

Din sökning på "*" gav 533358 sökträffar


Corunapresentation2 1 Cognitive Semiotics TOWARDS A COGNITIVE SEMIOTIC APPROACH TO CINEMA: SEMIOTICS VS. ‘SEMIOLOGY’ Anna Cabak Rédei Centre for Cognitive Semiotics / Department of Semiotics Lund University, Sweden e-mail: anna.cabak_redei@semiotik.lu.se 1. TOWARDS A COGNITIVE FILM SEMIOTIC Warren Buckland in his book The Cognitive Semiotics of Film from 2000, puts an intriguing question, namely w

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/Towards_a_Cognitive_Semiotical_Approach_to_Film_02.pdf - 2025-02-10


33.Toyota-final ON THE EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF ‘YES’ AND ‘NO’ JUNICHI TOYOTA Abstract. Small words like ‘yes’ and ‘no’ play an important part in our daily communication, but do we clearly know where they come from? Their origin is rather mysterious. We do not know if we need these words at all, since some languages manage without them. For instance, speakers of Celtic languages answer affirmativel

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/ToyotaSLC2009.pdf - 2025-02-10

Translocation, language and the categorization of experience

Translocation, language and the categorization of experience 1 In V. Evans & P. Chilton (Eds.), Language, Cognition, and Space. London: Equinox Publishing. In press. Translocation, language and the categorization of experience Jordan Zlatev 1 , Johan Blomberg 1 and Caroline David 2 1 Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University 2 Department of English, Université de Montpellier 3 1 Introdu

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/Zlatev-Blomberg-David2010.pdf - 2025-02-10

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To appear in Cognitive Semiotics, Special issue on Anthroposemiotics vs. Biosemiotics, Vol 4 Spring 2009 The Semiotic Hierarchy: Life, Consciousness, Signs and Language Jordan Zlatev Centre for Languages and Literature, Centre for Cognitive Semiotics, Lund University Centre for Language, Cognition and Mentality, Copenhagen Business School Abstract This article outlines a general theory of meaning,

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/Zlatev.CS.2009.pdf - 2025-02-10

Microsoft Word - LevelsVer3.doc

Microsoft Word - LevelsVer3.doc 1 Cybernetics and Human Knowing, Vol 14, No. 3-4, 2009, 149-174 Levels of meaning, embodiment and communication Jordan Zlatev Lund University, SOL, Centre for Cognitive Semiotics (CCS) 1. Introduction The ways in which the (human) body shapes meaning and thought, and the various roles it plays in communication, have received a great deal of attention during the last

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/ZlatevCHK2009.pdf - 2025-02-10

In their 2001 paper Bloom & Kiel make a distinction between what would be concerned as a rewarding n

In their 2001 paper Bloom & Kiel make a distinction between what would be concerned as a rewarding notion of linguistic influence and one that is, according to the authors, close to trivial The possibility of linguistic influence on thought Jordan Zlatev and Johan Blomberg Department of Cognitive Semiotics Lund University Abstract In this chapter, we address four obstacles that stand in the way fo

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/Zlatev_Blomberg2014-English.doc - 2025-02-10

Thesis title

Thesis title Children’s Gestures from 18 to 30 months Mats Andrén Centre for Languages and Literature Centre for Cognitive Semiotics Lund University Dedicated to Evelhin and Alice. ii Preface Aer hours and hours (and hours) of watching video recordings of interaction be- tween children and parents, the signification of bodies still remains mysterious to me in many ways. I continue to be amazed by

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/andren2010.pdf - 2025-02-10

A 170 mastro copertine

A 170 mastro copertine IM M A G IN A R IO 07 /0 8 eu ro 3 5, 00 IS SN 1 72 0- 52 98 1 1 0 0 7 Te nt ar e di d ef in ire il c on ce tt o d im m ag in ar io in m od o pe rf et ta m en te u ni vo co u na v ol ta p er t ut te s ar eb be va no o lt re c he in ut ile . V an o, p er ch e´ ci si a cc or ge re bb e be n pr es to , c om e ne lla se rie d in co nt ri ch e ha nn o da to oc ca si on e al p re

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/bankov.pdf - 2025-02-10

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Göran Sonessonc Au-delà du langage de la danse – les significations du corps. Quelques considérations au sujet d’une sémiotique de la danse1 Sans être un expert en ce qui concerne la danse, et sans prétendre être parfaitement informé sur les tentatives antérieures de créer quelque chose comme une sémiotique de la danse (avec l’exception de Ikegami 1971 ; Hanna 1977 ; Shapiro 1981), je me propose d

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/c.pdf - 2025-02-10

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Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS) Universidade da Coruña (España / Spain), 2012. ISBN: 978-84-9749-522-6 Pp. 197-1408197-1408-1408 A Final Move in Chess. Beyond the Picture Sign in Visual Semiotics Göran SoneSSon Lund University, Malmö (Sweden) Abstract It is something of a paradox that, within semiotics, the science of meaning,

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/finalmovechess.pdf - 2025-02-10

The enactive approach

The enactive approach Pragmatics & Cognition 19:1 (2011), 1–36. doi 10.1075/pc.19.1.01fro issn 0929–0907 / e-issn 1569–9943 © John Benjamins Publishing Company The enactive approach Theoretical sketches from cell to society* Tom Froese and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo University of Tokyo / University of the Basque Country and University of Sussex There is a small but growing community of researchers spann

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/froese-di-paolo-11-the-enactive-approach-theoretical-sketches-from-cell-to-society.pdf - 2025-02-10

Gender Affixation on Caucasian verbs

Gender Affixation on Caucasian verbs AN OVERVIEW OF GENDER AGREEMENT AFFIXES IN THE CAUCASUS Online workshop: Diversity and evolution of gender, noun class and classifier systems Lund Unversity, March 12th 2021 Filip Larsson Doctoral student, Lund University filip.larsson@ling.lu.se Gender in the Caucasus ■ Gender/Noun classes are found in two non-related Caucasian language families, i.e. Northeas

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_linguisticgender/An_Overview_of_Gender_Agreement_Affixes_in_the_Caucasus.pdf - 2025-02-10

EVOGRAM - The role of linguistic and non-linguistic factors in the evolution of nominal classificati

EVOGRAM - The role of linguistic and non-linguistic factors in the evolution of nominal classification systems EVOGRAM The role of linguistic and non-linguistic factors in the evolution of nominal classification systems Marc ALLASSONNIÈRE-TANG Lab Dynamics of Language UMR 5596, University Lyon2 Feel free to ask questions during the talk M. A-Tang (DDL) EVOGRAM 1 / 9 Feel free to ask questions duri

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_linguisticgender/EVOGRAM_Intro.pdf - 2025-02-10

Microsoft Word - Gu¨ldemann Fiedler 2021 Workshops.doc

Microsoft Word - Gu¨ldemann Fiedler 2021 Workshops.doc 1 Lund online workshop on gender, noun class and classifier systems 12/3/2021 The multiple challenges of Niger-Congo “noun classes” Tom Güldemann1,2 and Ines Fiedler1 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin1 and MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig2 1 The project “Noun classification systems in Africa between gender and nominal declension/‘derifle

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_linguisticgender/Gueldemann_Fiedler_2021_Workshop_Lund.pdf - 2025-02-10

No Slide Title

No Slide Title Presentation at the international conference: “Language Acquisition – comparative perspectives”, Homage to Clive Perdue December 5-6 2008, University of Paris 8 L1 or L2 acquisition? Development of finiteness in adult L2, in young children (2L1) and in bilingual children (cL2) Suzanne Schlyter, Lund University In collaboration with Jonas Granfeldt, Lund University and Maria Kihlsted

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_sprakutv_franska/Clive_coll_2008.ppt - 2025-02-10

No Slide Title

No Slide Title Tense - aspect in early stages of child L2 acquisition Suzanne Schlyter Lund University Sweden Eurosla 18 Aix-en-Provence sept 2008 Child second language acquisition - chL2 Child second language acquisition, chL2: start 3 – 8 years Is chL2 more like L1 or more like adL2 acquisition? Role of the Age of Onset of the Acquisition? Unsworth (2005), Meisel (2006, 2008), Bonnesen (2008), T

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_sprakutv_franska/Eurosla18_childL2.ppt - 2025-02-10

Lunds universitet i världsklass

Lunds universitet i världsklass Hamburg June 4-5 2009 Workshop on Critical Period(s) and successive acquisition in childhood Cliticisation in the Acquisition of Child French L2: a Cross-Learner Comparison Jonas Granfeldt Lund University jonas.granfeldt@rom.lu.se Hamburg June 4-5 2009 Workshop on Critical Period(s) and successive acquisition in childhood Outline INTRODUCTION The project Hypothesis

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_sprakutv_franska/Granfeldt_cliticisation_publish.ppt - 2025-02-10

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ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Annual Report 2011 2 Mission: To promote universal respect for human rights and humanitarian law, by means of research, academic education, dissemination and institutional development. Vision: To be a centre of excellence in all fields of operation, contributing to the development of societies based on a human rights culture. CoRe VAlues: RespeCt We believe that respect for the

https://rwi.lu.se/app/uploads/2012/11/Annual-report-2011.pdf - 2025-02-10

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1 In a new coop eration programme in the Middle East and North Africa region, coor dinated by the Inter national Legal Assist ance Consortium, the In stitute started work to further promote the app lication of human rights stan dards by courts in the region. a new cooperation programme was established in the Middle East and North Africa and the Institute established an office in Phnom Penh to mana

https://rwi.lu.se/app/uploads/2014/12/forwebsite.pdf - 2025-02-10

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annual report 2015 51 51THE RAOUL WALLENBERG INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN LAW was founded in 1984. It is affiliated with Lund University in Sweden. The Institute is named after Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, in order to pay homage to his well-known humanitarian work in Hungary at the end of the Second World War. Today, we have offices in Amman, Beijing, Istan- bul, Jakarta, Lu

https://rwi.lu.se/app/uploads/2016/06/annualreport2015.pdf - 2025-02-10