

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Topikernas teori och praktik

Trots att topikerna är centrala inom retoriken råder en viss oklarhet kring dessa. Efter en begreppsutredning jämför jag några akademiska läromedel på svenska. Vi ser en stor variation i hur topikerna presenteras och klassificeras. En översikt över den antika bakgrunden, tillsammans med ett plock bland ytterligare retoriklitteratur och forskning, tecknar olika vägar att gå i frågan. Mitt syfte är "Trots att topikerna är centrala inom retoriken råder en viss oklarhet kring dessa. Efter en begreppsutredning jämför jag några akademiska läromedel på svenska. Vi ser en stor variation i hur topikerna presenteras och klassificeras. En översikt över den antika bakgrunden, tillsammans med ett plock bland ytterligare retoriklitteratur och forskning, tecknar olika vägar att gå i frågan. Mitt syfte är

My memories of ahmed zewail - from a snowy northern Sweden to the nobel prize

In the summer of 1993, two Russian scientists from the Institute of Physics in Nizhny Novgorod drove the 1, 934 km to Umeå, where I was based at that time, in their red Lada car loaded with a home-built Ti:Sa laser. Within a few days, the laser was put in operation, pumped by a small argon-ion laser, and produced stable -100 fs pulses at 790 nm. These pulses were applied to our favorite topic at t

Decreased PGC1beta expression results in disrupted human erythroid differentiation, impaired hemoglobinization and cell cycle exit

Production of red blood cells relies on proper mitochondrial function, both for their increased energy demands during differentiation and for proper heme and iron homeostasis. Mutations in genes regulating mitochondrial function have been reported in patients with anemia, yet their pathophysiological role often remains unclear. PGC1β is a critical coactivator of mitochondrial biogenesis, with incr

Heparan sulfate depletion amplifies TNF-alpha-induced protein leakage in an in vitro model of protein-losing enteropathy

Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE), the excessive loss of plasma proteins through the intestine, often correlates with the episodic loss of heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans (HSPG) from the basolateral surface of intestinal epithelial cells. PLE onset is often associated with a proinflammatory state. We investigated whether loss of HS or treatment with the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha directl

Outcome for sinonasal malignancies : a population-based survey

Purpose: Sinonasal malignancies (SNM) represent a rare and complex group of cancers that includes a wide range of histopathological subtypes. Data from population-based cohorts are scarce but warranted as a basis for randomized controlled treatment trials (RCTs). Our aim was to assess overall and histology subset-specific outcomes for SNM patients treated at a tertiary referral centre. Methods: A

Upper Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) graptolite biostratigraphy and correlation of the Krapperup drill core, Scania, Sweden

The Krapperup drill core from Scania (Skåne), southern Sweden, includes one of the most important graptolitic Darriwilian (upper Middle Ordovician) successions of Baltica. Only some intervals have been documented previously and especially the uppermost part of the succession has been completely unknown. A fairly complete succession of mid- to late Darriwilian age provides insight into the early ev

Geographic trends in flavone-glycosylation genes and seed morphology in European Silene pratensis (Caryophyllaceae)

Three of the loci controlling isovitexin glycosylation in Silene pratensis are polymorphic and show geographic trends which are compared with geographic trends in seed morphology (and other phenotypic characters) as demonstrated by multivariate analysis. Various lines of evidence support the hypothesis that S. pratensis spread into Europe from at least two genetically differentiated sources. S. di

Late Weichselian and early Flandrian vegetational history of Varanger peninsula, northeast Norway

Relative a absolute (pollen concentration) diagrams are presented from Bergebyvatnet, Holmfjellvatnet and Stjernevatnet on Varanger peninsula. All three sites are outside the younger Dryas (Main substage) moraines and the pollen assemblage zones are correlated biostratigraphically with chronozones from Allerød to Middle Flandrian. Radiocarbon dates from Bergebyvatnet appear to have been affected b

Rapid extraction of short-lived isotopes from a buffer gas cell for use in gas-phase chemistry experiments, Part II : On-line studies with short-lived accelerator-produced radionuclides

A novel combination of advanced gas-chromatography and detection systems coupled to a buffer-gas cell was characterized on-line to allow gas-phase chemical studies of accelerator-produced short-lived α-decaying mercury, francium, and astatine isotopes. These were produced in 40Ar- and 48Ca-induced nuclear fusion–evaporation reactions, subsequently isolated in the recoil separators MARS at Texas A&

The Long-Term Effects of Forced Migration : An Early-Life Approach with Evidence from Yugoslavian Refugees in Sweden

This paper analyzes the effect of being exposed to forced migration during childhood (ages 0-5) on educational achievement at age 15 (grade 9). Using register data from the Swedish Interdisciplinary Panel, I identify children who migrated to Sweden as a consequence of the rising conflict during the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, and follow them until age 15, when they received their grades

Relationship between scoliosis, windswept hips and contractures with pain and asymmetries in sitting and supine in 2450 children with cerebral palsy

Purpose: This cross-sectional study of 2450 children with cerebral palsy aimed to analyse the prevalence and association of scoliosis, windswept hips, hip and knee contractures. Methods: Logistic regression was used to estimate associations with pain, postural asymmetries, and ability to change position for children at Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I–V, aged 0–18 years.

Functional and Oncological Outcomes After Open Versus Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy for Localised Prostate Cancer : 8-Year Follow-up

Background: Radical prostatectomy reduces mortality among patients with localised prostate cancer. Evidence on whether different surgical techniques can affect mortality rates is lacking. Objective: To evaluate functional and oncological outcomes 8 yr after robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) and open retropubic radical prostatectomy (RRP). Design, setting, and participants: We enroll

Milky Way spiral arms from open clusters in Gaia EDR3

Context. The physical processes driving the formation of Galactic spiral arms are still under debate. Studies using open clusters favour the description of the Milky Way spiral arms as long-lived structures following the classical density wave theory. Current studies comparing the Gaia DR2 field stars kinematic information of the solar neighbourhood to simulations, find a better agreement with sho

Retrogressive Mobilization in the 2018 “Referendum for Family” in Romania

We approach critically the assertion that a referendum ultimately defends the “traditional family,” by examining the articulation of anti-gender politics in Romanian parliamentary debates. We contribute theoretically by employing the concept of retrogressive mobilization in plebiscitary circumstances. We show that in Romania the contours of retrogressive mobilization transgress both the ideologica