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GLOW BL Hinzen & Martin

GLOW BL Hinzen & Martin FROM INFANT POINTING TO THE PHASE: GRAMMATICALIZING DEICTIC REFERENCE Wolfram Hinzen & Txuss Martín, Department of Philosophy, Durham University Colourless green ideas sleep furiously differs from Furiously sleep ideas green colourless not merely in grammaticality, but also in meaning. No grammatical expression is meaning- less. How we should characterize the kind of meanin

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/From_infant_pointing_to_the_phase_-_Grammaticalizing_deictic_reference.pdf - 2025-01-31


AMDS.GlOW36 Language Faculty, Complexity Reduction and Symmetry Breaking Anna Maria Di Sciullo, Université du Québec à Montréal 1. I assume that the Language Faculty is stable, it does not vary though time and space, and that language development requires experience (Chomsky 1995, 2005, 2011). I develop the view that language evolutionary development is the result of the interaction of the languag

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/Language_Faculty__Complexity_Reduction_and_Symmetry_Breaking.pdf - 2025-01-31

Mafioso Parameters and the Limits of Syntactic Variation (495 words)

Mafioso Parameters and the Limits of Syntactic Variation (495 words) ON THE ‘MAFIOSO EFFECT’ IN GRAMMAR Theresa Biberauer 1,2 , Ian Roberts 1 & Michelle Sheehan 1 University of Cambridge 1 and Stellenbosch University 2 There is an obvious tension in the Minimalist Program between the desire to posit a minimally genetically specified syntactic component whilst maintaining the empirical insights of

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/On_the_Mafioso_Effect_in_Grammar.pdf - 2025-01-31

CBL abstract GLOW

CBL abstract GLOW PROSPECTS FOR A COMPARATIVE BIOLINGUISTICS CEDRIC BOECKX, WOLFRAM HINZEN, ANTONIO BENITEZ-BURRACO Variation thoroughly pervades language. The human faculty for language FL (i.e. our capacity for acquiring and using a language) manifests itself in the form of many different languages, which are in turn slightly diverse across diverse social groups, interactional contexts, geograph

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/Prospects_for_a_comparative_biolinguistics.pdf - 2025-01-31

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Reducing linguistic variation to Third Factor mechanisms Jordi Fortuny (UB, CLT-UAB, Complex Systems Lab-UPF) & Adriana Fasanella (CLT-UAB) The objective of our study is to develop a model of morphophonological analysis that enables the learner to infer high-order properties of the target language. Our first step is to express in a parametric way part of the mechanism of data analysis used by the

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/Reducing_linguistic_variation_to_Third_Factor_mechanisms.pdf - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - SettingGLOWbio.revised

Microsoft Word - SettingGLOWbio.revised Setting the elements of syntactic variation in L2 acquisition: On the English ’s morpheme Elisa Di Domenico Università per Stranieri di Perugia elisa.didomenico@unistrapg.it If parameters are located in the functional lexicon (Borer 1983, Rizzi 2011 a.o.) and the triggers are vocabulary items with their idiosyncratic properties, then acquiring a second langu

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Microsoft Word - Irurtzun_named.doc

Microsoft Word - Irurtzun_named.doc Some Maladaptive Traits of Natural Language Aritz Irurtzun CNRS-IKER One of the biggest issues in current biolinguistics concerns the discussion of the putative adaptive nature of human language. Thus, a range of authors defend the view that language is an eminently adaptive tool that evolved for communication purposes (cf. Pinker and Bloom (1990); Pinker and Ja

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/Some_Maladaptive_Traits_of_Natural_Language.pdf - 2025-01-31

The impossible chaos: When the mind cannot eliminate language structure

The impossible chaos: When the mind cannot eliminate language structure The impossible chaos: When the mind cannot eliminate language structure. Silvia Albertini 1 , Marco Tettamanti 2 , Andrea Moro 1 . 1 IUSS Center for Neurolinguistics and Theoretical Syntax Ne.T.S., Pavia; 2 Division of Neuroscience and Department of Nuclear Medicine, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan. A long-standing li

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/The_impossible_chaos_-_When_the_mind_cannot_eliminate_language_structure..pdf - 2025-01-31

No title

What a syllable can tell us on language Joana Rosselló joana.rossello@ub.edu University of Barcelona Language is a system of discrete infinity (DI). Any human being can cope with an infinite number of sentences (syntax) and chunks of well-formed sound/gesture sequences (phonology). Any human has also at his/her disposal an open-ended lexicon. In this paper I put forward the proposal that DI relies

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/What_a_syllable_can_tell_us_on_language.pdf - 2025-01-31

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GLOW 2013 Workshop II April 2 SYNTACTIC VARIATION AND CHANGE Organizers: David Håkansson (Uppsala), Ida Larsson (Stockholm), Erik Magnusson Petzell (Stockholm) Contact: ida.larsson@nordiska.su.se Invited speaker: Marit Westergaard, University of Tromsø Deadline for submission: November 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance: January 20, 2013 Submission of abstracts: https://www.easychair.org/conferen

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/GLOW_2013_Workshop_2.pdf - 2025-01-31

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GLOW 2013 Workshop IV April 6 ACQUISITION OF SYNTAX IN CLOSE VARIETIES Organizers: Petra Bernardini, Jonas Granfelt, Gisela Håkansson, Tanja Kupisch (all at Lund University) Contact: Tanja.Kupisch@rom.lu.se Invited speaker: Jason Rothman, University of Florida Deadline for submission: November 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance: January 20, 2013 Submission of abstracts: https://www.easychair.org/

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/GLOW_2013_Workshop_4.pdf - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - GLOW_Lund_Apr-2013.doc

Microsoft Word - GLOW_Lund_Apr-2013.doc GLOW 36 Lund University Apr 3-5, 2013 SOL Raising to Object from finite CPs: dual A/A-bar and MCC 1 Gabriela Alboiu - York University (galboiu@yorku.ca) Virginia Hill - University of New Brunswick SJ (mota@unb.ca) 1. Focus of Talk & Roadmap: Vs of perception are intrinsically evidential, but, in Romanian, type of complementation determines direct, (1c), vers

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Handouts_and_Presentations/Alboiu_and_Hill.pdf - 2025-01-31

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Generative Linguistics in the Old World 36 Lund University · April 3–5, 2013 Verb Clusters and the Semantics of HeadMovement Rajesh Bhatt & Stefan Keine University of Massachusetts, Amherst {bhatt, keine}@linguist.umass.edu • Main Claims: 1. Head movement can have semantic eects. It can hence not be a PF operation (pace Chomsky 2001). 2. To obtain the desired semantic eects of head movement, the d

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Ban on Coreference [GLOW 36] [handout] [3] [fixed typos].dvi

Ban on Coreference [GLOW 36] [handout] [3] [fixed typos].dvi Accounting for the Absence of Coreferential Subjects in TP Coordination∗ Bronwyn M. Bjorkman, University of Toronto bronwyn.bjorkman@utoronto.ca GLOW 36, April 4-6 1 Introduction This talk is about coordination • Specifically, a curious restriction on the availability of backwards-referring pronom- inal subjects in (clausal) coordination

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Handouts_and_Presentations/Bjorkman.pdf - 2025-01-31

The syntax of negative questions and their answers

The syntax of negative questions and their answers HOW TO ANSWER A NEGATIVE QUESTION Anders Holmberg http://research.ncl.ac.uk/yesandno Two ways to answer a negative question Japanese: Question: Kimi tukarete nai? you tired NEG ‘Are you not tired?’ Answer: Un (tukarete nai). yes tired NEG (Lit.)‘Yes, I’m not tired.’ Swedish: Q: Är du inte trött? are you not tired A: Nej (jag är inte trött). no I a

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Handouts_and_Presentations/Holmberg.pdf - 2025-01-31

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Generative Linguistics in the Old World 36 Lund University · April 3, 2013 Long-Distance Agreement, Improper Movement and the Locality of Agree Stefan Keine University of Massachusetts, Amherst keine@linguist.umass.edu • Main Claim: e ban on impropermovement is the result of amore general constraint onAgree. • Motivation: Restrictions on ϕ-agreement mirror restrictions on movement and interact wit

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Handouts_and_Presentations/Keine.pdf - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - handout.docx

Microsoft Word - handout.docx 1 Anaphoric Dependencies in Real Time: Processing of Russian Numerical Constructions Maria Polinsky GLOW 36 Eric Potsdam Harvard University Lund University University of Florida polinsky@fas.harvard.edu April 5, 2013 potsdam@ufl.edu 1 Introduction 1.1 Encoding of anaphoric dependencies Natural language provides multiple ways to encode coconstrual relations (1) a. Mike

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GLOWKeynote Constraining Local Dislocation dialect-geographically Gertjan Postma Meertens Instituut Amsterdam gertjan.postma@meertens.knaw.nl GLOW-36, Lund, 3-5 April 2013 V-T-AGR versus V-AGR-T in Dutch dialects 1 Structure • The problem: order reversal - syntax or postsyntax? • The role of dialectology • Deviant structures V-pron-T and V-AGR-T in Dutch • A fundamental isogloss cuts the Dutch dia

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glow36ramchandho.dvi Paths ∗ Gillian Ram hand, UiTø/CASTL (gillian.ram handuit.no) GLOW 36, University of Lund, April 3 2013 1 Introdu tion: The Semanti s of S alarity and Grad- ability This paper attempts to generalize the approa h that was developed for ases like eat the apple to other ases, in parti ular, predi ates that express movement in spa e, ... or predi ates that express hanges of proper

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Dia 1

Dia 1 Reflexivity without reflexives: What does it tell us? Eric Reuland & Anna Volkova Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS e.reuland@uu.nl | a.volkova@uu.nl http://eric.reuland.nl GLOW 36 Lund, April 2-6, 2013 The current lay of the land • Challenges to the consensus (UG, the role of hierarchical structure in language) • Cross-linguistic variation: Where is the unity in the diversity? • Data-dri

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