

Din sökning på "*" gav 533381 sökträffar

Immune mediators in people with HIV and tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common cause of death among people with HIV (PWH). PWH often have atypical clinical manifestations of TB, and TB disease can therefore be missed. Better screening markers could identify individuals with high likelihood of TB disease. Furthermore, the mechanisms underlying the immunopathogenesis of TB disease in PWH remain incompletely understood.This thesis is based o

Collective structures up to spin ∼ 65h in the N 90 isotones 158Er and 157Ho

A new collective band with high dynamic moment of inertia in 158Er at spins beyond band termination has been found in addition to the two previously reported ones. The measured transition quadrupole moments (Qt) of these three bands are very similar. These three bands have been suggested to possess a triaxial strongly deformed shape, based on comparisons with calculations using the cranked Nilsson

High-spin structure of normal-deformed bands in 84Zr

The reaction 58Ni(32S, α2p) at E lab= 135 MeV was used to populate high-spin states in 84Zr. The complete GAMMASPHERE and MICROBALL arrays were used to obtain clean γ- γ- γ line shapes to be analyzed by the Doppler shift attenuation method and to determine 27 lifetimes in the ground-state band and in two excited bands. Side-feeding times were also measured by comparing the line shapes gated with t

Presenting Conclusions from Assessed Evidence

Applying evidence builds on the conclusions of the assessment of the evidence. The aim of the chapter is to describe a range of ways of summarising and visualising different types of evidence so that it can be used in various decision-making processes. Evidence can also be presented as part of evidence capture sheets, argument maps, mind maps, theories of change, Bayesian networks or evidence rest

The influence of AI and smart apps on tourist public transport use : applying mixed methods

The purpose of this research is to examine the roles of benefits and awareness of AI, as well as the usefulness and knowledge of smart apps in shaping tourist public transport use in South Korea, considering senior and younger population segments and gender. This research utilizes a mixed-methods approach (partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), multigroup analysis (MGA), fuz

Adaptation to climate change through dispersal and inherited timing in an avian migrant

Many organisms fail to adjust their phenology sufficiently to climate change. Studies have concentrated on adaptive responses within localities, but little is known about how latitudinal dispersal enhances evolutionary potential. Rapid adaptation is expected if dispersers from lower latitudes have improved synchrony to northern conditions, thereby gain fitness and introduce genotypes on which sele

Ferrous and ferric complexes with cyclometalating N-heterocyclic carbene ligands : a case of dual emission revisited

Iron N-heterocyclic carbene (FeNHC) complexes with long-lived charge transfer states are emerging as a promising class of photoactive materials. We have synthesized [FeII(ImP)2] (ImP = bis(2,6-bis(3-methylimidazol-2-ylidene-1-yl)phenylene)) that combines carbene ligands with cyclometalation for additionally improved ligand field strength. The 9 ps lifetime of its 3MLCT (metal-to-ligand charge tran


Performance of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is very sensitive to its electric resistance appearing in its functional components. In this paper, the electric resistance as well as related parameters of a cell is evaluated by a recently developed numerical method in the through-plane direction of the electrodes. The results show that the channel/rib structure leads to non-homogeneous e

Opera Nova : makt, kärlek, remix

Opera Nova tar sin utgångspunkt i de rollfunktioner vi som individer väljer i olika grupper och situationer. Hur fria är vi i våra val? Tillsammans med publiken undersöker vi bilder av makt och genus på operascenen och i verkligheten. Vi undersöker härskartekniker och pratar om hur man kan bryta upp oönskade maktmönster. Vi arbetar med improvisation och leker fram operascener i olika klassiska musThe ensemble Operaimprovisatörerna investigated ways of deconstructing images of gender and power in opera and opera improvisation performance, by changing roles and using different readings, such as realism, parody and movement. I initiated the project inspired by a theoretical vantage point of post-structuralfeminism (Wilén, 2017, p. 17). The project focused on "interchange of traditional roles

Gaining control on optical force by the stimulated-emission resonance effect

The resonance between an electronic transition of a micro/nanoscale object and an incident photon flux can modify the radiation force exerted on that object, especially at an interface. It has been theoretically proposed that a non-linear stimulated emission process can also induce an optical force, however its direction will be opposite to conventional photon scattering/absorption processes. In t

Experiences of participating in a group-based sensory modulation intervention for mental health service users

BACKGROUND: People with mental health issues often experience difficulties with sensory modulation affecting occupational engagement. Research conducted in inpatient units has shown positive effects of individual sensory modulation interventions, however, research on experiences of group-based interventions in outpatient units is limited. Hence, a group-based sensory modulation intervention was ad

Perspectives on supervising and conducting interdisciplinary research projects

This study has been carried out as an assignment in the 2021 Readership Course (GB_S91) at LTH. The motivation for this study was to obtain a further understanding of the situation of PhD students and supervisors who operate in an interdisciplinary research context. The focus is on finding the positive aspects, as well as existing challenges, to comprehend how to provide future PhD students with a

Splenic flexure mobilization and anastomotic leakage in anterior resection for rectal cancer : A multicentre cohort study

Background and objective: Some colorectal surgeons advocate routine splenic flexure mobilization (SFM) when performing anterior resection for rectal cancer to ensure a tension-free anastomosis. Meta-analyses of smaller studies suggest that this approach does not influence anastomotic leakage rates, but larger multicentre studies are needed to confirm the safety of a selective strategy. The aim of

Ultraljudsledd insättning av perifer venös access av sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård

Bakgrund: På akutmottagningen finns ofta svårt sjuka patienter och sjuksköterskor kan uppleva stora utmaningar med att etablera perifer intravenös access på sina patienter. Det är ofta nödvändigt för patienter på akutmottagningen att ha en perifer venös access för administration av läkemedel, vätskor eller röntgenundersökningar. Ultraljudsledd perifer venös access är ett alternativ för etablering

The Global Leadership for Sustainable Development (GLSD) Programme : Inner Development for Accelerating Action Towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Evaluation Report written for the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Initiative and the Templeton World Charity Foundation

The Global Leadership for Sustainable Development Programme (GLSD) was the first capacity-building programme designed on the basis of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) framework with the aim to accelerate action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The target group for this pilotstudy included decision-makers involved in the implementation of SDGs in: Albania, Colombia, Costa Rica

UX design av ett sensorbaserat beslutstöd för vårdpersonal

I dagens samhälle lever vi längre, vilket leder till en äldre befolkning och även indirekt till ett ökat behov av äldrevård och en ökad kostnad för vården. Därav finns det ett värde i att utforska hur välfärdsteknik hade kunnat användas för att stötta vård av äldre. Det finns idag tillgängliga system som mäter hälsodata hos äldre, där det har kunnat bevisats minskning av sjukhusinläggningar, minsk