

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Incretin hormones, insulin, glucagon and advanced glycation end products in relation to cognitive function in older people with and without diabetes, a population-based study

Aim: The aim of this observational study was to investigate relationships between physiological levels of glucometabolic biomarkers and cognitive test results in a population-based setting. Methods: Cross-sectional data were obtained from the Swedish population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer Study Re-examination 2007–2012 comprising 3001 older people (mean age 72 years). Through oral glucose toleranc

Critical Social Theory Approaches to European integration

Critical Social Theory (CST), in its broadest sense, is a transdisciplinary approach to the social sciences that applies critique to the status quo in order to emancipate humans and the planet from the negative consequences of modernity. The development of CST as a critical theoretical approach to European integration grew through the 1990s, with an increasing concern for understanding and challen

Symbols and Myths of European Union Transnational Solidarity

The chapter explores the symbols and myths of EU transnational solidarity through a threefold analysis of transnational solidarity within, across, and beyond the EU. Based on post-Cold War study of the EU in global politics over the past three decades, it compares and contrasts transnational solidarity from communitarian and cosmopolitan perspectives before advocating a cosmopolitical understandin

Holocene monsoon dynamics at Kunlun Pass on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Various proxy records have been used for the understanding of environmental and climate variations during the Holocene. Here, for the first time, we use meteoric 10Be isotope measurements performed on sediments from a drill core collected at the Kunlun Pass (KP) on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (NETP) to investigate hydroclimate changes during the Holocene. The 10Be flux suggests relative

Weighted conformal invariance of Banach spaces of analytic functions

We consider Banach spaces of analytic functions in the unit disc which satisfy a weighted conformal invariance property, that is, for a fixed α>0 and every conformal automorphism φ of the disc, f→f∘φ(φ′)α defines a bounded linear operator on the space in question, and the family of all such operators is uniformly bounded in operator norm. Many common examples of Banach spaces of analytic functions

QM/MM study of the binding of H2 to MoCu CO dehydrogenase : development and applications of improved H2 van der Waals parameters

The MoCu CO dehydrogenase enzyme not only transforms CO into CO2 but it can also oxidise H2. Even if its hydrogenase activity has been known for decades, a debate is ongoing on the most plausible mode for the binding of H2 to the enzyme active site and the hydrogen oxidation mechanism. In the present work, we provide a new perspective on the MoCu-CODH hydrogenase activity by improving the in silic

An institutional perspective on sustainability transitions

This chapter introduces an institutional perspective on sustainability transitions. Sustainability transitions entail the destabilization and de-institutionalization of existing socio-technical regimes in various industries and the creation and diffusion, hence institutionalization, of new, potentially more sustainable socio-technical configurations. Institutional theory thus provides excellent in

Endophilin A2 deficiency protects rodents from autoimmune arthritis by modulating T cell activation

The introduction of the CTLA-4 recombinant fusion protein has demonstrated therapeutic effects by selectively modulating T-cell activation in rheumatoid arthritis. Here we show, using a forward genetic approach, that a mutation in the SH3gl1 gene encoding the endocytic protein Endophilin A2 is associated with the development of arthritis in rodents. Defective expression of SH3gl1 affects T cell ef

Materfamilias: The beneficial impact of mother’s work on children economic mobility

The intergenerational influence on social and economic mobility always attracted the interest ofresearchers, bringing evidences on that intergenerational mobility correlate positively with thegeneration of opportunities and low levels of inequality at the society level. Recent studies pointedan exclusive focus on the influence of fathers on child’s outcomes, which neglecting the maternalinfluence.

Markers of steroid receptor, kinase signalling pathways and Ki-67 expression in relation to tamoxifen sensitivity and resistance

Background: It remains clinically important to identify ER positive breast cancers likely to respond to tamoxifen (TAM) and so we aimed to select a group of biomarkers able to predict response. We also assessed whether data from different sample types [tumor microarrays (TMAs) and core biopsies] or tumor sites could be combined for biomarker studies.Methods: A total of 123 endocrine treatment naïv

Multi‐key homomorphic authenticators

Homomorphic authenticators (HAs) enable a client to authenticate a large collection of data elements m1, …,mt andoutsource them, along with the corresponding authenticators, to an untrusted server. At any later point, the server can generatea short authenticator σf , y vouching for the correctness of the output y of a function f computed on the outsourced data, i.e.y = f (m1, …,mt). The notion of

Den anklagade tittaren : Strategiskt publiktilltal i satiriska anklagelser

Offentliga anklagelser leder ofta till kontrovers. Anklagelser har studerats utifrån hur de ger upphov till vissa typer av försvar, liksom hur en anklagande part kan övertyga om skuld och förstärka uppfattningen om anstötligheten i en handling. Vi undersöker ett satirprogram som strategisk handling, med särskilt fokus på hur dess anklagelses retoriska struktur strategiskt möjliggör vissa gensvar o

“I Get Fire Inside Me That Tells Me I’m Going to Defy.”: The Discursive Construction of Trans Masculinity in Cape Town, South Africa

This research extends our understanding of trans masculinity in South Africa. Drawing on in-depth interviews with seven trans masculine-identified individuals, we analyze the discourses that trans masculine individuals draw on to make sense of their experiences of gender and their embodiment and performance of masculinity. There are three key findings. First, we found that trans masculine people d

The smoothed reassigned spectrogram for robust energy estimation

The matched window reassigned spectrogram relocates all signal energy of an oscillating transient to the time- and frequency locations, resulting in a sharp peak in the time-frequency plane. However, previous research has shown that the method may result in split energy peaks for close components and in high noise levels, and the peak energy is then erroneously estimated. With use of novel knowled