

Din sökning på "*" gav 534601 sökträffar

Uptake, turnover and distribution of chlorinated fatty acids in aquatic biota

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan årtionden tillbaks finns en stor mängd klorerade organiska miljögifter spridda i vår miljö (t ex DDT, PCBer och dioxiner). Djur får i sig miljögifterna främst med födan och eftersom dessa ämnen som regel är svårnedbrytbara och inte kan omsättas i kroppen i någon större omfattning leder detta till att de istället lagras upp i djuren, framför allt i fettvävnaden. EtChlorinated fatty acids (ClFAs) are the major contributors of extractable, organically bound chlorine in fish lipids. A known anthropogenic source of ClFAs is chlorine bleached pulp production. Additional anthropogenic sources may exist, e.g., chlorine-containing discharge from industrial and house-hold waste and they may also occur naturally. ClFAs have a wide geographic distribution. They have,

Modeling and simulation of electro-viscoelastic polymers

Popular Abstract in Swedish I många tekniska applikationer vill man på något sätt överföra elektrisk energi till mekanisk energi eller tvärtom. Det kan till exempel handla om att med hjälp av en elektrisk signal generera eller mäta rörelse. Så kallade elektroaktiva material har den speciella egenskapen att överföringen mellan elektrisk och mekanisk energi sker direkt. I ett piezoelektriskt materiaThe electroactive polymer materials considered in this work react to electric stimuli by producing deformations. In some cases, the electrically induced deformations are moderate, while in other cases they can be very large and the specimen is stretched to more than twice its original length. The latter response is seen in so called dielectric elastomer actuators (DEA). The possibility of very lar

Rhythm Workshop

A conference poster presentation about how musicians develop their rhythmic skills. By practicing different kinds of rhythmic phrases such as odd grouping, odd metres, combined metres and metric modulations they can strengthen their rhythmic sense and expand their rhythmic freedom.

Magic, Health and the Mediation of the Body’s Geography.

This chapter examines some of the ways in which spas strive to offer their patrons a series of mass produced experiences that are framed in terms of personal wellness and serenity. In order to do this, the text begins by briefly examining the manner in which spas are organised as conceived spaces in their own promotional material. In the process, this material is placed in a historic context and i

IA-2 autoantibodies in incident type I diabetes patients are associated with a polyadenylation signal polymorphism in GIMAP5.

In a large case-control study of Swedish incident type I diabetes patients and controls, 0–34 years of age, we tested the hypothesis that the GIMAP5 gene, a key genetic factor for lymphopenia in spontaneous BioBreeding rat diabetes, is associated with type I diabetes; with islet autoantibodies in incident type I diabetes patients or with age at clinical onset in incident type I diabetes patients.