Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar
Variation in the use of case endings in formal Arabic speech styles
Case endings are an important marker of fuṣḥā but are by most native speakers considered complicated and difficult. They typically appear only sporadically even in the most formal speech styles. There has been relatively little academic interest in the use of case endings in speech. Research has been characterized by largely impressionistic accounts (Badawi 1973, Meiseles 1977) and more recently b
Vetenskaplig och didaktisk reflektion över skolkulturer inom ämneslärarutbildningen
Larning Arena(s)
The New Social Role of Museums
The political theology of IKEA: An ethnographical account of subjectification at an IKEA store
Abstract in UndeterminedThis paper is an ethnographical account of a visit to the IKEA store in Älmhult, Sweden. In this paper IKEA is understood as something beyond a retailer offering consumer goods to consumers, and the bond between IKEA and the consumer is understood as something emerging before and extending beyond the contract into which the consumer enters as she or he pays for the goods be
An exploration of digital CNN implementations
Computationally hard problems, such as operations on n-dimensional maps, are in need of efficient solutions. Cellular Neural Networks have this promise. This paper explores digital realizations of such computational paradigms through the case of real-time image processing. It is shown that a behaviour-based spatial unrolling of the time-critical numerical convergence loop outperforms a classical f
Kartvelian substrate toponyms in Abkhazia
In this paper we discuss a specific Kartvelian model of toponyms, using names of plants without any affixes as toponyms. This model is observed almost all over the Georgian territory. It has been noted on the Abkhazian territory as well, but is not found in the Abkhaz language. We suggest that Sukhumi, Gagra and Tkvarcheli follow this model.
The web of human sexual contacts
Visual Stereotypes and Virtual Pedagogical Agents
The paper deals with the use of visual stereotypes in virtual pedagogical agents and its potential impact in digital learning environments. An analysis of the concept of visual stereotypes is followed by a discussion of affordances and drawbacks as to their use in the context of traditional media. Next, the paper explores whether virtual pedagogical characters introduce anything novel with regard
Gender and wage growth
Older people's views regarding mobility and participation
Plastic Trays in Retailing: The Challenge of Implementing Change in Packaging Logistics
Packaging logistics is fundamental to the success of retail supply chains. Implementing systemwide change in this field is however complex. This paper introduces packaging logistics in retail supply chains and compares and contrasts the change processes in the introduction of plastic trays to retail food systems in the UK and Sweden.
A study of particles produced in e⁺e⁻ annihilation at a center-of-mass energy of around 10 GeV, using ionization loss measurements
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Oleanane-type triterpenes and derivatives from seed coat of Bolivian Chenopodium quinoa genotype "Salar".
Om etniska enklaver och samhällsförändringar efter ett krig
Syftet med detta utkast är att identifiera och analysera de sociala relationer och motsättningar som uppstår i ett samhälle som förändrats helt under ett krig. Den empiriska delen bygger på observationer i Ljubija, en stad i nordvästra Bosnien, tidningsartiklar från området samt fjorton intervjuer. Utvecklingen under och efter kriget har gjort att folk i Ljubija grupperas i tre skikt. En grupp b
Developments in the theory of the Prigogine-Herman kinetic equation of vehicular traffic
The nonlinear kinetic equation of Prigogine and Herman is examined in regards to existence and uniqueness of solutions. The solution exists and is unique in the Banach space of bounded continuous functions over a particular subspace Ω. The equilibrium solution of the kinetic equation of Prigogine and Herman is used to derive asymptotic type series expansions in the form of Hilbert or Chapman and
Progress in collaboration: Early experiences of progress test development in collaboration with students, teachers, and clinical professionals
Bromsstråleinducerad fission i tunga ämnen
[abstract missing]
Purification of process water in a thermomechanical pulp mill by nanofiltration
Process water from a Swedish thermomechanical pulp mill was purified by consecutive treatment by microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. In the present study the nanofiltration step was studied. The flux and retention of four nanofiltration membranes were compared. The NF99HF membrane (Alfa Laval, Lund, Sweden), had significantly higher flux and higher retention of lignin and charged