

Din sökning på "*" gav 124559 sökträffar


Artiklar Arvidsson, Niklas & Adestam, Johan (2021). Avtalsbrott och skadestånd - skuldprincipen i svensk avtalsrätt. Svensk Juristtidning, 2021(1), 48-60. Arvidsson, Niklas (2021). Det miljörättsliga avhjälpandeansvaret och dess regressreglering. Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet, 2020-21(3), 571-589. Axhamn, Johan (2021). Första målet om klassikerskyddet - 60 år efter upphovsrättslage

https://www.aclu.lu.se/publikationer/annat-publicerat/2021 - 2025-01-05


Kommande evenemang Här nedan kan du se våra kommande seminarier och symposium. Länk till RSS 30 januari 2025 08:30 till 31 januari 2025 12:30 | Seminarium Nordic Conference on Construction Law – “Regulating Disruptions in Nordic Construction Contracts” 7 februari 2025 08:30 till 18:00 | Seminarium Making Digital Markets Work for People – Fairness, Efficiency and Consumer Welfare in Dialogue Fler e

https://www.aclu.lu.se/evenemang/kalendarium - 2025-01-05


Artiklar Hettne, Jörgen & Maria Fritz, Rättsfall från EU-domstolarna, i Ny juridik, 2020 I Hydén, Håkan & Woodlock, John, (f)Lex avionica; How soft law serves as an instrumental mediator between professional norms and the hard law regulation of European civil aviation maintenance, i Safety Science, 2020 I Nordberg, Ana & Mattsson, Titti, COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden: Measures, Policy approach and L

https://www.aclu.lu.se/publikationer/annat-publicerat/2020 - 2025-01-05


Artiklar Flodgren, Boel (2019), Felparkeringsrätt - hellre fälla än fria? Del 2, Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet 2019/20 Flodgren, Boel (2019), Felparkeringsrätt - hellre fälla än fria? Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet 2019/20 Hardenberger, Alexander (2019), Bevisbördans placering i fordringsmål II - särskilt om förhållandet mellan den civilrättsliga regeln och föremålet

https://www.aclu.lu.se/publikationer/annat-publicerat/2019 - 2025-01-05


Artiklar Bogdan, M (2018). Regulation Brussels Ia and violations of personality rights on the internet - Nordic Journal of International Law. Dotevall, R (2018). Har styrelsen en plikt att försätta bolaget i konkurs? - Nyheter från ackordcentralen.   Dotevall, R (2018). Groups of Companies In Swedish Law - Journal of Civil & Legal Science. Ingvarson, A & Utterström, M (2018). Självkostnadsprincipe

https://www.aclu.lu.se/publikationer/annat-publicerat/2018 - 2025-01-05


Artiklar Arvidsson, N (2017). Privat reglering av revisorsval i aktiebolag: En analys av ogiltighet enligt 9 kap. 16 a § ABL - Svensk Juristtidning. Bogdan, M (2017). The new EU rules on electronic insolvency registers - Masaryk University Journal of Law and technology. Bogdan, M & Persson, V (2017). Några synpunkter med anledning av Europadomstolens Arlewindom - Svensk Juristtidning. Ingvarson, A

https://www.aclu.lu.se/publikationer/annat-publicerat/2017 - 2025-01-05

Anmälan - Aktuella frågor inom köprätten

För-och efternamn (obligatorisk) E-post (obligatorisk) Student? (OBS! Kryssa endast i om du är student) Ja Företag/organisation Titel Deltagande (obligatorisk) Fysiskt deltagande Online deltagande Deltagande i mingel? Ja Nej Eventuella kostpreferenser?? När du skickar in detta formulär till Lunds universitet behandlar vi dina personuppgifter i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning. Mer om hur dina pe

https://www.aclu.lu.se/formular/anmalan-aktuella-fragor-inom-kopratten - 2025-01-05


Rättsfallsseminarium om Foxhouse-domen i Högsta domstolenOnsdagen 5 december kl. 11.00-12.15Advokatfirman Vinge, MalmöHögsta domstolen meddelade den 2 november 2023 dom i mål T 8042-21 (Foxhouse). I avgörandet behandlar Högsta domstolen förutsättningarna för vinstutdelning, återbäringsskyldighet och bristtäckningsansvar enligt aktiebolagslagen samt vissa bestämmelser om återvinning i konkurs. Doms

https://www.aclu.lu.se/evenemang/genomforda-evenemang/2023 - 2025-01-05


Skadeståndsansvar för juridisk rådgivning i ljuset av NJA 2022 s. 354 Måndagen 5 december 2022 kl. 16.00 - 18.00 Pufendorfsalen, Juridicum & Online (Zoom) Rättsfallet NJA 2022 s. 354 aktualiserar flera intressanta avtals- och skadeståndsrättsliga frågor i kontexten av juridisk rådgivning. Seminariet diskuterar vilka skyldigheter advokater och andra juridiska rådgivare har och hur den tillämpliga a

https://www.aclu.lu.se/evenemang/genomforda-evenemang/2022 - 2025-01-05


Virkninger av passivitet i varemerkeretten 9 december 2021 kl. 12.00-13.00 Online (Zoom) Ett seminarium som anordnades i samarbete med Oslo senter for kommersiell rett och Forskergruppen for marked, innovasjon og konkurranse Foredraget diskuterer virkningene av merkehavers passivitet i varemerkeretten. Merkehaver kan forholde seg passiv på den måten at hun unnlater å bruke merket, og det kan føre

https://www.aclu.lu.se/evenemang/genomforda-evenemang/2021 - 2025-01-05

The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics

Welcome to the IIIEE! See our master's programs We equip future sustainability decision-makers, leaders and practitioners to provide solutions for complex challenges Explore our research topics We produce rigorous, impactful and solution-oriented interdisciplinary research in close collaboration with business and other societal partners. This is who we are We advance knowledge on how to catalyse t

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/international-institute-industrial-environmental-economics - 2025-01-05

About IIIEE research

Excellence and Renewal in Interdisciplinary Research The IIIEE is a centre of excellence conducting interdisciplinary and collaborative research focused on advancing sustainable solutions. We provide excellence and renewal in interdisciplinary research, involving stakeholders from government, industry, and society. The transformation to a sustainable society involves a multitude of actors such as

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/research - 2025-01-05

Accessibility of www.iiiee.lu.se

This website is run by the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE). We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website, and this document describes how www.iiiee.lu.se complies with the accessibility regulations, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report problems so that we can fix them. How accessible is www.iiiee.lu.se? We know some part

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/about/accessibility-wwwiiieeluse - 2025-01-05

Missions - A small step, or a giant leap?

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Missions are being discussed widely within the European Union and beyond as a tool to steer policy, innovation, and research. Similar to other missions – to the moon, to cure cancer, and to eradicate smallpox – the missions-oriented approach seeks to set bold and radical goals to tackle our pressing environmental and social challenges. In this episode, we discuss th

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/media-press/podcast-advancing-sustainable-solutions/podcast-episode-guide/missions-small-step-or-giant-leap - 2025-01-05

Ramya MA - a career of an IIIEE alumna

Ramya comes from India and she works today as a consultant at the World Resources Insitute in India. She liked the diversity and flexibility of the EMP programme, and thinks it gave her a holistic perspective. The experiences and knowledge gained during her studies helped her secure the position she has today. The excursion to Kullen is one of her best memories, even if it rained the whole time!  

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/ramya-ma-career-iiiee-alumna - 2025-01-05

Lisa Heldt - a career of an IIIEE alumna

Lisa comes from Germany but now lives in Sweden and is a PhD student at the IIIEE. She's interested in the negative impacts of large corporations and that's why she's now doing research on circular business model innovation and its implementation in the Swedish manufacturing industry. Lisa had worked for some years when she joined the EMP programme and thinks that the programme prepared for realit

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/lisa-heldt-career-iiiee-alumna - 2025-01-05

Tamsin Ekkel - a career of an IIIEE alumna

Tamsin comes from Australia and holds a bachelor’s degree in international business, management and marketing. She decided to apply for the EMP programme since she liked the mix of theory and practical experience. She is now using what she learnt every day in her job as Trainee in Tetra Pak's Future Talent Program.  Hej Tamsin! Tell us something about yourself and what you’re working with. I’m fro

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/tamsin-ekkel-career-iiiee-alumna - 2025-01-05