Perry Nordäng The MAX IV facility, set to become the brightest x-ray source in the world in 2016, has now been handed over to Lund University by the building contractor. Covering 50 000 square metres, the facility consists of a linear accelerator, storage rings, an office building and outdoor environments. It will now become the workplace for MAX IV’s 240 members of st

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/max-iv-facility-handed-over-lund-university - 2025-01-31

Mead made from honey could have healing properties

Published 11 June 2015 Did the Vikings have the recipe for good health? Lund University researchers Alejandra Vasquez and Tobias Olofsson have previously shown in lab experiments that 13 lactic acid bacteria found in the stomach of bees counteract antibiotic-resistant MSRA. The bacteria also healed horses with persistent wounds and protected against bee colony collapse in separate studies.Now, the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/mead-made-honey-could-have-healing-properties - 2025-01-31

Lund University in partnership with Climate-KIC Nordic

Published 12 June 2015 Photo: Mikael Risedal Lund University is now an affiliate partner of Climate-KIC, the large European network which drives climate innovation projects through creative partnerships between the private, public and academic sectors. ”We see great opportunities for both researchers and students at Lund University. Climate-KIC is an important arena for delivering concrete solutio

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-partnership-climate-kic-nordic - 2025-01-31

How do children best learn a second language?

Published 15 June 2015 Vi Thanh Son Where do you learn the most English in the shortest amount of time, in Sweden or Vietnam? Swedish children are better at communicating, while Vietnamese children are better at constructing correct sentences and at understanding language rules. This was the result of a study of children 11–12 years old by doctoral student Vi Thanh Son at Lund University in Sweden

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-do-children-best-learn-second-language - 2025-01-31

Shortage of blood a global problem

Published 15 June 2015 Blood transfusions are vital, but demand for blood far exceeds supply all over the world. In India and China, for example, relatives are usually called upon to give blood in the case of an accident or an operation. An international conference in Lund, Sweden, the first of its kind, will now discuss various possible alternative treatment methods with the potential to compleme

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/shortage-blood-global-problem - 2025-01-31

Protein plays key role in spread of breast cancer

Published 16 June 2015 Kristian Pietras For breast cancer to be fatal, the tumour has to send out metastases to other parts of the body. The cancer cells are spread via the blood vessels, and a research team at Lund University in Sweden has now proven that the protein ALK1 determines the extent of the tumour’s spread in the body. The higher the levels of the protein on the surface of the blood ves

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/protein-plays-key-role-spread-breast-cancer - 2025-01-31

Mummified bishop is a unique time capsule from the 17th century

Published 16 June 2015 The mummified remains of Peder Winstrup are one of the best-preserved human bodies from the 1600s. Preliminary investigations reveal a sensational find: the internal organs are still in place. WATCH: Mummified bishop undergoes medical investigations“We can now observe that Winstrup’s mummy is one of the best-preserved bodies from Europe in the 1600s, with an information pote

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/mummified-bishop-unique-time-capsule-17th-century - 2025-01-31