

Din sökning på "*" gav 531208 sökträffar

CFD-beräkningar på parallella processorer – En utvärdering av parallella beräkningar för modellering av rumsbrand med Fire Dynamics Simulator.

This report focuses on CFD-calculations using parallel processors carried out with the software Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). From a users point of view the advantages and disadvantages with parallel CFD-calculations were analyzed and evaluated. A simplified me-thod for quantitative evaluation was developed with guidance from ASTM E 1355 whereu-pon relative differences between serial reference sc

Preparation and analysis of crowdsourced GPS bicycling data : a study of Skåne, Sweden

Despite the growing volume of available transportation data and the efforts of many cities to increase cycling levels, there remains a lack of data on where people cycle. The use of GPS trajectories have now been used in cycle studies for several years, and more recently large, crowdsourced datasets of GPS recorded cycle trips have become available and of interest to transportation and planning de

Det brukande folket och den goda jorden: Skåningarnas relation till marken som föder dem

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the development of the agriculture in the county of Skåne (Scania) and to see if there are explanations to be found why the agricultural land is exploited today. By theories from human ecology I discuss the interconnections between human, nature and society both in a historical and a present perspective. Focus is on how the landscape, humans an

”Det folk som dansar och sjunger” Reflektioner över traditionsöverföring i uyghurisk kultur

Denna studie söker svar på frågan hur traditionsöverföringen ser ut i den uyghuriska folkmusiken i dagens Kina. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer, samt en observation av en instrumentallektion i ett uyghuriskt traditionellt instrument, har jag reflekterat över kunskapsöverföring, tradition och förändring. Uppsatsen tar upp mästarlära och tradition som ett centralt tema och i resultatet kommer flThe aim of this study is to investigate how traditions are transmitted from one generation to the next in the Uyghur ethnic music tradition of current China. The research questions are: How does the transmitting of knowledge look like in the Uyghur tradition in an informal and in a formal context? Also how does the traditional music development look like and which role does the music have in the s

Between Empathy and Understanding: Experiences of Finnish host families offering social care for asylum seekers

The interest of this research lies in the nexus between the state and the individual in providing social care for people searching asylum in Finland. The study explores the experiences of host families involved in offering home accommodation for asylum seekers. More specifically, it aims to understand the subjective role that host families assign to themselves when providing social care for this t

Assessing Body Appreciation and Body Satisfaction with Statistical Semantics: The Benefit of Using Words Instead of Numbers

Body appreciation-unappreciation and body satisfaction-dissatisfaction are in the literature seen as conceptually different, but construct distinction has only been supported using qualitative methods. Because of limits in using Likert-style questionnaires to measure multidimensional constructs, quantitative research has yet to directly demonstrate that it is possible to appreciate the body withou

Social Media as a new Mass Media tool for environmental consciousness; Case study of social media campaign #Kohälsa by Skånemejerier.

If people understand how social media works, as an important new element of mass media, they can use social media advertising and social network strategies as a tool for helping environmental awareness in societies and communities. Social media can work as a tool to help consumers and companies detect when companies use greenwashing in their campaigns and in the information delivered about their p

Are GARCH models necessary for Expected Shortfall?

Following the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s decision to move from Value at Risk to Expected Shortfall, risk managers will have to alter their methods for reporting risk. This paper sheds light on the question of which volatility models and distributional assumptions that works best for this new method of risk measurement by evaluating forecasts for the Swedish index OMXS30. The empirica

Analys av blyfria legeringar för glidlagertillämpningar

The master thesis was carried out for Sandvik SRP in cooperation with the division of Production and Materials Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. This thesis is part of a larger research project with the title ”Blyfria kopparlegeringar” funded by Vinnova within SIO Produktion 2030. Lead-free bearing-materials, which could be used to replace the current bear-ing-material

Nature Interpretation Center The Great Alvar

This publication is a summary of the work with my degree project in architecture and a description of the process during the length of the project. The main program is the design of a nature visitors center in a nature-reserve. The design process is influenced by parametric design to solve specific design goals, light studies and the experience of volume.

Risk Management for Swedish Farmers - An empirical study on hedge ratios for Swedish wheat

The paper investigates data on purchasing price of wheat from Swedish grain buyer Lantmännen and MATIF future contracts on milling wheat in an attempt to replicate the conditions for a Swedish farmer trying to manage his risk on wheat by trading future contracts on the MATIF exchange. Two static linear regressions and four dynamic GARCH models are employed on a sample of 1679 daily returns and 339

Discovering Entrepreneurs’ Thinking Style – Do They Have Different Abilities Regarding Creativity, Rationality, and Intuition?

This research explored how entrepreneurs differ from non-entrepreneurs regarding creative,rational, and intuitive thinking. Individuals’ creativity was tested through the Kaufman Domain of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS). Individuals’ rationality and intuition was tested by the Revised Rational Experiential Inventory (REI). Analyzing from 68 entrepreneurs and 106 non-entrepreneurs from all over the worl

Moving in the right direction : an analysis of sustainability challenges of Emmaus Fredriksdal (a second-hand business within a solidarity movement)

The thesis studies the main sustainability challenges of Emmaus Fredriksdal, which is one of the groups of Emmaus International in Sweden. The organisation has its origin in a solidarity movement, which started in Paris after World War II with the purpose to provide support to the homeless and needy. Emmaus Fredriksdal is a young non-profit organisation in change that is becoming particularly acti

Att möta människor med alkoholmissbruk. En litteraturstudie om den vårdande relationens betydelse

Människor som missbrukar alkohol är en stor grupp i samhället och i sjukvården. Alkoholmissbruket leder till negativa konsekvenser som sjukdomar, skador och för tidig död. Alkoholmissbruket orsakar även ett stort lidande utifrån psykologiska, sociala och existentiella aspekter för både den drabbade och dennes närstående. Patienter som lider av alkoholmissbruk får inte alltid ett gott bemötande när

Under ytan. Om omedveten kommunikation i psykodynamisk samtalsterapi - upplevelser och tankar.

Studiens syfte var att undersöka och belysa upplevelser av omedveten kommunikation i psykodynamisk psykoterapi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex personer som arbetar professionellt inom fältet psykodynamisk psykoterapi och psykoanalys. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys och tio teman identifierades. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att omedveten kommunikation upplevs geThe aim of this study was to explore and illustrate aspects of the unconscious communication within the therapeutic interaction in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six individuals who work professionally in the field of psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. The material was analyzed by thematic analysis and ten themes were identified. The study&

Legal Aspects of Remuneration for Workers - Living Wage: International Law, Experience and the Case of Vietnam

The right to a living wage is the right to living a life of dignity with a condition deemed acceptable by the society which adherents to everyone who works. Analysing the international law system, where right to a living wage is deeply rooted, it has not explicitly regulated and become an obstacle for its full realisation, despite being an ultimate goal of international labour standard on wages. W

Risky Asset Holding and Labour Income Risk: Evidence from Italian Households

Household portfolio choice problem has been in debate for a long time, and it be- comes more relevant nowadays. Substantial works have been done to understand the relationship between labour income risk and risky asset holding, despite that inconsistent empirical relationships are revealed. In this paper, we investigate the age-variant effects of labour income risk on households participation deci

Multilocus Phylogeography of Reed Buntings

In order to understand how the Pleistocene glacial cycles have influenced the diversification in the Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) subspecies complex, we conducted a multilocus phylogeographic study. We analysed DNA sequences from 32 breeding populations, covering the species’ Palearctic distribution, and used population genetics, phylogenetic and coalescent methods to uncover genetic struct

Viro - ett framtidskoncept kring hanteringen av virussmitta på arbetsplatser

My master degree project started with an open brief, setting out to explore new possibilities within healthcare in relation to the benefits of IoT. By looking at medical trends, cutting edge diagnostic technologies, hypothesis about the future and by interviewing patients and medical personnel a couple of interesting project directions emerged. A decision was made to focus on prevention and one to

Internet-of-Things in Low Voltage Electricity Grids

When evaluating future technologies for smart metering and automatic meter reading (AMR) E.ON Elnät Sverige AB has set up a pilot to test a communication technology supplied by Connode AB. Connode have developed a mesh radio solution based on 6LoWPAN, IPv6 over Low Powered Wireless Personal Area Network. By using this technology the communication unit on every meter is acting as both receiver and