Sektion I
Sektion I består av: Medicinsk onkologi, Bröstca-genetik, Terapeutisk patologi, Tumörmikromiljö, Systemisk strålterapi, Cellmekanobiologi, Cancerepi & strål, Bröstcancer, Melanom, Urinblåsecancer, Bröst/ovarialcancer, Bröst/lungcancer, Bröstcancerbehandling, Onkologi övergr och Transl onkogenomikSection I consist of: Medical oncology, Breastca-genetics, Therapeutic pathology, Tumor microenvironment, Systemic radiation therapy, Cell mechanobiology, Cancerepidemiology and radiation, Breastcancer, Melanoma, Urothelial cancer, Breast/ovarian cancer, Breast/lungcancer, Breast cancer treatment, Oncology corporate and Transl oncogenomics