

Din sökning på "*" gav 534505 sökträffar

Reaction of [Os3H2(CO)10] with the diyne Me3SiC2C2SiMe3 and the reactivity of the products towards [Co2(CO)8] : The X-ray structures of [Os3(μ-H)(CO)10 {μ-η12-HC2 (SiMe3)C2(SiMe3)}],[Os3

The reaction of [Os3H2(CO)10] with Me3SiC2C2SiMe3 affords both [Os3(μ-H) (CO)10{μ-η1-η2-HC 2(SiMe3)C2(SiMe3)}] (1) and [Os3(μ-CO)(CO)9(μ3-η 2-Me3SiC2C2SiMe3)] (2) in good yield, 2 being favoured with an excess of diyne. In 1, one edge of the triosmium unit is bridged by the vinyl moiety of a transformed bis(trimethylsilyl)-1,4-butadiyne ligand that has undergone a hydride transfer and a 1,2-trimet

Fractal Derivatives, Fractional Derivatives and q-Deformed Calculus

This work presents an analysis of fractional derivatives and fractal derivatives, discussing their differences and similarities. The fractal derivative is closely connected to Haussdorff’s concepts of fractional dimension geometry. The paper distinguishes between the derivative of a function on a fractal domain and the derivative of a fractal function, where the image is a fractal space. Different

Genetic and gut microbiome determinants of SCFA circulating and fecal levels, postprandial responses and links to chronic and acute inflammation

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are involved in immune system and inflammatory responses. We comprehensively assessed the host genetic and gut microbial contribution to a panel of eight serum and stool SCFAs in two cohorts (TwinsUK, n = 2507; ZOE PREDICT-1, n = 328), examined their postprandial changes and explored their links with chronic and acute inflammatory responses in healthy individuals and

A Theory of Value for Value-Based Feature Selection in Software Engineering

Value-Based Software Engineering stresses the role of value in software related decisions. In the context of feature selection, software features judged to provide higher value take priority in the development process. This paper focuses on what value means when selecting software features. Using grounded theory, we conducted and analyzed semi-structured interviews with 21 key stakeholders (decisi

Time for some changes to ICIS? Reflections on our highest-quality conference

In this commentary, we reflect on the program chair experience of ICIS 2015 to pass on some useful organizational memory for the IS community at large. We also reflect on volunteer effort required for a high-quality conference and the challenges of maintaining quality over a diverse and dispersed reviewing effort. We ask whether we can count on this volunteer effort in a changing higher education

Amidst an Urban Archive and Rustling Wind: Of Mediation in Digital and Nonsite Performance Environments.

This presentation departs from two recent collaborative projects. The former An Urban Archive as an English Garden (Franzson, 2019) was instigated by Davíð Brynjar Franzson and revolved around a sonic hologram and performance therein. The second project, Violin with Þytur (Olofsson & Stefánsdóttir, 2021) was a collaboration with Kent Olofsson which resulted in a performance within the nine mon

Cyclosporine as Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury

Drug development in traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been impeded by the complexity and heterogeneity of the disease pathology, as well as limited understanding of the secondary injury cascade that follows the initial trauma. As a result, patients with TBI have an unmet need for effective pharmacological therapies. One promising drug candidate is cyclosporine, a polypeptide traditionally used to a

Do central bank speeches help predict monetary policy?

This paper studies the information contained in central bank speeches, focusing on predicting future monetary policy. Departing from previous papers which use mainly dictionary-based methods, we employ the deep transfer learning technique to process the text data. We find that central bank speeches can be used to predict policy rate change over the next three months (with an accuracy of 71.4%). In

FDML versus GMM for Dynamic Panel Models with Roots Near Unity

This paper evaluates the first-differenced maximum likelihood (FDML) and the continuously updating system generalized method of moments (CU-GMM) estimators of dynamic panel models when the data is close to non-stationary. This case is far from trivial, as a high degree of persistence is the norm rather than the exception in economic panels, particularly in financial management. While the CU-GMM is

Altered brain metabolism in frontotemporal dementia and psychiatric disorders : involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex

Background: Behavioural symptoms and frontotemporal hypometabolism overlap between behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and primary psychiatric disorders (PPD), hampering diagnostic distinction. Voxel-wise comparisons of brain metabolism might identify specific frontotemporal-(hypo)metabolic regions between bvFTD and PPD. We investigated brain metabolism in bvFTD and PPD and its

An atlas of genetic determinants of forearm fracture

Osteoporotic fracture is among the most common and costly of diseases. While reasonably heritable, its genetic determinants have remained elusive. Forearm fractures are the most common clinically recognized osteoporotic fractures with a relatively high heritability. To establish an atlas of the genetic determinants of forearm fractures, we performed genome-wide association analyses including 100,0

A search for new resonances in multiple final states with a high transverse momentum Z boson in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

A generic search for resonances is performed with events containing a Z boson with transverse momentum greater than 100 GeV, decaying into e + e − or μ + μ −. The analysed data collected with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider correspond to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb −1. Two invariant mass distributions are exami

Riskfylld socialisering i området som policyproblem: Policyn CTC som rumskapande biopolitisk maktteknologi

In this thesis I use a feminist poststructuralist framework to analyse a policy document within the program Communities That Care, implemented in Malmö, Sweden. This urban security initiative makes the socialization of children and youth its object, and problematizes the social and built organisation of local areas as a root cause of urban insecurity. It creates spaces for intervention (CTC-areas)

Caffeine Intake, Plasma Caffeine Level, and Kidney Function : A Mendelian Randomization Study

Caffeine is a psychoactive substance widely consumed worldwide, mainly via sources such as coffee and tea. The effects of caffeine on kidney function remain unclear. We leveraged the genetic variants in the CYP1A2 and AHR genes via the two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) framework to estimate the association of genetically predicted plasma caffeine and caffeine intake on kidney traits. Genetic