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Mot staten processar man gärna - Om jämkning av det allmännas skadeståndsansvar vid felaktig myndighetsutövning

Uppsatsen har som syfte att granska den särskilda skadeståndsskyldigheten som åligger det allmänna enligt SKL 3:2. Särskilt i fokus är vilken mån detta skadestånd kan jämkas genom den allmänna jämkningsparagrafen i SKL 6:1. Det finns tidigare forskning om det allmännas skadeståndsansvar vid felaktig myndighetsutövning, det finns även tidigare forskning kring jämkning av skadestånd. Det saknas dockThe purpose of this essay is to review the special liability for damages that is placed on the public sector according to SKL 3:2. Particularly in focus is to witch extent this liability can be reduced through the general adjustment clause in SKL 6:1. There is previous research on the public's liability for damages caused by wrongful exercise of authority, there is also previous research on th

Integrering av hållbarhetsstyrning i fastighetsbranschen - en branschstudie av sex stora fastighetsbolag i Sverige

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Integrering av hållbarhetsstyrning i fastighetsbranschen - En branschstudie av sex stora fastighetsbolag i Sverige Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2023 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Thea Helander, Elias Thor och Emilia Werner Handledare: Elin Funck Nyckelord: hållbarhet, ekonomistyrning, fastighetsbranschen, ManagAbstract Title: Integration of sustainability management in the real estate industry - An industry study of six large real estate companies in Sweden Seminar date: June 2 2023 Course: FEKH69 Bachelor thesis in Accounting, 15 hp Authors: Thea Helander, Elias Thor och Emilia Werner Advisor: Elin Funck Key words: Sustainability, management control, real estate industry, Management Control Pa

Recovery of Dialcohol Cellulose using Micro- and Ultrafiltration Processes

Användandet av fossila bränslen är utbrett och någonting som genomsyrar hela det moderna samhället. Fossila råvaror, som olja, naturgas och kol har många användningsområden och används bland annat vid produktion av plast, som drivmedel för transport och för att producera elektricitet. Att nyttja fossila råvaror är däremot inte oproblematiskt då dessa bidrar till ökande halter av växthusgaser i atmThe waste management and production of plastic play a concerning part in global warming and continues to have a negative effect on the environment. A promising strategy to address this challenge is to develop new sustainable materials, to replace current fossil-based plastics. Cellulose is of interest to be used for bio-based materials since it has many desired properties. However, it lacks the fo

Från frivilligt till obligatoriskt: En fallstudie av incitament kring reglering av kommunal hållbarhetsredovisning

Sammanfattning Uppsatstitel: Från frivilligt till obligatoriskt Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2023 Kurs: FEKH69 Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Lunds universitet Författare: Hanna Engström, Josefine Lundberg och Moa Rådberg Handledare: Karin Jonnergård Nyckelbegrepp: Kommuner, Hållbarhetsredovisning, Incitament, Motiv, Regulering, Standarder, Ins

Beställarens roll inför klimatmålet 2030

Climate change and environmental awareness have been a focus topic in the past years due to the increase of greenhouse emissions in the atmosphere. A significant part of the problem is the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the construction industry, whether in the early stages of construction or over the life of a building. In order to reduce human impact, several actors in the building and const

Instabilitetsfenomen i underspända limträbalkar

Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka olika parametrars betydelse för instabilitetsfenomen i ett underspänt balksystem av limträ. Arbetet syftade även till att undersöka den komplexitet av modellering som krävs för att nå tillräcklig noggrannhet med avseende på instabilitet. Komplexitet i modellering avsåg i detta arbete typ av beräkningsmodell avseende geometrisk representation (1D, 2D, 3D) oFor buildings where high demands are placed on open space, pre-tensioned glulam trusses have become a popular solution. Such a truss is often optimized to be material-efficient when subjected to loading within the plane of the truss itself. However, material-efficient and slender roof trusses can be highly sensitive to loads and unintended movements perpendicular to the loading plane. Poor choices

Sarcopenia prevalence and incidence in older men - a MrOs Sweden study

Introduction: The European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) published a revised definition of sarcopenia in 2018. There are few incidence studies of sarcopenia following the latest definition. Objective: To study prevalence, incidence proportion and incidence rate of sarcopenia in a simple random sample of older Swedish men using the EWGSOP2 definition. Methods: Men aged 69-81

Fusion of gauge-based, reanalysis, and satellite precipitation products using Bayesian model averaging approach : Determination of the influence of different input sources

Selection of the number and which of multisource precipitation datasets is crucially important for precipitation fusion. Considering the effects of different inputs, this study proposes a new framework based on the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) algorithm to integrate precipitation information from gauge-based analysis CPC, reanalysis-derived dataset ERA5, and satellite-retrieval products IMERG-E

Mitigating disorder-induced zero-energy states in weakly coupled superconductor-semiconductor hybrid systems

Disorder has appeared as one of the main mechanisms to induce topologically trivial zero-energy states in superconductor-semiconductor systems, thereby challenging the detection of topological superconductivity and Majorana bound states. Here, we demonstrate that, for disorder in any part of the system, the formation of disorder-induced trivial zero-energy states can, to a large extent, be mitigat

"En order är en order"

I dagens individualistiska samhälle förväntas individer besitta förmågan att effektivt kunna leda sig själva, ett fenomen som tidigare forskning benämnt självledarskap. Fenomenet har främst studerats på personer i ledande positioner eller i kunskapsintensiva yrken, varpå denna studie ämnar att studera självledarskap i en ny kontext. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om forskningsområdet

Introducing brief admissions by self-referral in child and adolescent psychiatry : an observational cohort study in Sweden

BACKGROUND: Brief admission by self-referral, a novel crisis intervention designed to reduce suicide and self-harm in adults, was adopted for adolescents in paediatric psychiatry in Malmö, Sweden, in 2018. We aimed to investigate changes in utilisation of emergency psychiatric care.METHODS: We did an observational longitudinal cohort study in The University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden, which provide

Reshoring in the Fashion Industry – An Actual Trend or Industry Window Dressing?

The research aims to determine whether there is a trend of reshoring among major fashion conglomerates and whether supply chain resilience and sustainable manufacturing may contribute to understanding this trend. The study takes a quantitative approach, using a combination of inference statistics and descriptive statistics. To uncover patterns in the manufacturing locations of these conglomerates,

Spatial downscaling of gridded soil moisture products using optical and thermal satellite data: the effects of using different vegetation indices

Soil moisture (SM) plays an important role in the exchange of heat and water between the surface and atmosphere, impacting water and energy cycles and the climate. Satellite remote sensing offers a global-scale estimation of SM; however, the coarse resolutions of satellite SM products, typically ranging from 25-50 km, are unsuitable for regional analysis. To overcome this limitation, various spati

Fuktegenskaper i pappersreglar - En utredning av fuktbegränsningar hos Wood Tubes pappersreglar

Awareness of the climate impact of the construction industry is increasing and demands for improved measures are needed to reduce the climate footprint. By year 2045, Sweden should have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. From January 1, 2022, a climate declaration is required for the construction of new buildings, the purpose of the climate declaration is to reduce the climate impact of the c

The match between adhesive mixture powder formulations for inhalation and the inhaler device

The device or the formulation? Which one governs drug dispersibility from the inhaler? To address this question, three budesonide-containing reservoir DPIs: Novopulmon Novolizer®, Giona Easyhaler® and DuoResp Spiromax®, were analyzed using the Next Generation Impactor, NGI. Thereafter, the devices were carefully opened, emptied, and formulations were switched between devices. Finally, three ‘proto