

Din sökning på "*" gav 532432 sökträffar

Master's Programme in Embedded Electronics Engineering

Master's Programme in Embedded Electronics Engineering Page 1 of 6 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Sustainable Urban Design - Programme code: TASUD - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Programme Board A - Validity: 2023/2024 - Date of approval: 13 February 2023 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering apply to this prog

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/Utbildningsplaner_2023_och_fram/Master_engelska/Master_s_Programme_in_Sustainable_Urban_Design_23-24.pdf - 2025-02-02

Master's Programme in Water Resources Engineering

Master's Programme in Water Resources Engineering Page 1 of 5 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Water Resources Engineering - Programme code: TAWRE - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Programme Board W - Validity: 2023/2024 - Date of approval: 13 February 2023 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering apply to this progra

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/Utbildningsplaner_2023_och_fram/Master_engelska/Master_s_Programme_in_Water_Resources_Engineering_23-24.pdf - 2025-02-02

Master's Programme in Wireless Communication

Master's Programme in Wireless Communication Page 1 of 6 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Wireless Communication - Programme code: TAWIR - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Programme Board E - Validity: 2023/2024 - Date of approval: 14 February 2023 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering apply to this programme. 1 Aim

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/Utbildningsplaner_2023_och_fram/Master_engelska/Master_s_Programme_in_Wireless_Communication_23-24.pdf - 2025-02-02

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Sida 1 av 3 Lunds Tekniska Högskola Ledningsstöd UTLYSNING Dnr V 2024/1947 2024-10-02 Sveriges Ingenjörers Miljöfondsstipendium Lunds Tekniska Högskola LTH har, genom ett avtal med Sveriges Ingenjörer och Miljöfonden, möjlighet att utlysa stipendier för miljörelaterade examensarbeten på LTH. Stipendierna är till för att främja projekt som syftar till att förbättra den fysiska miljön i Sverige och

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/Utlysning_stipendier_Miljo__fonden_LTH_241002.pdf - 2025-02-02

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2021-03-18 Activity form for AAHM10: Master thesis in Architecture N.B! The student is responsible for ensuring that all information is entered in this document! Save this document. When all the steps are completed and signed, the department's administrator can report credit in Ladok. There must be one document per degree worker. Full name: Social security number E-mail: Telephone 1 Notification o

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/examensarbete/MARK_Degree_Project_Activity_Form_210318.pdf - 2025-02-02

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2020-04-21 Programservice Examensarbete - Sammanställning av aktiviteter Anvisningar Studenten ansvarar för att alla uppgifter blir införda, det ska finnas en individuell sammanställning för varje författare till examensarbetet. När alla moment är klara och signerade lämnas blanketten vidare till handledare/sekreterare för handläggning. Personnummer Program Namn Opponering på annat examensarbete T

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/examensarbete/Sammanstaellning_examensarbete_-_2020-04-21.pdf - 2025-02-02

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2020-04-21 Programservice Summary of activities in a degree project Instructions The student is responsible for the form. There must be one summary for each author of the degree project. When all parts of the project are completed and signed, distribute the form to the department for registration. Personal identity number Programme Family name, given name Critical review of a fellow students’ degr

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/examensarbete/Summary_of_activities_-_degree_project_-_2020-04-21.pdf - 2025-02-02

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Dnr Examensarbete - Sammanställning av aktiviteter Anvisningar Studenten ansvarar för att alla uppgifter blir införda, det ska också finnas en individuell sammanställning för varje författare till examensarbetet. När alla moment är klara och signerade lämnas blanketten vidare till handledare/sekreterare för handläggning. Personnummer Program Namn Opponering på annat examensarbete Titel: Författare

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/student/examensarbete/aktivitet_exjobb_Br.pdf - 2025-02-02

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Programme code: TAEEE Scope: 120 credits Cycle: Second Approved by: Educational Programmes Board A Validity: 2015/2016 Date of approval: 10 April 2015 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering apply to this programme. This internationally oriented Master’s programme aims to devel- op the students’ knowledge, skills and judgement in the area of

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/utbildning/studerautomlands/andra_filer/MSOC_Syllabus_15-16_01.pdf - 2025-02-02

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Study plan 1 | 2025–2026 Study Plan 1 must be completed for each university applied for and uploaded with your exchange application. An approved Study Plan 1 is a prerequisite for any potential nomination and is reviewed by the International Office at LTH. Instructions Personal information Fill in your personal information and confirm that you have read the information mentioned above. Host Univer

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/utbildning/studerautomlands/andra_filer/Study_plan_1_2025-2026_eng.docx - 2025-02-02

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Sheet1 LTH: Utresande studenter per program > land > universitet Läsår 21-22, 22-23, 23-24 Program > Land > Universitet Sum of Studenter Architecture (A) 64 Biomedical Engineering (BME) 17 Biotechnology (B) 58 Chemical engineering (K) 22 Civil engineering (V) 33 Computer science and engineering (D) 57 Electrical engineering (E) 23 Engineering mathematics (Pi) 36 Engineering nanoscience (N) 21 Engi

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/utbildning/studerautomlands/statistik/Utresande_per_program_LTH_webb_21_24.xlsx - 2025-02-02

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LUND LiNIVERSITY LTH FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Anmälan om studieuppehåll Notification of study leave Läs informationen och direktiven gällande studieuppehåll på LTH:s hemsida. Make sure to read the information and directions regarding study leave on the LTH web pages. Kontaktuppgifter Contact info: Efternamn Surnarne I Förnamn Given narne Personnummer Personal identity nurnber E-post E-mail Telefonnu

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/utbildning/uppehallanstandavbrott/Notification_of_study_leave_sv_eng.pdf - 2025-02-02

General Regulations and Information 21-22

General Regulations and Information 21-22 Page 1 of 8 General Regulations and Information 21-22 • Validity: 2021/2022 • Approved by: Pro-Dean LTH • Date of approval: 11 March 2021 In addition to the general regulations and information apply the syllabus for the programme at the Faculty of Engineering. 1. Information 1.1 LTH, programme managements and Faculty management team LTH is the Faculty of E

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/General_Regulations_and_Information.pdf - 2025-02-02

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Page 1 of 3 Student Service LTH Ida Jackson Coordinator for students' work environment and equal opportunities Date 2021-06-10 LG GU Action plan for work with students' psychosocial work and study environment 2021-2022 Focus area: Promote inclusion Objective 1: Give the feeling of inclusion when students return to campus teaching Proposed action: The Programme Committees inform the students, throu

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/LG_GU_Action_plan_for_work_with_students__psychosocial_work_and_study_environment_2021-2022.pdf - 2025-02-02

LTH – A Place for Everyone

LTH – A Place for Everyone LTH – A Place for Everyone ZERO TOLERANCE AGAINST DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT AND VICTIMISATION | LTH | LUND UNIVERSITY 2 3 LTH is a place for dreams and discoveries Lund University and LTH has a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Diversity, equal opportunities and gender equali- ty among students contribute to a positive work environ

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/TA_LTH_-_A_Place_for_Everyone_.pdf - 2025-02-02

Master's Programme in Architecture

Master's Programme in Architecture Page 1 of 6 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Architecture - Programme code: TAMAR - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Programme Board A - Validity: 2021/2022 - Date of approval: 16 February 2021 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering apply to this programme. 1 Aim and outcomes 1.1 Ai

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/Utbildningsplaner_21_22/Master_s_Programme_in_Architecture_21-22.pdf - 2025-02-02

Master's Programme in Energy-efficient and Environmental Building Design

Master's Programme in Energy-efficient and Environmental Building Design Page 1 of 7 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Energy-efficient and Environmental Building Design - Programme code: TAEMB - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Programme Board V - Validity: 2021/2022 - Date of approval: 3 December 2020 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for th

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/Utbildningsplaner_21_22/Master_s_Programme_in_Energy-efficient_and_Environmental_Building_Design_21-22.pdf - 2025-02-02

Master's Programme in Food Innovation and Product Design

Master's Programme in Food Innovation and Product Design Page 1 of 5 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Food Innovation and Product Design - Programme code: TALIP - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Carl Grey - Validity: 2021/2022 - Date of approval: 25 February 2021 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering apply to this

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/Utbildningsplaner_21_22/Master_s_Programme_in_Food_Innovation_and_Product_Design_21-22.pdf - 2025-02-02

Master's Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Master's Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Page 1 of 7 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Programme code: TALSF - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Programme Board I - Validity: 2021/2022 - Date of approval: 18 February 2021 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/Utbildningsplaner_21_22/Master_s_Programme_in_Logistics_and_Supply_Chain_Management_21-22.pdf - 2025-02-02

Master's Programme in Nano-science

Master's Programme in Nano-science Page 1 of 5 PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Master's Programme in Nano-science - Programme code: TANAV - Scope: 120 credits - Cycle: Second - Approved by: Programme Board N - Validity: 2021/2022 - Date of approval: 19 February 2021 In addition to the syllabus, general regulations and information for the Faculty of Engineering apply to this programme. 1 Aim and outcomes 1.1 Ai

https://www.student.lth.se/fileadmin/student/files/Utbildningsplaner_21_22/Master_s_Programme_in_Nano-science_21-22.pdf - 2025-02-02