

Din sökning på "*" gav 534151 sökträffar

Heat Transfer in a Channel under Effects of a Shallow-Angle Jet Impingement and a Rib

Experimental studies are carried out to investigate the heat transfer characteristics involving an impinging jet with a shallow-angle in a crossflow. A rib is applied to control the jet impingement heat transfer Liquid crystal technique is employed to measure the wall temperature and obtain the heat transfer coefficients. In the study, the Reynolds number for the crossflow is 80,000 and the Reynol

Analysis, metabolism, effects and biological monitoring of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom industrin används många olika kemikalier. Många av dessa kan förorsaka mer eller mindre allvarliga hälsoproblem. För att kunna mäta exponeringen och förutsäga riskerna måste bra metoder för övervakningen utvecklas. Idag användes mest olika luftövervakningsmetoder men dessa har brister då upptaget är individuellt och bland annat beror på arbetsbelastningen. DessutomN-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is an organic solvent widely used in the industry. Irritation of the eyes and in the respiratory system has been reported after occupational exposure to low air levels of NMP. The EU has also classified it as a developmental toxicant. NMP is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and airways and through skin. The general aim of this thesis was to develop and eva

Second order discourse: critically-informed research

Researchers who desire to bring about change in organizational settings require approaches to inquiry which can go beyond superficial appearances and prejudice. In seeking to go beyond mere examination of socio technical systems researchers have developed a proliferation of different approaches. Many of these have drawn upon social and human sciences to ground methods and assumptions in philosophi

Changes in chemical composition and microbial biomass during composting of straw and pig slurry

Composting was performed in an 800-L box and a 500-L, reactor system. The material used was shredded straw of Miscanthus with pig slurry added as a nitrogen source. Chemical and microbial parameters were measured at five degree temperature intervals until the end of the heating phase and then with increasing intervals during the remaining experiment. In both systems, major losses of carbon occurre

Adelsfröken, prästdottern och tjänstepigan : om ogifta mödrars utsatthet på 1700-talet

Artikeln behandlar konsekvenserna av utomäktenskapliga sexuella relationer beroende på kvinnans ståndstillhörighet. Bokens syfte är att förmedla historisk kunskap genom att återberätta individuella livsöden. Det levda livet blottlägger strukturer som omgett människor i olika tider – det kan handla om sociala, kulturella eller ekonomiska strukturer.

Autonomous Calibration Algorithms for Planar Networks of Cameras

We deal with the important applicative problem of distributed cameras calibration. We model a network of N cameras as an undirected graph in which communicating cameras can measure their relative orientation in a noisy way. These measures can be used in order to minimize a suitable cost function. The shape of this cost function depends on a vector of integers K. We propose two algorithms which in

Om tolkningen av traktater

In the relations between states interpretation of treaties is an everyday issue. When an agent of state confers a meaning on a treaty text, the ensuing interpretation is talked of as being legally either correct or incorrect. This is a distinction made possible thanks to the existence of certain norms. These are the norms which find expression in the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,