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Microsoft Word - DavidC, slutversion2008.doc

Microsoft Word - DavidC, slutversion2008.doc 111 David Petersson Inte, nog och visst i mittfält och fundament* Sammandrag. I denna uppsats behandlas satsadverbialen inte, nog och visst. De undersöks, var för sig, i två positioner i satsen, nämligen fundamentet och den typiska satsadverbials- positionen (A1). Syftet är att beskriva adverbialens möjliga betydelser i respektive position. Utifrån hur

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Inte__nog_och_visst.pdf - 2025-03-22


Johanna Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 93 (2014), 51–101 Alternating Predicates in Icelandic and German: A Sign-Based Construction Grammar Account* Jóhanna Barðdalab, Thórhallur Eythórssonc & Tonya Kim Deweybd Ghent Universitya, University of Bergenb, University of Icelandc, University of Minnesota, Morrisd A long-standing divide between Icelandic and German in the literature takes for gran

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Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 90 (2012) 111-140 Gunlög Josefsson, Lund University ”Disagreeing” doubling det * Abstract. In this paper I discuss doubling with the neuter pronominal det ‘it’ in Swedish. Det may double common gender and/or plural noun phrases too, which gives rise to what looks like disagreement. The proposed analysis takes as its point of departure so-called pancake-sentenc

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Josefsson_WPSS_90_slut.pdf - 2025-03-22


Julien Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 94 (2015), 1–35 Microvariation in Norwegian long distance binding* Marit Julien Lund university Abstract It is well known that (some speakers of) Norwegian allow long distance binding, defined here as binding across a finite clause boundary. A number of factors that facilitate long distance binding have also been identified. In the study reported on her

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Julien_01.pdf - 2025-03-22

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Topics in pseudo-passives Eva Klingvall, Lund University Abstract This paper is concerned with the derivation of pseudo-passives, in particular in Swedish (e.g. den här sängen har sovits i ‘this bed has been slept in’). Previous analyses of pseudo-passives typically focus on English and take the preposition to be unable to assign case in these sentences, with the result that the prepositional co

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Klingvall_WPSS_90_slut.pdf - 2025-03-22

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33 An unexpected gap with unexpected restrictions Subject deletion in a south-west Swedish dialect∗ Katarina Lundin Lund University Abstract The aim of this article is to propose a syntactic analysis of a dialectal con- struction systematically displaying deletion of the subject, found in spoken south-west Swedish. The deletion appears in certain interrogative subordi- nated clauses and relative c

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Lundin92.pdf - 2025-03-22


Mayumi Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 93 (2014) 102-136 Scandinavian Verb Particle Constructions and the Intonational Properties∗ Mayumi Hosono, Leiden University Abstract In this paper, I discuss Scandinavian verb particle constructions from the perspective of the intonational properties of the Scandinavian languages. I show with experimental data that the final pitch peak occurs on the ma

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Mayumi_02.pdf - 2025-03-22

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ISSN 0281-5427 Nordlund 27 Småskrifter från Nordiska språk i Lund Språket hos ungdomar i en flerspråkig miljö i Malmö Lena Ekberg (red.) s. 1-47 Petra Bodén: ”Rosengårdssvensk” fonetik och fonologi s. 48-77 Lena Ekberg: ”… sån svensk å blond å sånt du vet.” Lexiko-grammatiska drag i Malmöungdomars talspråk s. 78-119 Gudrun Svensson: Funktion och betydelse hos duvet i två gymnasistgrupper i Malmö L

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Nordlund_27__titelsida.pdf - 2025-03-22

Microsoft Word - Rosengårdssvensk fonetik och fonologi.doc

Microsoft Word - Rosengårdssvensk fonetik och fonologi.doc Petra Bodén ”Rosengårdssvensk” fonetik och fonologi∗ 1. Introduktion 1.1 Övergripande syfte och översikt På 80-talet uppmärksammade Ulla-Britt Kotsinas oss på den nya svenska som börjat talas av ungdomar i Rinkeby, en förort till Stockholm med en hög andel invånare med utländsk bakgrund (Kotsinas 1985, 1988). Kotsinas riktade vår uppmärksa

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48 Lena Ekberg ”… sån svensk å blond å sånt du vet.” Lexiko-grammatiska drag i Malmöungdomars talspråk 1.Inledning1 Talspråket hos ungdomar utmärks generellt av en språklig kreativitet, som bl.a. tar sig uttryck i lek med ord, användning av slanguttryck och lånord, både från engelskan och från andra språk. Vidare förknippas ungdomars talspråk med ett snabbt taltempo och inslag av ”dramatisering”,

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Nordlund_Ekberg_01.pdf - 2025-03-22

Network analyses of the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks

Network analyses of the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks Network analyses of the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks Henrik Gerding Per Östborn Lund University Our research project deals with a previously neglected archaeological material: 1 Lund University Hellenistic fired bricks. One of our main objectives has been to investigate how this innovation spread over the Mediterranean, from it

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Presentation_Paris_2014_with_notes.pptx - 2025-03-22


ProgramIoCF Imaging of Cognitive Functions Date: May 31, 2013 Venue: Center for Languages and Literature (SoL-centrum), L201 10:15 – 10:45 REGISTRATION AND COFFEE 10:45 – 11:00 Merle Horne, Dept. of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University Opening 11:00 – 11:45 Peter Mannfolk, Dept. of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University Functional connectivity using resting state fMRI - Methods and appli

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/ProgramIoCF_updated.pdf - 2025-03-22

"Hur vi kan utbilda lärare i bild så att barn och ungdomar får goda redskap för att möta dagens och

"Hur vi kan utbilda lärare i bild så att barn och ungdomar får goda redskap för att möta dagens och framtidens bildsamhälle." Master Narratives and the (Pictorial) Construction of Otherness – Anti-Semitic Images in the Third Reich and Beyond Michael Ranta (Div. of Cognitive Semiotics, Lund University, Sweden) 1 Research Project: The Making of Them and Us (MaTUs) - Cultural Encounters Conveyed Thro

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/RANTA_CCS_Nazi__2016_2_01.pptx - 2025-03-22


Résumé_questionnaire Pseudonyme Stade Morph/ Syntaxe (B&S) Année de français L1 Suédois depuis quel âge ? Autres L2 (que le français) Séjours aux pays francophones ? Contact avec le français ? (outre les cours) La télé ou la radio françaises ? Musique ? Motivation pour le français ? 1=peu 5=bcp Note Français (1-4) Note Suédois (1-4) Commentaire Agnes A 1e suédois - anglais allemand non non non 4 -

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Resume_questionnaire.pdf - 2025-03-22

Imposters Fall 2011 WPSS version.dvi

Imposters Fall 2011 WPSS version.dvi 81 Icelandic Verbal Agreement and Pronoun-Antecedent Relations1 Jim Wood2 & Einar Freyr Sigurðsson3 Abstract The relation between a non-reflexive pronoun and its antecedent is often thought to be outside of syntax proper; restrictions on interpretation or economy of expres- sion, in this view, derive Condition B effects, preventing apronoun from being too close

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Sigurdsson._WPSS_88._slutversion.pdf - 2025-03-22

Microsoft Word - Hanna slutversion2008.doc

Microsoft Word - Hanna slutversion2008.doc 7 Hanna Gimstedt Som som som En studie av konstruktionen x-som-x* Sammandrag. Uppsatsen är en studie av syntaktiska, semantiska och pragmatiska egenskaper hos konstruktionen x-som-x. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i den interaktionella grammatiken, och som jämförelsematerial används tidigare undersökningar av konstruktionen x-och-x. Exempel på x-som-

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Som_som_som.pdf - 2025-03-22

Microsoft Word - ThurenCopularclausesWPSS90.docx

Microsoft Word - ThurenCopularclausesWPSS90.docx Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 90 (2012) 23-52   The syntax of Swedish copular clauses* Camilla Thurén, Malmö University Abstract In this article, we argue, in accordance with Lohndal et al. (2008), that Swedish allows for two syntactic structures for copular clauses. The analysis provides the means to distinguish between copular clauses that

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The three-gender system in two varieties of Jämtlandic∗ Briana Van Epps, Lund University Abstract. This is a study on the gender system of the Swedish dialect spoken in Jämtland, a province in northern Sweden. The Jämtlandic dialect preserves to a large extent the three- gender system that was present in Old Swedish. The three-gender system manifests in anaphoric pronouns and as agreement in the n

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Van_Epps._The_Three-gender_system.pdf - 2025-03-22


Sammanställning Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 87 (2011), 103-135. Fronting, Background, Focus A comparative study of Sardinian and Icelandic * Verner Egerland, Lund University Abstract There is a superficial similarity between fronting phenomena attested in Sardinian and Icelandic. Nevertheless, the two languages are radically different as for the pragmatic interpretation associated with f

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/WPSS87_Egerland.pdf - 2025-03-22

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Residual V-to-I in Faroese and its lack in Danish: detecting the final stages of a syntactic change∗ Caroline Heycock∗, Antonella Sorace∗, Zakaris Svabo Hansen† Sten Vikner‡, Frances Wilson? ∗University of Edinburgh, Universitetet Tromsø, †Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, ‡Aarhus Universitet, ?University of Delaware Abstract In Heycock et al. (2010a) it was shown that V-to-I in contemporary Faroese has muc

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