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Tradition, Identity, Learning: A methodological discussion

This presentation draws upon an ongoing research project that explores learning of Swedish folk music across six learning areas. These areas span from what is generally considered formal arenas to informal ones:(A) Music academy (performers programme), (B) Folk high school (full time course), (C) Folk high school (distance course), (D) Fiddlers’ group (spelmanslag), (E) Professional musicians, (F)

Artistic expression in upper secondary school music program – perceptions, pedagogies, and assessment.

This presentation gives an overview of the results from the first part of an ongoing postdoc project in music education. This project aims to explore the role of artistic expression in the teachings at upper secondary school music program from the perspective of music teachers. The study focuses on two courses in which the concept artistic expression appears in the syllabus: Instrument and song 1-

Predictions of Spray Combustion using Conventional Category A Fuels and Exploratory Category C Fuels

Aviation currently contributes about 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions, 5% of the global warming, and 35% of the trade. Reducing the emissions and the global warming from aviation is thus essential. Many approaches to achieve this goal are underway, including H2, fuel cells, and batteries, but also by replacing the fossil jet fuel with sustainable jet fuel from non-fossil feedstocks. This involves m

The ‘Logics’ of Public Diplomacy : In Search of What Unites a Multidisciplinary Research Field

A decade ago, Matt Armstrong noted that the War on Terror set the scene for US public diplomacy (PD) to be heavily focused on security. Other countries have focused their PD on image promotion, relationship-building or cultural relations. As digital media practices have slowly been adopted by the majority of foreign ministries, the logics governing social and digital media have also been increasin

Transient increase in glucose variability during Ramadan fasting in patients with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes : A preliminary study

AIM: We aimed to examine the effect of Ramadan fasting on interstitial glucose control and variability before, during, and after Ramadan in type 2 diabetes patients receiving insulin therapy.METHODS: Participants received a flash glucose monitoring (FGM) system one week before Ramadan that was removed on the sixth or seventh day (pre- and early Ramadan periods) of Ramadan and a second FGM system o

The Present People

En av den moderna demokratins mest bestående, och i allt högre grad aktuella, frågor är om, och i vilket avseende, folket kan vara närvarande. Samtidigt som folkets närvaro har, och alltjämt fortsätter att vara, demokratins villkor, har det sedan länge ansetts omöjligt för folket att vara närvarande i faktisk bemärkelse. Enligt det konventionella narrativet har denna frånvaro setts som en nödvändiIn modern political thought, one of the most recalcitrant, and increasingly pressing, questions of modern democracy is whether, and in what sense, the people can be present. While the presence of the people has, and continues to be, the sine qua non of the democratic form of government, it has also been for a long time held that the people cannot be present literally or in fact. According to the c

High rates of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus among patients with active tuberculosis in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Background: Tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) have negative synergistic impact on each other. Global guidelines recommend collaborative efforts to address this synergy, but implementation has been slow. Part of the reason is lack of adequate evidence on the operational feasibility of existing tools and mechanisms of collaboration. The objective of this study was to assess the yield of D

The yield of chest X-ray based versus symptom-based screening among patients with diabetes mellitus in public health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are at increased risk of developing TB, but the best screening algorithm for early detection and treatment of TB remains unknown. Our objective was to determine if combining routine chest X-ray screening could have a better yield compared with symptom-based screening alone.METHODS: We conducted this cross-sectional study between September 2020 and S

On the amplitude of steady water waves with positive constant vorticity

For two-dimensional steady pure-gravity water waves with a unidirectional flow of constant favourable vorticity, we prove an explicit bound on the amplitude of the wave, which decays to zero as the vorticity tends to infinity. Notably, our result holds true for arbitrary water waves, that is, we do not have to restrict ourselves to periodic or solitary or symmetric waves.

Large-amplitude steady gravity water waves with general vorticity and critical layers

We consider two-dimensional steady periodic gravity waves on water of finite depth with a prescribed but arbitrary vorticity distribution. The water surface is allowed to be overhanging and no assumptions regarding the absence of stagnation points and critical layers are made. Using conformal mappings and a new Babenko-type reformulation of Bernoulli's equation, we uncover an equivalent formulatio

Constructions of migrant victims of labor exploitation in Nordic court cases

The aim of this article is to explore how courts produce certain representations of victims of labor exploitation in the Nordic context based on court judgements from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. To achieve this, we analyze and compare criminal court judgements focused on the exploitation of migrant workers by asking: How are ‘victims’ of labor exploitation represented in Nordic court judg

Samband mellan skyddsnivå och risknivå för en vätgastankstation baserat på kvantitativ riskanalys

Currently, there are no given directives and regulations on how hydrogen refueling stations should be designed in Sweden. A proposal regarding hydrogen refueling stations H2-TSA, is being developed by Energigas Sverige and is expected to be published in 2023. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to development and future revisions of H2-TSA. It is done by analyze how a general hydrogen refuelin

From Exclusion to Extremism : The Role of Significance Loss and Identity in the Radicalization Process

Under de senaste åren har det skett en förskjutning i forskningen från att försöka förstå vem som löper risk att bli radikaliserad, till att undersöka vad som gör att vissa individer har större benägenhet att bli radikaliserad. Känslor av exkludering, diskriminering och marginalisering har tidigare kopplats till extremistiska handlingar. Trots det finns det få empiriska studier som utforskar sambaThe present thesis aims to examine the causal role of social exclusion within theradicalization process and further to explore moderating and mediating factors. In recent years there has been a move away from trying to understand who is at risk of becoming an extremist, to exploring what makes someone at risk. Feelings of exclusion, discrimination and marginalization have all been linked to partic

Radiologically enlarged cardiophrenic lymph nodes and CA-125 in relation to diaphragmatic carcinomatosis, surgical outcome, and overall survival in advanced ovarian cancer

BackgroundWe primarily aimed to determine whether the presence of enlarged cardiophrenic lymph nodes (CPLNs), visualized by computed tomography (CT), and CA-125 can be used to assess diaphragmatic carcinomatosis and residual disease (RD) in advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) patients treated with upfront surgery. The secondary aim was to determine the prognostic role of CT-CPLNs in overall survival (OS

Sensory Overresponsivity and Symptoms Across the Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum: Web-Based Longitudinal Observational Study

Background:Sensory overresponsivity (SOR) has emerged as a potential endophenotype in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but few studies have examined SOR in relation to the major symptom dimensions of OCD and to symptoms across the full obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptom spectrum.Objective:This study had 2 main objectives. First, we examined the psychometric properties of the SOR Scales in a com

Polygenic scores of diabetes-related traits in subgroups of type 2 diabetes in India: a cohort study

BackgroundA machine-learning approach identified five subgroups of diabetes in Europeans which included severe autoimmune diabetes (SAID), severe insulin-deficient diabetes (SIDD), severe insulin-resistant diabetes (SIRD), mild obesity-related diabetes (MOD) and mild age-related diabetes (MARD) with partially distinct genetic aetiologies. We previously validated four of the non-autoimmune subgroup

Age and Referral Route Impact the Access to Diagnosis for Women with Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Purpose: The majority of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed in late stages. Most women do have symptoms prior to diagnosis, sometimes several months before the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the timeline from the first presentation of symptoms to a physician until there is a reasonable suspicion of cancer, among women diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer. We wanted t