Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar
Guardian of corpulence : a hypothesis on p53 signaling in the fat cell
Adipocytes provide an organism with fuel in times of caloric deficit, and are an important type of endocrine cell in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis. In addition, as a lipid-sink, adipocytes serve an equally important role in the protection of organs from the damaging effects of ectopic lipid deposition. For the organism, it is of vital importance to maintain adipocyte viability, yet the
The ANTsX ecosystem for quantitative biological and medical imaging
The Advanced Normalizations Tools ecosystem, known as ANTsX, consists of multiple open-source software libraries which house top-performing algorithms used worldwide by scientific and research communities for processing and analyzing biological and medical imaging data. The base software library, ANTs, is built upon, and contributes to, the NIH-sponsored Insight Toolkit. Founded in 2008 with the h
There is no Vaccine for Climate Catastrophe
Colonial Powers and Ethiopian Frontiers 1880-1884
Innate immunity in diabetes mellitus. Complement components C4BP and C3 promote survival of β cells under metabolic challenges.
The Complement system is a main effector mechanism of the innate immune system, acting to enhance clearance of pathogens, but also aids removal of biological debris from the body, including immunocomplexes, apoptotic/necrotic cells and protein aggregates. Complement regulators serve to prevent excessive inflammation and their interaction with the same materials targeted by the complement system re
The Incidental Parameters Problem in Testing for Remaining Cross-Section Correlation
In this article, we consider the properties of the Pesaran CD test for cross-section correlation when applied to residuals obtained from panel data models with many estimated parameters. We show that the presence of period-specific parameters leads the CD test statistic to diverge as the time dimension of the sample grows. This result holds even if cross-section dependence is correctly accounted f
Conditions and barriers for quality improvement work: a qualitative study of how professionals and health centre managers experience audit and feedback practices in Swedish primary care
BackgroundHigh quality primary care is expected to be the basis of many health care systems. Expectations on primary care are rising as societies age and the burden of chronic disease grows. To stimulate adherence to guidelines and quality improvement, audit and feedback to professionals is often used, but the effects vary. Even with carefully designed audit and feedback practices, barriers relate
Introduction to the special issue: Nordic perspectives on place branding
Purpose This special issue on Nordic perspectives on place branding aims at developing research on the practices and processes of mobilising the Nordics in place branding in order to achieve cultural, commercial and diplomatic ends.Design/methodology/approachThe Nordic perspective goes beyond regionalist schools of global marketing scholarship. While regionalist perspectives give an insight into f
The politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation
Myanmar is in a dangerous and uncertain moment following the military coup on 1 February 2021. The articles in this Special Forum provide timely contextual analysis. Written before the coup, the articles delve into the politics of agrarian transformation in the context of (what was then) an ongoing (but fragile) opening up of political space. This introduction outlines three themes that connect th
Comparative barrier membrane degradation over time : Pericardium versus dermal membranes
Objective: The effectiveness of GBR procedures for the reconstruction of periodontal defects has been well documented. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the degradation kinetics and biocompatibility of two resorbable collagen membranes in conjunction with a bovine xenograft material. Materials and Methods: Lower premolars and first molars were extracted from 18 male Yucatan minip
Calibrating vegetation phenology from Sentinel-2 using eddy covariance, PhenoCam, and PEP725 networks across Europe
Vegetation phenology obtained from time series of remote sensing data is relevant for a range of ecological applications. The freely available Sentinel-2 imagery at a 10 m spatial resolution with a ~ 5-day repeat cycle provides an opportunity to map vegetation phenology at an unprecedented fine spatial scale. To facilitate the production of a Europe-wide Copernicus Land Monitoring Sentinel-2 based
Outcome in dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma for patients treated with multimodal therapy : Results from the EUROpean Bone Over 40 Sarcoma Study
Introduction: The role of chemotherapy for patients with dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma (DDCS) is still under discussion. Here, we present the outcome in patients with DDCS treated with intensive chemotherapy from the EUROpean Bone Over 40 Sarcoma Study. Materials and methods: The chemotherapy regimen included doxorubicin, ifosfamide and cisplatin. Postoperative methotrexate was added in case of
Impact of ABO blood group on bleeding complications after surgery for acute type A aortic dissection
Excessive bleeding is a serious complication associated with impaired survival after surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD). Different ABO blood groups are associated with variable levels of circulating von Willebrand factor and therefore potentially altered risks of surgical haemorrhage. The current study aimed to assess the impact of blood group on bleeding complications after ATAAD
The ‘Gridded Management’ System in China’s ‘War Against COVID-19’
Along with China’s long-delayed response to the COVID-19 outbreak is its nationwide activation of the ‘gridded management’ system. Relying largely on the mass recruitment of the war-time rhetoric and ideology in mobilizing the people to watch and tell on each other, this ‘gridded management’ system is officially highlighted as playing a key role in China’s combat against COVID-19. Through examinin
Iscensätta barnperspektiv : Före, under och efter Barnahusbesök
Barnahus syftar till att förbättra utredningar och samarbete mellan myndigheter när barn misstänks ha varit utsatta för brott som misshandel eller sexuella övergrepp. I Barnahus samverkar olika instanser som socialtjänst, polis, åklagare, barnmedicin, rättsmedicin samt barn- och ungdomspsykiatri i en barnvänlig miljö. I stället för att behöva upprepa sin berättelse för olika tjänstemän på olika plBarnahus in Sweden exist to improve investigations and the collaboration between public agencies when children are suspected being victims of physical and/or sexual abuse. Barnahus are multi-agency collaborations that bring together local authority child welfare services, the police, public prosecutors, paediatric medicine, forensic medicine, and child- and adolescent psychiatry in a child-friendl
Markus Lahtinen: "Med 423 olika sensorer kliver jag in i butiken"
Renal angioplasty causes a rapid transient increase in inflammatory biomarkers, but reduced levels of interleukin-6 and endothelin-1 1 month after intervention
OBJECTIVE: To examine prospectively whether inflammatory biomarkers and endothelin (ET)-1 are increased in patients with renal artery stenosis (RAS), and to investigate how treatment with percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) affects these variables during the first month after intervention. METHODS: One hundred patients with suspected RAS undergoing renal angiography were included. P
Suboptimal treatment of risk factors for atherosclerosis in critical limb ischemia
Aim. The epidemiology of critical limb ischemia (CLI) is insufficiently studied, and treatment of risk factors for atherosclerosis has received less attention in CLI patients than in patients with coronary or precerebral atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to establish the incidence of CLI and the quality of risk factor treatment in Swedish CLI patients. Methods. During 14 months, 316 conse
Results of endovascular therapy of the subclavian and innominate arteries in 63 patients
Aim. The aim of the study was to describe results from a single vascular unit of endovascular revascularisation of subclavian and innominate arterial disease. Methods. Between April 1994 and March 2010, 63 patients (mean age 61.8±10.8 years, 41[65%] women) were endovascularly treated for subclavian and innominate arterial disease. Fourteen (22%) had upper extremity claudication, 5 (8%) acute arm i