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Promoting athero-protective immunity by vaccination with low density lipoprotein-derived antigens
Immune responses activated by LDL particles that have been trapped and oxidized in the arterial wall play an important role in atherosclerosis. Some of these immune responses are protective by facilitating the removal of pro-inflammatory and toxic lipid species formed as result of LDL oxidation. However, should these protective immune responses be insufficient, other more potent pro-inflammatory i
Management-dependent effects of pollinator functional diversity on apple pollination services : A response–effect trait approach
Functional traits mediate the response of communities to disturbances (response traits) and their contribution to ecosystem functions (effect traits). To predict how anthropogenic disturbances influence ecosystem services requires a dual approach including both trait concepts. Here, we used a response–effect trait conceptual framework to understand how local and landscape features affect pollinato
Voters' view of leaders during the Covid-19 crisis : Quantitative analysis of keyword descriptions provides strength and direction of evaluations
Objectives: Previous research suggests that governments usually gain support during crises such as the Covid-19. However, these findings are based on rating scales that only allow us to measure the strength of this support. This article proposes a new measure of how voters evaluate Prime Ministers (PM) by asking for descriptive keywords that are analyzed by natural language processing.Methods: By
Introduction to Population and Economy
Övervakning av fåglarnas populationsutveckling. Årsrapport för 2020.
I denna rapport redovisas populationstrender för 228 svenska fågelarter för olika långa tidsperioder. Vi visar också korttidstrender för 12 arter av större däggdjur. Fåglarna har räknats höst, vinter, vår och sommar enligt strikt standardiserade metoder. Sommar- respektive vinterpunktrutter har räknats sedan 1975, i huvudsak i södra Sverige. Standardrutterna räknas också på sommaren (sedan1996) meWe present the results of the Swedish Bird Survey, run by the Department of Biology, Lund University, as a part of the National Monitoring Programme of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The results for 2020 include data from: 564 winter point counts in 2019/2020 (45th winter), of which 274 were carried out during the Christmas/New Year count, 210 summer point count routes (46th year) an
The Impact of Light Pollution on Bats Varies According to Foraging Guild and Habitat Context
We Review How Different Bat Guilds Respond To Artificial Light At Night (Alan) And Assess How The Impacts Can Vary According To Ecological Context. All Studied European Species Respond Negatively To Alan Close To Roosts And Drinking Sites, And The Impacts Occur Across A Wide Range Of Light Colors And Intensities. Most Bat Species Are Sensitive To Alan When Commuting And Foraging. Although Narrow-S
Carbon starvation, senescence and specific mitochondrial stresses, but not nitrogen starvation and general stresses, are major triggers for mitophagy in Arabidopsis
Selective degradation of mitochondria by autophagy (mitophagy) is thought to play an important role in mitochondrial quality control, but our understanding of which conditions induce mitophagy in plants is limited. Here, we developed novel reporter lines to monitor mitophagy in plants and surveyed the rate of mitophagy under a wide range of stresses and developmental conditions. Especially carbon
Towards organised prostate cancer testing in Sweden
Student beauty and grades under in-person and remote teaching
This paper examines the role of student facial attractiveness on academic outcomes under various forms of instruction, using data from engineering students in Sweden. When education is in-person, attractive students receive higher grades in non-quantitative subjects, in which teachers tend to interact more with students compared to quantitative courses. This finding holds both for males and female
Academia and society in collaborative knowledge production towards urban sustainability : several schemes—three common crossroads
Arrangements for collaboration in knowledge production across academia, government, non-governmental organisations, and corporations have several names, such as citizen-science, community-based participatory research, engaged research and hybrid forums. The multiplicity of schemes does not lie only in the high number of names for various versions of collaborative knowledge production. Different sc
3D X-ray microscopy with a CsPbBr3 nanowire scintillator
X-ray microscopy is an essential imaging method in many scientific fields, which can be extended to three-dimensional (3D) using tomography. Recently, metal halide perovskite (MHP) nanomaterials have become a promising candidate for X-ray scintillators, due to their high light yield, high spatial resolution, and easy fabrication. Tomography requires many projections and therefore scintillators wit
The genus Teloschistes in Australia and New Zealand : Book of abstracts; The fourth IAL symposium
Delayed Western Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) ventilation in response to the onset of a Mid-Holocene climate oscillation
The marine-terrestrial Baltic ecosystem is sensitive to a range of environmental forcing and thresholds. Multi-archive investigations of its evolution require a precise synchronization of the considered archives. Here, we apply globally common cosmogenic radionuclide production rate variations to synchronize 10Be records from brackish Western Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) and terrestrial lake Tiefer
Bedrock Weathering Controls on Terrestrial Carbon-Nitrogen-Climate Interactions
Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition is widely considered to increase CO2 sequestration by land plants on a global scale. Here, we demonstrate that bedrock nitrogen weathering contributes significantly more to nitrogen-carbon interactions than anthropogenic nitrogen deposition. This working hypothesis is based on the introduction of empirical results into a global biogeochemical simulation model over
Vulnerability and activism in urban climate politics: An actor-centered approach to transformational adaptation in Malmö (Sweden)
Climate change adaptation is rising on the agenda of cities. However, critics have argued that urban adaptation efforts largely focus on preserving economic growth while overlooking the root causes of unequal vulnerability to climate impacts, giving rise to climate injustices. In response, literature on transformational adaptation has politicized these issues but it has remained largely conceptual
The being of change : Why our minds matter for sustainability
An inspiring conversation between Sister Jayanti, European Director of Brahma Kumaris, and Professor Christine Wamsler, Director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program.
Paediatric emergency departments should manage young febrile and afebrile infants the same if they have a fever before presenting
AIM: Our aim was to evaluate the risk of bacterial meningitis, bacteremia, and urinary tract infection (UTI) in infants ≤60 days who presented to pediatric emergency departments (PEDs) after having fever at home. We also investigated any differences between infants who were afebrile or febrile on presentation.METHODS: Multicenter retrospective study of infants ≤60 days presented to 4 Swedish PEDs