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Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från långhus i Sällstorps kyrka, Varbergs kommun
Optical studies of crystal phase heterostructures
III-V semiconductors are commonly used for a variety of optical applications, such as LED based lights and solar sells. Most III-V semiconductors, such as GaAs and InP, exhibit the zinc-blende (zb) crystal structure, but in the form of nanowires it is also possible to create them in the wurtzite (wz) crystal structure. This allows for the creation of novel heterostructures consisting of the same c
EEG monitoring after cardiac arrest
Hypoxic–ischaemic brain injury (HIBI) is the main causeof death and disability in patients who are comatose afterreturn of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) from cardiacarrest [1]. Te electroencephalogram (EEG) is a usefultool to assess the severity of HIBI and provide prognostic information. In addition, EEG can be used to diagnoseepileptiform activity in patients with suspected seizuresand monitor
Multi-Armed Bandits in Brain-Computer Interfaces
The multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem models a decision-maker that optimizes its actions based on current and acquired new knowledge to maximize its reward. This type of online decision is prominent in many procedures of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and MAB has previously been used to investigate, e.g., what mental commands to use to optimize BCI performance. However, MAB optimization in the co
Dendrokronologisk analys av ek- och bok-träd i "lilla Pålsjö", Helsingborg
Dendrokronologisk analys av regalskeppet Kronan
The evolutionary and functional diversity of classical and lesser-known cytoplasmic and organellar translational GTPases across the tree of life
BACKGROUND: The ribosome translates mRNA to protein with the aid of a number of accessory protein factors. Translational GTPases (trGTPases) are an integral part of the 'core set' of essential translational factors, and are some of the most conserved proteins across life. This study takes advantage of the wealth of available genomic data, along with novel functional information that has come to li
Tillitsbaserad styrning kräver en ny sorts ledarskapsutbildningar
Inequality in mortality between Black and White Americans by age, place, and cause and in comparison to Europe, 1990 to 2018
Although there is a large gap between Black and White American life expectancies, the gap fell 48.9% between 1990 and 2018, mainly due to mortality declines among Black Americans. We examine age-specific mortality trends and racial gaps in life expectancy in high- and low-income US areas and with reference to six European countries. Inequalities in life expectancy are starker in the United States
Levnadsstandard och mortalitet i Sverige 1750-1860
Fire behaviour of plastic parts in electrical appliances - Standards versus required fire safety objectives
For most categories of consumer electrical appliances, UL and IEC standards are typically the only widely used safety standards. A number of these standards are examined to determine if they incorporate technical provisions so that complying products would thereby meet expected fire safety objectives. Specifically, the provisions are examined governing plastic parts in electrical appliances. It is
Fire-LCA study of TV sets with VO and HB enclosure material
A novel Life-Cycle Assessment model (Fire-LCA) has been defined for the determination of the environmental impact of measures taken to attain a high level of fire safety. This study, which represents the first application of this LCA model, concentrates on a comparison between a TV with an enclosure manufactured with a flame retardant (FR) plastic (V0-rated high impact polystyrene, HIPS, typical f
The Ageing Population
China’s Belt and Road Initiative : Pragmatism over Morals?
Is China beating the US and EU through its pragmatic approach towards cooperation under the “Belt and Road” Initiative (“一带一路”倡议) (BRI)? Despite the advent of the US’ “Build Back Better World” (B3W) and the EU’s “Connecting Europe Globally” (CEG), evidence from Sri Lanka suggests that some countries still look to China for support due to the ‘no-strings-attached’ nature of its investments. The sta
Approximations to the Genuine Dialectics of the Enlightenment : On Husserl’s Europe, “Social Justice Theory”, and the Ethics of Semiosis
In Krisis, and in many of the preparatory papers for his last published work, Edmund Husserl repeatedly declares his allegiance to the Enlightenment, but, at the same time, always expresses his misgivings about its concrete purport. Like Horkheimer and Adorno, but for somewhat different reasons, he thus succumbs to what Ferrone has termed the philosopher’s conception of the Enlightenment, as opposIn Krisis, and in many of the preparatory papers for his last published work, Edmund Husserl repeatedly declares his allegiance to the Enlightenment, but, at the same time, always expresses his misgivings about its concrete purport. Like Horkheimer and Adorno, but for somewhat different reasons, he thus succumbs to what Ferrone has termed the philosopher’s conception of the Enlightenment, as oppos
Context-dependent effects of glucocorticoids on the lizard gut microbiome
The vertebrate gut microbiota (bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities of the gastrointestinal tract) can have profound effects on the physiological processes of their hosts. Although relatively stable, changes in microbiome structure and composition occur due to changes in the environment, including exposure to stressors and associated increases in glucocorticoid hormones. Although a growing n
Seeing the world through the eyes of a butterfly : visual ecology of the territorial males of Pararge aegeria (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Combining studies of animal visual systems with exact imaging of their visual environment can get us a step closer to understand how animals see their “Umwelt”. Here, we have combined both methods to better understand how males of the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, see the surroundings of their perches. These males are well known to sit and wait for a chance to mate with a passing femal
Mapping and Merging Using Sound and Vision : Automatic Calibration and Map Fusion with Statistical Deformations
Over the last couple of years both cameras, audio and radio sensors have become cheaper and more common in our everyday lives. Such sensors can be used to create maps of where the sensors are positioned and the appearance of the surroundings. For sound and radio, the process of estimating the sender and receiver positions from time of arrival (TOA) or time-difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements
Ray-tube integration in shooting and bouncing ray method revisited
The method of shooting and bouncing rays (SBR) was originally developed for radar cross section (RCS) analysis of aircraft engines, but is today widely used in many applications requiring high-frequency approximations. A dense grid of ray-tubes are launched from the source and traced by the laws of geometrical optics (GO) until they reach a defined exit aperture, from which the far field contribut