

Din sökning på "*" gav 127041 sökträffar

Webinarium: Överföring av data till tredje land

LUPOP och Svensk Nationell Datatjänst (SND) bjuder in till webinarium om överföring av data till tredje land, med Kristin Asgermyr (dataskyddsombud vid Lunds universitet) och Carola Tilgmann (enhetschef vid Biblioteks och IKT-enheten på Medicinska fakulteten). Anmäl dig till webinariet genom att fylla i uppgifterna nedan. En zoom-länk kommer att skickas till samtliga deltagare dagen innan webinari

https://www.lupop.lu.se/form/webinarium-overforing-av-data-till-tredje-land - 2025-03-13

Juridik och dataskydd i befolkningsforskning

Tre föreläsningar om juridik och dataskydd i befolkningsforskning hölls som separata webinarier våren 2021 och som ett sammanhållet seminarium våren 2022. Nedan hittar du de olika presentationerna. Forskningsdata som allmän handling Föreläsare: Carl Petersson VT2021 (power point) VT2022 (power point) Överföring av data till tredje land Föreläsare: Kristin Asgermyr (VT2021), Per Bergstrand (VT2022)

https://www.lupop.lu.se/juridik - 2025-03-13

Webinarium: Forskningsdata som allmän handling

LUPOP och Svensk Nationell Datatjänst (SND) bjuder in till webinarium om forskningsdata som allmän handling, med Carl Petersson (jurist vid Lunds universitet). Anmäl dig till webinariet genom att fylla i uppgifterna nedan. En zoom-länk kommer att skickas till samtliga deltagare dagen innan webinariet. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank

https://www.lupop.lu.se/form/webinarium-forskningsdata-som-allman-handling - 2025-03-13

Seminars and work-shops

For upcoming seminars and workshops, please see the calendar. If you have suggestions for themes or presenters for future activities, let us know at lupop [at] ed [dot] lu [dot] se! Recurring events Lund Population Day Methodological issues in epidemiology and population research Previous activities Arkivering av forskningsdata, co-arranged with SND Biobanks - not only for clinical research Data M

https://www.lupop.lu.se/lupop-researchers/seminars-and-work-shops-0 - 2025-03-13

Seminar evaluation

Which seminar/webinar did you attend? (required) - Select -Forskningsdata som allmän handling 2021-05-19Överföring av data till tredje land 2021-05-25Arkivering av forskningsdata 2021-06-02 How did you find out about the event? - None -LU website/calendarLUPOP website/calendarFacebookFaculty newsletterOther newsletterInfoboardThrough a colleagueOther (please specify how in the comments below) What

https://www.lupop.lu.se/seminar_evaluation - 2025-03-13

Registration for spring seminars 2022

Methodological issues in epidemiology and population research Fill out the form below to register for one or more of the seminars. Attendees registered for online participation will receive a Zoom link the day before the seminar. The seminars take place 13.00 -14.00. Name (required) E-mail (required) Affiliation (e.g. university) (required) The multilevel vector autoregressive (VAR) model: gaining

https://www.lupop.lu.se/form/registration-spring-seminars-2022 - 2025-03-13

Darbaz Awla

Current positionPost-doctoral fellow (MD, PhD). Surgery Research Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö.Thesis titleSignaling and adhesive mechanisms in akute pancreatitis.List of papers includedAwal D, Abdulla A, Regnér S and Thorlacius H. TLR4 but not TLR2 regulates inflammation, and tissuew damage in acute pancreatitis induced by retrograde infrusion of taurocholate. Inflamm, Res. 2011 [E

https://www.ludc.lu.se/research-0/diabetic-complications/lab-alumni/darbaz-awla - 2025-03-14

Anna Åkerud

Current positionResulatory Affairs Associate at Trial Form SupportThesis titleUterine remodeling during pregnancy; Sstudies on the effect of Heparin/Heparan SulfateList of papers includedE. Malmström, M. Sennström, A. Holmberg, H. Frielingsdorf, E. Eklund, L. Malmström, E. Tufvesson, M.F. Gomez, G. Westergren-Thorsson, Ekman-Ordeberg andA. Malmström. The importance of fibroblasts in remodelling of

https://www.ludc.lu.se/research-0/diabetic-complications/lab-alumni/anna-akerud - 2025-03-14

Jenny Öhman

Current positionProject leader, Cardiology Department, Lund Universityhttp://www.med.lu.se/english/klinvetlund/cardiology/research/project_leaders/oehmanThesis titleDiabetic Vascular Complications & Inflammation Role of NFAT and TNFαList of papers includedJ.Nilsson, L M Nilsson, Y W Chen, J D Molkentn, D Erlinge & M F Gomez. High glucose activates Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells (NFAT) in nati

https://www.ludc.lu.se/research-0/diabetic-complications/lab-alumni/jenny-ohman - 2025-03-14

Group members

Team members Jens Lagerstedt, PhD, PI Claire Lyons, associate researcher Kristina Nordén, PhD, postdoc Rita Del Giudice, PhD, postdoc Shelley Edmunds, PhD, postdoc Claire Lyons,  PhD, postdoc Oktawia Nilsson-Wolanin, MSc, PhD student Raquel Lopera, student Manca Mohar, Master student   Alumni Jonathan dalla-Riva, PhD Jitka Petrlova, PhD Karin Stenkula, PhD Tatu Haataja, PhD

https://www.ludc.lu.se/research/medical-protein-science/group-members - 2025-03-14

Diana Grajales Abellan, student

I am Diana and I am from Spain. I am currently performing my master studies in Biomedicine at Lund University, which I started in September 2015. Before moving to Sweden, I completed my bachelor´s degree in Biochemistry at the University of Valencia and I also went to Norway for one year in an Erasmus exchange. Right now I am performing my master thesis: This project aims to understand the role of

https://www.ludc.lu.se/research-0/molecular-metabolism/group-members/diana-grajales-abellan-student - 2025-03-14