

Din sökning på "*" gav 534754 sökträffar

Choice Blindness, Confabulatory Introspection, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: A New Area of Inve

Choice Blindness, Confabulatory Introspection, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: A New Area of Investigation Choice Blindness, Confabulatory Introspection, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: A New Area of Investigation By 8 - Published 17 March 2014 http://www.lucs.lu.se/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Skärmavbild-2014-03-17-kl.-11.59.241.png The current study is the first to investigate confabulatory

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/choice-blindness-confabulatory-introspection-and-obsessive-compulsive-symptoms-a-new-area-of-investigation/ - 2025-03-04

Choice Blindness featured on Swedish Radio

Choice Blindness featured on Swedish Radio Choice Blindness featured on Swedish Radio By 8 - Published 9 September 2015 Thomas Strandberg from the Choice Blindness Lab is interviewed by Swedish Radio [P1 Kropp & Själ] about self-knowledge and confabulation [in Swedish]. http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/592478?programid=1272 Share http://www.lucs.lu.se?id=68072&tx_news_pi1[news]=3226 Latest New

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/choice-blindness-featured-on-swedish-radio/ - 2025-03-04

Choiche Blindness featured in the BBC podcast: The Big Idea

Choiche Blindness featured in the BBC podcast: The Big Idea Choiche Blindness featured in the BBC podcast: The Big Idea By 21 - Published 26 October 2020 Petter Johansson presents Choice Blindness in the BBC podcast The Big Idea (Episode: The fragility of choice ). – Do you know why you believe what you believe? Why you are left or right wing, say, or why you find another person attractive? You pr

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/choiche-blindness-featured-in-the-bbc-podcast-the-big-idea/ - 2025-03-04

Christian Balkenius i LUM: Lätt att överdriva framsteg i forskning om robotar

Christian Balkenius i LUM: Lätt att överdriva framsteg i forskning om robotar Christian Balkenius i LUM: Lätt att överdriva framsteg i forskning om robotar By 21 - Published 20 January 2020 LUM (Lunds Universitetets Magasin, nr 6, 2019): Hur får man en robot att uppföra sig etiskt och moraliskt? Det funderar Christian Balkenius på eftersom hans forskningsprojekt går ut på det. Men han tänker även

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/christian-balkenius-i-lum-latt-att-overdriva-framsteg-i-forskning-om-robotar/ - 2025-03-04

Christian Balkenius ny ledare för WASP-HS forskarskola

Christian Balkenius ny ledare för WASP-HS forskarskola Christian Balkenius ny ledare för WASP-HS forskarskola By 21 - Published 17 October 2019 Christian Balkenius, professor i kognitionsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet, har utsetts till ansvarig för WASP-HS forskarskola. Christian Balkenius forskning handlar om att förstå den mänskliga hjärnan och mekanismerna bakom olika kognitiva förmågor som up

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/christian-balkenius-ny-ledare-for-wasp-hs-forskarskola/ - 2025-03-04

Contagious yawning research explained by The New York Times

Contagious yawning research explained by The New York Times Contagious yawning research explained by The New York Times By 9 - Published 5 November 2013 Contagious yawning research conducted by Elainie Madsen, Tomas Persson and colleagues explained beautifully by the New York Times. Contagious yawning research conducted by Elainie Madsen, Tomas Persson and colleagues explained beautifully by The N

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/contagious-yawning-research-explained-by-the-new-york-times/ - 2025-03-04

Crow birds rival great apes in motor self-regulation

Crow birds rival great apes in motor self-regulation Crow birds rival great apes in motor self-regulation By 21 - Published 3 May 2016 New publication in Royal Society Open Science: "Ravens, New Caledonian crows and jackdaws parallel great apes in motor self-regulation despite smaller brains" by Can Kabadayi and Mathias Osvath from LUCS together with research colleagues Lucy Taylor at University o

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/crow-birds-rival-great-apes-in-motor-self-regulation/ - 2025-03-04

”Det sanna jaget finns inte”

”Det sanna jaget finns inte” ”Det sanna jaget finns inte” By 21 - Published 15 November 2017 Intervju i Svenska Dagbladet med Peter Gärdenfors om hans bok "Den svåra konsten att se sig själv". Svenska Dagbladet : Insidan : 6:e november 2017 Agneta Lagercrantz ► www.svd.se/professor-det-sanna-jaget-finns-inte Peter Gärdenfors om sin bok "Den svåra konsten att se sig själv” Peter Gärdenfors: "Det sa

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/det-sanna-jaget-finns-inte/ - 2025-03-04

Disputation: Andreas Lind

Disputation: Andreas Lind Disputation: Andreas Lind By 18 - Published 4 October 2014 http://www.lucs.lu.se/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/andreas_disp.png Congratulations, Today, Andreas Lind's disputation in Cognitive Science was approved. Thesis: Semantic Self-monitoring in Speech Also thanks to the splendid opponent Martin Corley, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science, The Universit

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/disputation-andreas-lind/ - 2025-03-04

Disputation: Rasmus Bååth

Disputation: Rasmus Bååth Disputation: Rasmus Bååth By 21 - Published 10 October 2015 Congratulations, October 9th (2015) Rasmus Bååth defended his PhD-thesis "An Investigation into the Perception and Production of Slow Rhythms". BTW: Rasmus likes cats – maybe because they can be such masters of slow rhythms. https://www.lucs.lu.se/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/sleeping-cat-large.png Share http://www

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/disputation-rasmus-baath/ - 2025-03-04

Doctoral studentship in cognitive zoology

Doctoral studentship in cognitive zoology Doctoral studentship in cognitive zoology By 9 - Published 17 September 2012 Apply now for a PhD student position at LUCS. Deadline 15/10 2012. Lund University invites applications for the following doctoral studentship with a starting date of 1 January 2013 At the Department of Philosophy: 1 doctoral studentship in Cognitive Science specialising in Cognit

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/doctoral-studentship-in-cognitive-zoology/ - 2025-03-04

ETG får LU-medel till samverkansprojekt

ETG får LU-medel till samverkansprojekt ETG får LU-medel till samverkansprojekt By 21 - Published 26 June 2017 ETG (koordinator: Agneta Gulz) leder ett av de sex teman som fått LU-medel för tematiska samverkansinitiativ mellan olika fakulteter. Projekten får 500 000 kronor om året i tre år med möjlighet till förlängning i två år. Prof. Agneta Gulz vid avdelningen för kognitionsvetenskap är koordin

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/etg-far-lu-medel-till-samverkansprojekt/ - 2025-03-04

ETG i SR P1: Vetandets värld

ETG i SR P1: Vetandets värld ETG i SR P1: Vetandets värld By 21 - Published 22 March 2018 Agneta Gulz (ETG: Educational Technology Group) deltar i Sveriges Radios programserie "SR Vetenskap – Om skolan" som sändes 19:e till 21:e april, 2018 (redaktör: Ulrika Björkstén) SR Vetenskap – Om skolan Avsnitt 1: Så kan digitala läromedel göra nytta i skolan   ► SR P1 Avsnitt 2: Läraren är nyckeln till lyc

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/etg-i-sr-p1-vetandets-varld/ - 2025-03-04

ETG (Educational Technology Group) och Teater Sagohuset drar igång ”Fake news”-projekt

ETG (Educational Technology Group) och Teater Sagohuset drar igång ”Fake news”-projekt ETG (Educational Technology Group) och Teater Sagohuset drar igång ”Fake news”-projekt Published 13 January 2022 Bild: Teater Sagohuset ETG (The Educational Technology Group) samarbetar med teater Sagohuset i Lund för att studera hur man kan kombinera teaterns gestaltning med en pedagogisk kontext i ett projekt

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/etg-och-sagohuset-drar-igaang-fake-news-projekt-1/ - 2025-03-04

Expo: Master student projects in VR, AR, Learning Technologies, and Robotics

Expo: Master student projects in VR, AR, Learning Technologies, and Robotics Expo: Master student projects in VR, AR, Learning Technologies, and Robotics By 21 - Published 20 January 2017 A two-day expo 'Innovative Interaction' was held January 18 & 19 at LUX. Master students from Cognitive Science, Computer Science, and Information Technology presented their projects around the theme 'Innovative

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/expo-master-student-projects-in-vr-ar-learning-technologies-and-robotics/ - 2025-03-04

Films for visually impaired audiences?

Films for visually impaired audiences? Films for visually impaired audiences? By 11 - Published 31 August 2012 Jana Holsanova, Nils Holmberg and Alexander Strukelj organized the Second Workshop on audio description for the visually impaired. Audio Description (in Swedish: Syntolkning) is a means of helping visually impaired people to follow TV programs, film and theater performances. The workshop

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/films-for-visually-impaired-audiences/ - 2025-03-04

"He's made economics more human"

"He's made economics more human" "He's made economics more human" By 21 - Published 10 October 2017 Peter Gärdenfors (LUCS) announces The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2017. [video src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=113&v=1cIz_dP21qU" width="630" height="450"][/video] ► Watch video on YouTube Immediately after the announcement, Peter Gärdenfor

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/hes-made-economics-more-human/ - 2025-03-04

How does evolution work? Episode 2

How does evolution work? Episode 2 How does evolution work? Episode 2 By 9 - Published 17 November 2011 In episode 2 Jesper teaches you everything about adaptation (In Swedish) Vill du ha evolution förklarad i fem små steg? I avsnitt 2 förklarar Jesper allt om miljöanpassning. Serien publiceras fram till 29:e dec 2011, med ett nytt avsnitt varannan vecka. Till samtliga publicerade avsnitt B

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/how-does-evolution-work-episode-2/ - 2025-03-04

How does evolution work? Episode 4

How does evolution work? Episode 4 How does evolution work? Episode 4 By 9 - Published 15 December 2011 In episode 4 Jesper teaches you everything about sexual selection (In Swedish) Vill du ha evolution förklarad i fem små steg? I avsnitt 4 förklarar Jesper allt om könsurval. Serien publiceras fram till 29:e dec 2011, med ett nytt avsnitt varannan vecka. Till samtliga publicerade avsnitt B

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/how-does-evolution-work-episode-4/ - 2025-03-04

How to Motivate Students

How to Motivate Students How to Motivate Students By 9 - Published 14 October 2011 Peter Gärdenfors talks about student motivation, curiosity and the lust of understanding at TEDx in Norrköping September 2011. Share http://www.lucs.lu.se?id=68072&tx_news_pi1[news]=3145 Latest News 2024-10-20 Peter Gärdenfors receives the Jean Nicod Prize 2025 (The Institut Jean Nicod) 2024-10-18 LU-informationsvid

https://www.lucs.lu.se/article/how-to-motivate-students/ - 2025-03-04