

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Selective fragmentation of valence and core electron excited CD and SF molecules

Electron–ion coincidence measurements with energy-resolved electrons are a powerful tool in studies of molecular fragmentation processes, since fragmentation from a specific doorway state can be monitored while the remaining reactions are discriminated. Presently, we have applied this technique in measurements of coincidence spectra of the CD4 and SF6 molecules after valence and core electron exci

Vid vägs ände lurar den pedagogiska roboten

Utbildning har förmodligen aldrig haft en mer upphöjd ställning än under de senaste decennierna. Samtidigt befinner sig skolan, eller snarare skolinstitutionen, i kris. Krisen har medfört att lärarna mer definieras som en del av problemet än av lösningen. Försöken att styra läraren i riktning mot en ”maktens lärare”, en anställd som lojalt gör det uppdragsgivaren vill, har därför också stått högt

Bidirectional crosslinguistic influence in L1-L2 encoding of manner in speech and gesture

Whereas most research in SLA assumes the relationship between the first language (L1) and the second language (L2) to be unidirectional, this study investigates the possibility of a bidirectional relationship. We examine the domain of manner of motion, in which monolingual Japanese and English speakers differ both in speech and gesture. Parallel influences of the L1 on the L2 and the L2 on the L1

Försök visar hur vatten tränger in i spricka

Vad händer när en spricka i putsen utsätts för hydrostatiskt vattentryck? Kan vatten transporteras i isoleringen? Hur påverkar horisontella och vertikala isolerskarvar vattenledningen? Kan vatten transporteras i gränsskiktet mellan puts och isolering? Vad händer om vatten når isolerhållarna? Kan vatten nå bakomliggande stomme? I ett forskningsprojekt vid Lunds tekniska högskola har experimentella

Characterization of the platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor kinase activity by use of synthetic peptides

Synthetic peptides derived from the sequence surrounding tyrosine-857 in the human platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) beta-receptor were used to elucidate the requirement for length and presence of negative and positively charged amino acids in substrates of the PDGF beta-receptor protein tyrosine kinase. The measured Km for the different peptides were all in the range 1-10 mM. A peptide of onl

Factors at admission associated with 4 months outcome in elderly patients with hip fracture.

The purpose of this descriptive cohort study was to describe patients with hip fracture on the basis of ASA physical status and to identify preoperative risk factors associated with postoperative outcome up to 4 months after surgery. Data were collected prospectively through the Swedish National Hip Fracture and Anesthetic registers and retrospectively from medical and nursing records. The 428 pat

On Optimal Filter Designs for Fundamental Frequency Estimation

Recently, we proposed using Capon's minimum variance principle to find the fundamental frequency of a periodic waveform. The resulting estimator is formed such that it maximizes the output power of a bank of filters. We present an alternative optimal single filter design and then proceed to quantify the similarities and differences between the estimators using asymptotic analysis and Monte Carlo s

K-isomers in very neutron-rich nuclei around mass 180

gamma-spectroscopy methods have been used to search for microsecond isomers among the fragmentation products of a 1 GeV/nucleon Pb-208 beam. In particular the population of the known K-pi = 35/2(-) isomer in W-179 has been investigated and several new isomeric decays have been found for neutron rich nuclei in the A approximate to 180-200 mass region. The ground state band of the neutron rich N = 1