

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Surveying Complex Samples for 3 Synthetic Elements by Targeted Enrichment

Our ability to genetically engineer microorganisms is growing rapidly. We can perform small, precise modifications using techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 to whole-virome synthesis and/or large genetic insertions. These advances reduces the threshold for synthetic biology to be employed maliciously. Preparations against pandemics or deliberate biological attacks currently rely on taxonomic identifica

Anarchism in motion : a comparative analysis on anarchist ideological developments in Revolutionary Catalonia

Anarchism had a rapidly growing influence on Spanish society, particularly in Barcelona during the first three decades of the 20th century, which culminated with the mass organizing and consolidation of anarchist forces under the CNT-FAI during the Spanish Civil War. Ideologically, it focuses on working-class consciousness and the organizing of this against all forms of authority. Being anti-dogma

Higher intrahost evolutionary rates of HIV-1 subtype A3 and CRF02_AG is associated with faster disease progression - A STUDY OF THE INTRAHOST HIV-1 EVOLUTION IN A TREATMENT-NAÏVE COHORT FROM GUINEA-BISSAU

Snabb evolution av hiv-1 drivs av en kapprustning mellan viruset och immunförsvaret Humant immunbristvirus typ 1 (hiv-1) är ett virus som infekterar de celler vars primära uppgift är att aktivera andra immunceller. Hiv-1 etablerar sig i arvsmassan inuti de infekterade cellerna, vilket innebär att immunförsvaret inte helt kan komma åt det och infektionen blir därför livslång. När de infekterade ceHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) rapidly evolves during disease progression. This study aimed to explore the intrahost diversity, evolutionary rate, molecular properties, and co-receptor tropism of HIV-1 in relation to disease progression in an occupational cohort of police officers from Guinea-Bissau, where the HIV-1 circulating recombinant form CRF02_AG predominated. The study partici

Novel strategy to synthesize homonuclear cubic heteroleptic metal-organic cages using Ruthenium(II) complexes and N-donor ligands : Synthesis, Characterization, Complexation, and Attempts

Supramolekylär kemi är ett ämne där formationen av molekylära sammansättningar och deras interaktioner undersöks, innebärande en kombination av både organisk kemi och oorganisk kemi. Ämnet omfattar bindningen av metallkomplex med organiska ligander där hela metalkomplexet kan ses som en atom medan liganderna är själva bindningarna, vilket resulterar i supramolekylära komplex av olika form och storMetal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) are a group of polymeric porous self-assembly structures consisting of a combination of coordinated metal ions and organic-linker molecules resulting in supramolecules with one-, two- or three-dimensional structures. The porosity of the macromolecule allows smaller molecules to enter and remain coordinated via intermolecular interactions, therefore the potential use

Soot and charcoal as reservoirs of extracellular DNA

The vast potential of using sediment adsorbed DNA as a window to past and present biodiversity rely on the ability of solid surfaces to adsorb environmental DNA. However, a comprehensive insight into DNA adsorption at surfaces in general is lacking. Soot and charcoal are carbonaceous materials widespread in the environment where they read-ily can come in contact with extracellular DNA shed from or

The Role of Consumer Speech Acts in Brand Activism : A Transformative Advertising Perspective

Transformative advertising research (TAR) suggests examining advertising’s transformational possibilities via the interactions between institutional actors at each marketing level to gauge its effect on society. We employ rhetorical institutionalism as a lens to examine the online speech acts of consumers as they respond to a brand activism campaign focusing on an environmental problem. Our data t

Tracking Atlantic Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) movements in Nordic waters

The commercially important Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, ABFT) has recently returned to Nordic waters after being absent for half a century due to intense, unregulated overfishing and eventual stock collapse. The present study processed and explored big data obtained from Pop-off Satellite Archival Transmitters deployed on large (CFL 248 +/- 16 cm) ABFT (n =75) in the Skagerrak from 2017

Variation in Host Use at Individual and Population Levels in Green Tortoise Beetles (Cassida viridis) and Conservation Insights for Threatened Cassida Species

Phytophagous insects, comprising over half a million species, depend on plants for survival and are broadly categorised as specialists or generalists based on the range of host plants they exploit. Host plant selection is shaped by environmental factors, such as local plant availability, and ecological pressures, including competition and predation. While patterns of specialisation and generalisat

Effects of Current and Past Agricultural Practices on Arable Weed Diversity Across Landscape Complexity Gradients : a Case Study in Northern Romania

Our agricultural management practices have been constantly evolving, with significant impacts on both our society, and biodiversity of human-dominated landscape. While the negative effects of agricultural land-use change at local and landscape scales on biodiversity are well documented from regions such as Western Europe, the effect of current and past land-use in areas that have had more complex

Swedish wh-root-infinitives

The purpose of this short paper is to present a minimalist account of the syntax of the Swedish Wh-Root-infinitives, trying to characterize the syntax of this generally neglected main clause equivalent while comparing its syntax to the syntax of finite root clauses. See (i) and (ii): (i) Swedish Varför sälj-a huset? why sell-inf house.the 'Why sell the house?' (ii) Swedish Varför sälj-er ni huset?

Feedback Systems : An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition

This textbook covers the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems. Now more user-friendly than ever, this revised and expanded edition of Feedback Systems is a one-volume resource for students and researchers in mathematics and engineering. It has applications across a range of disciplines that utilize feedback in physical, biological, information, and economic systems. Ka

Evolution of intentional teaching

Only among humans is teaching intentional, socially structured, and symbolically mediated. In this chapter, evidence regarding the evolution of the mindreading and communicative capacities underlying intentional teaching is reviewed. Play, rehearsal, and apprenticeship are discussed as central to the analyses of teaching. We present a series of levels of teaching. First of all, we separate non-int

From 'big' to 'much' : On the grammaticalization of two gradable adjectives in Swedish

In this paper, I give a short description of a language change that can be viewed as an instance of grammaticalization, namely the transition of the two adjectives mycken/t and liten/t into quantifiers. Data from the corpus of Swedish drama dialogue reveal that liten/t became a quantifier as early as the 1700s, whereas mycken/t seems to have gone through the same change roughly 150 years later. In

Effects of environmental factors on inducing soil erosion and shaping the plant community in Icelandic habitats

Land degradation and soil erosion are considered one of the main threats to ecosystem services and functions, soil stability and activity, plant community structure and biodiversity, and overall life on Earth. Soil erosion is a problem occurring all over Iceland, with an immediate urgency on the Icelandic highlands and rangelands. Currently, over 40% of the country is eroded, steadily causing loss