

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Trends and determinants of socioeconomic inequalities in sexual and reproductive health among women in Ghana

Purpose: This study aims to estimate the degree and nature of socioeconomic-related inequalities in sexual and reproductive health in Ghana and further assesses causes of these inequalities using decomposition technique. The authors assess the contribution of personal characteristics of the woman including access to health information and health seeking behaviours, household and locational charact

Trends and causes of socioeconomic inequalities in maternal healthcare in Ghana, 2003–2014

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess the trends of socioeconomic-related inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization in Ghana between 2003 and 2014 and examine the causes of inequalities in maternal healthcare utilization in Ghana. Design/methodology/approach: Data are drawn from three rounds of the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey collected in 2003, 2008 and 2014, respectively.

Morphological variability of peteinoid acritarchs from the Middle Ordovician of Öland, Sweden, and implications for acritarch classification

Investigation of large populations of peteinoid acritarchs recovered from Middle Ordovician strata of the Hälludden and Horns Udde quarry sections (Öland, Sweden) allows for statistical analyses based on morphometric measurements. The results indicate the presence of assemblages with a continuous variability of morphotypes, thus a distinction of different peteinoid acritarch taxa in the sections p

Ecology and evolution of large-scale bird migration patterns : A natural history and comparative study of the migration in common and little ringed plovers

Migration distance and seasonal redistribution patterns may vary between and within bird populations. A common pattern is leap-frog migration, in which northerly breeding populations migrate farther and winter south of more southerly breeding populations. Another common pattern is difference in migration distances between males and females within the same population. Evidently different population

The ABCflux database: Arctic-boreal CO2flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems

Past efforts to synthesize and quantify the magnitude and change in carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems across the rapidly warming Arctic-boreal zone (ABZ) have provided valuable information but were limited in their geographical and temporal coverage. Furthermore, these efforts have been based on data aggregated over varying time periods, often with only minimal site ancillary d

Global camera trap synthesis highlights the importance of protected areas in maintaining mammal diversity

The establishment of protected areas (PAs) is a central strategy for global biodiversity conservation. While the role of PAs in protecting habitat has been highlighted, their effectiveness at protecting mammal communities remains unclear. We analyzed a global dataset from over 8671 camera traps in 23 countries on four continents that detected 321 medium- to large-bodied mammal species. We found a

Unsettled Rights : Afro-descendant recognition and ex-situ titling in Colombia

Ethnic recognition and collective titling have since the second half of the 20th century been promoted as ways of compensating for historical injustices and countering the destructive effects of capitalist development. While holding promise of autonomy, territorial rights, and resource control, they have also been seen as political technologies governing, spatially tying identities to place, and i

Kyrkligt arbete med fattiga, gåvor och ekonomisk utsatthet

Fattigvårdens bibliska grund, kyrklig historia och utformning i dagens samhälle tecknas av Elinn Leo Sandberg i kapitel 11. Hur ska fattigdom, människor som är fattiga, bemötas i ett välfärdssamhälle och hur bör kyrkan agera?The biblical foundation, church history and design of the work with poverty in today's society is drawn by Elinn Leo Sandberg in chapter 11. How should poverty, people who are poor, be treated in a welfare society and how should the church act?

Swedish soccer coaches’ experiences and application of physical training in male elite soccer : A qualitative content analysis study

In elite soccer, training becomes more systematic and soccer clubs try to optimise their physiological training programs. Previous research has investigated many aspects of soccer, but research into the coaches’ own experiences and continuous improvement of physical training is lacking. The aim of this study was to describe the coaches’ experiences and their application of physical training in mal

Predicting the presence of hazardous materials in buildings using machine learning

Identifying in situ hazardous materials can improve demolition waste recyclability and reduce project uncertainties concerning cost overrun and delay. With the attempt to characterize their detection patterns in buildings, the study investigates the prediction potential of machine learning techniques with hazardous waste inventories and building registers as input data. By matching, validating, an

Measurement of b-quark fragmentation properties in jets using the decay B± → J/ψK± in pp collisions at s√ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The fragmentation properties of jets containing b-hadrons are studied using charged B mesons in 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√ = 13 TeV, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during the period from 2015 to 2018. The B mesons are reconstructed using the decay of B± into J/ψK±, with the J/ψ decaying into a pair of muons. Jets are reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with radius parameter

α-synuclein interactions with lipid membranes

α-synuclein is an intrinsically disordered protein implicated in synaptic vesicle trafficking at the synapse. Accumulation of α-synuclein in the form of amyloid deposits coincides with the loss of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinsons disease. These deposits, referred to as Lewy Bodies, have been shown to contain membrane lipids together with the α-synuclein amyloid fibrils and other proteins. It was

Electric drive and charging system for heavy vehicles : Solutions based on Electric Road Systems

The electrification of road bound transport is to some extent limited by the large cost of the energy storage required on-board the vehicles, i.e., the cost of the battery. One way of reducing the required capacity of the on-board energy storage is to enable the possibility to supply the vehicles with electrical energy while it is moving, also called dynamic charging. The energy transfer is usuall

Hur kuratorn balanserar känslor och byråkrati : Blanketters betydelse i vårdmötet

Artikeln fokuserar på hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorns arbete med att å ena sidan bemöta de känslor som barn och familjer kan känna efter att barnet diagnostiserats med den kroniska sjukdomen diabetes, å andra sidan han-tera olika byråkratiska processer som ska sörja för att barnets vårdbehov tillgodoses i familjens nya vardag. Arbetet riktas mot två olika världar som är inbördes beroende av varandraThe article focuses on the work of clinical social workers who, on the one hand, respond to the emotions that children and families experience after the child is diagnosed with the chronic disease diabetes, on the other hand, deal with various bureaucratic processes aimed at ensuring that the child’s medical needs are met in the family’s new life. The work is directed towards two different worlds

Simulating Discharge in a Non-Dammed River of Southeastern South America Using SWAT Model

Within a single region, it is possible to identify opposite changes in flow production. This proved to be the case for several basins in southeastern South America. It remains challenging to the causes this behavior and whether changes in streamflow will continue at current levels or decline in the coming decades. In this study, we used the Soil Water Assessment Tool to simulate monthly river disc

Evidence for a Causal Relationship between Academic Achievement and Cigarette Smoking

Introduction: Academic achievement (AA) is associated with smoking rates. Can we determine the degree to which this relationship is likely a causal one? Methods: We predict smoking in male conscripts (mean age 18.2) assessed from 1984 to 1991 (N = 233 248) and pregnant females (mean age 27.7) receiving prenatal care 1972-1990 (N = 494 995) from AA assessed in all students at 16. Instrumental varia

Incidence of extra-articular manifestations in ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis : Results from a national register-based cohort study

Objectives: To estimate the incidence and strength of association of extra-articular manifestations [EAMs, here: anterior uveitis (AU), IBD and psoriasis] in patients with AS, undifferentiated SpA (uSpA) and PsA, compared with controls. Methods: Three mutually exclusive cohorts of patients aged 18-69 years with AS (n = 8517), uSpA (n = 10 245) and PsA (n = 22 667) were identified in the Swedish Na