

Din sökning på "*" gav 132735 sökträffar

The Higher Research Seminar: Neil Renic, University of Copenhagen - ‘Savage Wars of Algorithm: The Civilizational imaginaries of Military AI and Autonomous Weapons’

21 May 2025 13:15 to 14:30 | Seminar The Higher Research Seminar is the main collective seminar of the Department. The research staff and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for Political Science. DatePresenter & Affiliation (if from outside our department) Title / BackgroundChair21 MayNeil Renic

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/calendar/higher-research-seminar-neil-renic-university-copenhagen-savage-wars-algorithm-civilizational - 2025-02-08

Older dissertations 1960-1995

Catarina KinnvallCultural Diffusion and Political Learning - The Democratization of ChinaLund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1995Anders UhlinDemocracy and Diffusion. Transnational Lesson-Drawing among Indonesian Pro-Democracy Actors.Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1995Hans Bengtsson Förskolereformen. En studie i implementering av svensk välfärdspolitik 1985-1991.Lund: Statsvetenskaplig

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/publications/dissertations/older-dissertations-1960-1995 - 2025-02-08

The Higher Research Seminar: Michael Bruter, London School of Economics and Political Science - ‘Democracy and the Intergenerational Challenge’

28 May 2025 13:15 to 14:30 | Seminar The Higher Research Seminar is the main collective seminar of the Department. The research staff and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for Political Science. DatePresenter & Affiliation (if from outside our department) Title / BackgroundChair28 MayMichael Br

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/calendar/higher-research-seminar-michael-bruter-london-school-economics-and-political-science-democracy-and - 2025-02-08

Political Psychology Research Group

Bringing together scholars in the multidisciplinary field of Political Psychology Political Psychology research group has several areas of interest that are explored from a political psychological perspective, for example, identity-conflicts, extreme activism, political participation and protest activity. The scholars within the group use a variety of methodological approaches that range from expe

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/research-groups/political-psychology-research-group - 2025-02-08

V-Dem: Varieties of Democracy

How and why has democracy developed in the world since 1900 and does it matter? Funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and several others. The aim of the Varieties of Democracy Research Program is to provide a systematic empirical contribution to the field of comparative democracy studies. First, we will capture democracy's manifold meanings by adopting

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/research-projects/v-dem-varieties-democracy - 2025-02-08

Power, Politics and the Environment

STVN17 – Power, Politics, and the Environment (15 credits). Master course in Political Science. Spring term. For a long time, the question of power has played a minor role in the literature on environmental politics and transformation. This course brings together these two themes. Such a combination is instructive for several reasons. First and generally, applying different theories and their conc

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/education/programmes-and-courses/freestanding-courses/power-politics-and-environment - 2025-02-08

Welcome to the Department of Political Science!

Our strong research profile is reflected in our teaching.Many of our courses are developed in connection to research projects, providing students with the opportunity to study current research findings with lecturers who are themselves active researchers within their respective fields. Our educational environment has long been highly internationalised: many of our courses are offered in English, e

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/about-department/welcome-department-political-science - 2025-02-08

Jobs available at the Department

Below you find the current vacant positions at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. Vacant positions Below are the current vacant positions at the Department of Political Science, Lund University: Work at Lund UniversityLund University offers an impressive range of high-quality research and education, made possible by our 8 400 staff members and circa 46 000 students. In recent ye

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/about-department/jobs-available-department - 2025-02-08

Three subjects one building

Learn about our three interesting subjects – Political Science, Peace and Conflict Studies and Intelligence Analysis. Political SciencePolitical science seeks to answer big type of questions like: Why do wars exist? Why do people join together to form states? but also seeks answer in the more local and mundane, like finding out why people voted a certain way in the municipal elections.Learn more a

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/about-department/three-subjects-one-building - 2025-02-08

Exchange students coming to Sweden

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is one of the oldest universities in Scandinavia. The combination of old traditions and history together with the bustling student life makes Lund a great place to live and study. Lund University is ranked as one of the top twenty universities in Europe for student exchange and receives more than 1500 exchange students per year from all over the world. Welco

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/education/international-opportunities/exchange-students-coming-sweden - 2025-02-08

How to apply

The term exchange student implies that your home university has a formal agreement for exchange studies with Lund University. You apply to our department via your International Office at home. Once you have been selected and nominated by your home university you are accepted as an exchange student to Lund university. You will get an email with instructions of how to apply in our system. You are ad

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/education/international-opportunities/exchange-students-coming-sweden/how-apply - 2025-02-08

Other courses

Please observe that you must study at least 15 ECTS credits at our department, the Department of Political Science in Lund. This regards only if you are coming within an agreement with our department. Undergraduate courseFor the course ”War and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” you need 30 ECTS credits in Political Science or Peace and Conflict to be eligible.War and Peace in the Israeli-

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/education/international-opportunities/exchange-students-coming-sweden/other-courses - 2025-02-08

Political Science

On this page, you can find information about the subject of political science, about the education and research conducted within the subject, as well as information about the employees who are connected to the subject. About Political SciencePolitical science is usually described as the scientific study of politics.Why do wars exist? Why do people join together to form states? Why are some states

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/about-department/three-subjects-one-building/political-science - 2025-02-08

Peace and Conflict Studies

Peace and conflict studies is a multidisciplinary subject which seeks different perspective on conflict analysis and peacebuilding. EducationThe courses are intended for students who wish to apply multidisciplinary perspectives to issues of war, conflict analysis and peacebuilding and are offered every second term.CoursesThe following courses are offered on the bachelor level entirely in English a

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/about-department/three-subjects-one-building/peace-and-conflict-studies - 2025-02-08

Intelligence Analysis

About Intelligence AnalysisCertain types of information may be of crucial importance for a government’s successful conduct of international negotiations, when staking out a new course of foreign policy or in combating terrorism, organized crime and the illegal intelligence activities of foreign states. Worldwide, governments invest significant resources to acquire and interpret such information. M

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/about-department/three-subjects-one-building/intelligence-analysis - 2025-02-08

Gendering Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

Explaining the diffusion of pro-gender equality norms in diplomacy and foreign policy The project is funded by the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences and Torsten and Ragnar Söderbergs Foundations. This project explains the rise and diffusion of pro-gender equality norms in diplomacy and foreign policy. Gender mainstreaming has become a salient issue in contemporary global politi

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/research-projects/gendering-diplomacy-and-foreign-policy - 2025-02-08

State Making and the Origins of the International System

STVC73 – State Making and the Origins of the International System (7.5 credits). Bachelor course in Political science. Autumn and Spring term. This course explores the evolution of states as units of political organization from a long-term and interdisciplinary perspective. In particular, the course combines perspectives from comparative politics and international relations to analyze three genera

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/education/international-opportunities/exchange-students-coming-sweden/bachelor-courses/state-making-and-origins-international-system - 2025-02-08

Parties and Political Behavior

STVC74 – Bachelor course in Political science (7.5 credits). The course focuses on political parties and political behavior in democratic systems. The course falls within the broader category of comparative politics, and the purpose of the course is to deepen students' knowledge and skills in this area. Of particular importance are theories, methods and empirical results that relate to political d

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/education/international-opportunities/exchange-students-coming-sweden/bachelor-courses/parties-and-political-behavior - 2025-02-08

SASNET Annual Lecture

15 May 2025 17:15 to 18:30 | Lecture/talk Welcome to the SASNET Annual Lecture of 2025! More information about this event will be published soon. About the eventLocation:Department of Political Science, Eden AuditoriumContact:sasnet [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se Save the event to your calendar

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/calendar/sasnet-annual-lecture - 2025-02-08