

Din sökning på "*" gav 533127 sökträffar

“sad girl starter pack”; En musikguide till ledsna lesbiska flickor

This study argues that shame and negative feelings such as fear and envy are central in contemporary lesbian music despite the dominant academic narrative that depressing lesbian music was left behind at the turnover to queer theory and culture in the 1990s. Lesbian shame is an area of study that has been overlooked by queer theory despite a consensus that gay and queer shame are important. This p

Not so Cool Japan? Exploring the perceptions of contemporary Japan among Euro-American exchange students

This thesis examines the perceptions of Japan among Euro-American international students and investigates how these perceptions influence their motivation to study in the country. By exploring the relationship between popular culture, orientalist depictions, and cultural engagement, this study aims understand the complex dynamics which shape these students' attraction to Japan and their unders

Patent law and standardisation - managing IP rights for green technologies

The development of the new green industries based on standards creates legal issues of the collision between patent law and standardisation processes. Whereas some solutions have already been implemented in the industries like telecommunications, it is of an interest to research on whether these solutions might be used when managing intellectual property rights in the green technologies or there w

Smutsiga pengar, smutsiga händer En studie om penningtvätt med fokus på preventionsåtgärder och gärningspersoners neutraliseringstekniker

Att kunna tvätta pengar är en essentiell del av den organiserade brottslighetens existens. För att motverka den organiserade brottsligheten är det därför nödvändigt att hindra möjligheten att tvätta brottsvinster. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur gärningspersoner rättfärdigar sina handlingar i penningtvättmål och hur situationell brottsprevention kan appliceras för att kartlägga hur my

Ground- and meltwater in the snowmelt induced runoff

The snowmelt runoff process from small basins is discussed. A differentiation is made between overland flow in the snowpack and groundwater flow induced by infiltrating meltwater. The effect of variations of the snowmelt intensity on streamflow is studied. It is shown that the runoff is high from the first day of snowmelt runoff if the streamflow is caused by overland flow, and that there are pron

Rätten att vara gängmedlem – En komparativ studie av föreningsfriheten i Sverige och Danmark samt förslaget att kriminalisera deltagande i kriminella organisationer

Kriminalpolitiken och det stigande gängvåldet var bland de mest diskuterade frågorna inför valet 2022 i Sverige. I syfte att lösa dessa problem sökte politiker och media vägledning i den danska lagstiftningen. Efter valet ingicks Tidöavtalet, en partiöverskridande överenskommelse i syfte att bilda regeringsunderlag. I avtalet föreslogs en kriminalisering av deltagande i kriminella gäng. Uppsatsen The criminal policy and the rising gang violence were among the most debated issues leading up to the 2022 election in Sweden. In order to address these problems, politicians and the media sought guidance from Danish legislation. After the election, the Tidö Agreement was concluded, a cross-party agreement aimed at forming a government coalition. The agreement proposed the criminalization of parti

Den yttersta viljan - En undersökning om vilka likheter och skillnader som föreligger vid bedömning av testatorns respektive arvlåtarens yttersta vilja

Ett testamente har till syfte att ge uttryck för testatorns yttersta vilja, men ibland kan otydligheter upptäcktas i testamentstexten vid verkställandet. För att förstå avsikten med de använda formuleringarna tillämpas tolkningsregler för att kunna utröna den yttersta viljan. I alla situationer finns det dock inget testamente som anger hur testatorn önskar att fördela sin kvarlåtenskap. När det vaA last will and testament aim to express the testator´s final wishes and inten-tions in life. However, ambiguities can be discovered during the execution of the last will and testament, requiring interpretation methods to determine the testator´s final wishes and intentions. When there’s no legal act indicating how the testator wishes to distribute their estate, as well as no legal heirs to inheri

De finska och svenska nämndemannasystemen - En komparativ och framåtblickande analys

Inslaget av nämndemän förekommer både i den svenska och finska rättsordningen. Juridiskt skolade domare och nämndemän utgör i olika utsträckning i dessa länder tillsammans ledamöterna i domstolar. En ständigt aktuell fråga i Sverige är om vi ska avskaffa eller reformera nämndemannasystemet. Att vi i Sverige tillsätter nämndemän genom val i kommunfullmäktige och regionfullmäktige utgör enligt somliThe element of lay judges is present in both the Swedish and Finnish legal systems. Together with professional judges, lay judges assume different roles in the two countries constituting the courts. A constantly relevant question in Sweden is whether the system should be reformed or perhaps even abolished. In Sweden, municipalities and provinces select the lay judges. For some, this poses a concer

Brand Archeology - Identifying Pivotal Moments Shaping the Brand Today

Title: Brand Archaeology - Identifying Pivotal Moments Shaping the Brand Today Date of Submission: 2023-05-31 Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Herman Vähäkangas & Kevin Blomkvist Supervisor: Mats Urde Keywords: Brand archaeology, pivotal moments, brand identity, corporate branding, excavation, artifacts. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discover pivotal

Empowerment or Manipulation? A Qualitative Study on How Consumers Navigate the Consumption of Period and Fertility Tracking Apps

Keywords: Period and Fertility Tracking Apps (PFTAs), Consumer Culture Theory, Feminist Surveillance, Governmentality, Discourse, Biopower, Foucault, Self-Tracking, Gender, Manipulation, Empowerment Thesis Purpose: This research investigates how consumers navigate the consumption of PFTAs as an empowering and manipulating practice. Consequently, this thesis aims at contributing to consumer cultur

Genuine or misleading? An exploration of Gen Z consumer perceptions of inauthentic brand heritage in fashion branding

Thesis purpose: The purpose of the research is to contribute to existing research and theory by providing insights into how Gen Z consumers perceive inauthentic brand heritage in fashion branding. It also aims to understand how these perceptions differ between fast fashion and luxury fashion and how they contribute to consumer attitudes towards brands. Moreover, it aims to contribute to managerial

Den omvända skattskyldighetens utveckling för motverkande av momskaruseller - en lösning eller förskjutning av problemen

Uppsatsen beskriver omfattningen av momskaruseller och hur omvänd skattskyldighet i vidare utsträckning används för att motverka dessa typer av bedrägerier. EU-rättens omfattning spelar stor roll på mervärdesskattens område och har därför även utretts inom ramen för denna uppsats. Gällande omvänd skattskyldighet har det på senare år tillkommit flera möjligheter för EU:s medlemsstater att införa olThe focus of the thesis is to describe the scope of carousell fraud and how reverse charge mechanism is used as a preventable measure. Union law plays a big part in the way member states are able to create legislation regarding the issue and has therefore generally been examined within the scope of this the-sis. Regarding reverse charge mechanism there have been multiple changes in possibilities o

Ehec- och Salmonellainfektioner orsakade av grönsaker

Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (Ehec) and Salmonella can infect humans via food and at worst ocation cause serious illness. Infections caused by Ehec and Salmonella in vegetables are increasingly receiving attention. The ability and jurisdiction that exist within Swedish supervisory and authority work to respond to changes or new situations linked to infections from vegetables, influence Swedens

Är gräset grönare på andra sidan bron? – En komparativ analys av Sveriges nämndemannasystem och Danmarks system med nævninger och domsmænd

I kölvattnet av den omtalade ”snippadomen” har debatten om det svenska nämndemannasystemet väckts på nytt våren 2023. Debatten uppmärksammar dels problematiken kring de politiska partiernas nära inblandning med rekryteringen av nämndemän, dels huruvida nämndemannasystemet som det ser ut idag är motiverat. Flera politiska partier har uttryckt en önskan att reformera systemet utan att ge exempel på In the wake of a highly controversial appellate court verdict from February 2023, the debate about the Swedish lay judge system has been revived. The debate highlights both the problems surrounding the political parties’ close involvement in the recruitment of lay judges as well as whether the current lay judge system is justified. Several political parties have expressed a desire to reform the sy

Comparative Performance of Computer Simulation Models of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins at Different Levels of Coarse-Graining

Coarse-graining is commonly used to decrease the computational cost of simulations. However, coarse-grained models are also considered to have lower transferability, with lower accuracy for systems outside the original scope of parametrization. Here, we benchmark a bead-necklace model and a modified Martini 2 model, both coarse-grained models, for a set of intrinsically disordered proteins, with t

The Role of Managers in Big Data Analytics

Insights from Big Data can become sources of competitive advantage and a foundation for decision-making, leading to an extended use of such technologies in many firms’ departments. Even if it is common practice to invest in BDA, oftentimes these techniques are not exploited correctly, resulting in an unrewarded effort by companies (Dahiya, Le, Ring & Watson, 2022). Research has contributed to

Tala är silver, tiga är guld? - En utredande studie om förhållandet mellan svensk yttrandefrihet och brottet hets mot folkgrupp i ljuset av Rasmus Paludans koranbränningar.

Yttrandefriheten har en framträdande roll i det svenska demokratiska samhället, men begränsas genom vissa inskränkningsmöjligheter. En av dessa utgörs av brottet hets mot folkgrupp som syftar till att skydda utsatta grupper från hot och kränkningar. När detta ändamål möter yttrandefrihetens starka ställning uppstår svåra frågor. Var går egentligen gränsen mellan sakligt befogad kritik och straffbaThe freedom of speech plays a prominent role in the Swedish democratic society, but is limited by certain restrictions. One of these restrictions is the offense of agitation against an ethnic group, which aims to protect vulnerable groups from threats and insults. When this purpose clashes with the strong position of freedom of speech, difficult questions arise. Where do we really draw the line be